
알파 걸스: 1:1 역량 강화 코칭(8-18세)

Ms. Michaela, MS
평균 평점:
수강 후기 수:
이 힘을 실어주는 1:1 코칭 수업은 학생들이 더 큰 자기 인식과 탄력성을 갖고 성장기를 헤쳐나갈 수 있도록 돕기 위해 고안되었습니다. 학생들은 개인화된 목표를 설정 및 달성하고 생활 기술을 배우며 자신감을 키울 것입니다.
보고계신 지문은 자동 번역 되었습니다

수업 소개

I have experience and training as both a therapist and a life coach. I specialize in working with girls and young women, empowering them to reach their goals and become confident leaders. Though I bring my experience and training as a therapist to my classes, I am not providing mental health therapy. 
빈도: Available upon request
세부 내용: An intake assessment will be delivered during our first session together. The purpose of this intake is to better understand my student's goals, personality and self-awareness. I will send you a write up of this assessment, after the first session. There will be mini-assessments, throughout the sessions, to determine and quantify their progress towards their goals.
I have experience with neurodivergent students and coaching clients, specifically with ADHD. I am prepared to assist students with ADHD craft goals that are in line with their unique needs. 
Coaching and therapy serve different, distinct purposes. 

Coaching for students typically revolves around personal development, skill-building, and goal achievement, with a focus on enhancing a student's potential and capabilities. Coaches work to empower kids, fostering a positive mindset and encouraging them to take responsibility for their actions. 

In contrast, therapy for kids concentrates on addressing emotional and behavioral challenges. Therapists explore underlying issues, provide coping strategies, and promote mental health. Therapy is often more directive, involving interventions to help children navigate and overcome specific psychological difficulties. 

While coaching aims at maximizing potential, therapy for kids is geared towards emotional well-being and resolving issues that may hinder healthy development. 

If during our coaching sessions I feel further mental health evaluation would be beneficial for your student, I will inform you immediately. If sensitive subject matter such as (but not limited to): clinically significant anxiety or depression, sexuality, drugs/alcohol, bullying or self-harm are brought up, I will not engage these conversations during our sessions and I will send a message to you immediately after class.
가입일: January, 2024
3수강 후기
Hello and welcome! My name is Ms. Michaela and I am excited to be teaching on Outschool!

My passion for empowering girls began with being a lifelong Girl Scout. I loved working as a Girl Scout camp counselor in the summers, and now I am a troop... 
일대일 코칭


요청 시 수업

1 명의 학생이 수업을 완료함
실시간 화상 수업
연령: 8-18

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