

Kari Santos - coding Scratch and Robotics
Star Educator
Scratch コーディングの初心者向け。Squishmallow を使って Scratch の旅を始めましょう。少人数制のクラスで個別に指導します。


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 2 - 5
Beginner レベル向け
  • Students will earn how to use Scratch to build animations. Students will learn how to add Sprites (characters), make them talk and move. They will also pick and edit a backdrop. Students will learn how to make sequences of code, and how to create timing so that Sprites interact with each other. Students will learn about Events and how to use them to run their code. Students will have enough experience and confidence to start creating more projects on their own.
I have taught Scratch to over 1000 learners on OutSchool and in person, and I love introducing new kids to this great platform!
I am astounded by the creativity of my students in their Scratch projects.
Please make sure your child has a Scratch account and can log into it - many kids forget their usernames and/or passwords. 

The hardest part of making a new account is coming up with a user name -- all the good ones are taken!  I recommend having the child pick two favorite words and a favorite number and combining them together.  "pizzacow17" for example. Pick a simple easy password. AND WRITE THEM DOWN SOMEWHERE!!!

Screen setup is really important in this class. I share my Scratch window on Zoom, and I expect that students can see my Scratch at the same time they work on their own Scratch window. I also ask students to share their screen when they run into difficulties so I can help them debug. This takes a good amount of screen space. Ideally a large screen on one computer (or laptop). Some students use two devices, but then they can't easily share their work with me. I don't recommend using one tablet (iPad) for the class, because the student can't see Zoom and Scratch at the same time (to the best of my knowledge). 

Also, it helps to have an adult nearby at the beginning of the first class to help set up the student's display correctly. I check in with every student at the beginning of each class and help them set up. But many students don't know how to resize windows.
We will be using Scratch (https://scratch.mit.edu/). An account is not neeeded, but recommended. The account can be set up before or after class.
参加しました March, 2020
Star Educator
I teach coding classes using Scratch and micro:bit robotics on OutSchool. I truly believe that Scratch is the best coding platform for kids. And micro:bit is by far the best "physical computing" device for learning robotics! I love the excitement... 




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年齢: 7-11
クラス人数: 1 人-5 人

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