

この継続的な読書グループでは、生徒はスムーズに読み、単語を正しく発音することを学びます。生徒は読書を楽しみ、他の人の読書を聞くようになります。epic.com の書籍から流暢さと理解力を養います。
Alyssa Teaches Photography


1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 30 分


英語レベル - A0.5
米国の学年 1 - 4
Beginner - Intermediate レベル向け
👩‍🏫 W H A T   W I L L   B E   T A U G H T 

👉 This ongoing 30-minute class is for those learning to read smoothly. 

👉 We will take turns reading a book together. 

🌟 I also offer 1:1 tutoring to support reading literacy as well. See the link at the bottom of this description.

T E A C H I N G  S T Y L E 

👩‍🏫 Ms. Alyssa will explain concepts with encouragement and demonstration. 

😃 Ms. Chirch is an enthusiastic and energetic teacher who loves to help learners!


✨L E S S O N  D E T A I L S

Lessons are open to ages 8-12, are 30 minutes, and are completely customized based to the students based on their needs.

✨ C L A S S  S T R U C T U R E 

💫Pick a book from getepic.com.
💫The teacher screen shares the book and the learners take turns reading with support.

✨ T E A C H I N G  S T Y L E

➡️ The teacher will offer pronunciation of words as needed and will guide the student with encouragement, demonstration, and teaching. 
➡️ I am an enthusiastic and energetic teacher who loves to hear learners read and helps them read well! 
➡️ I am also patient and helpful during the session. 

💫When students come to class the first time, they are usually unsure since reading is probably not a favorite. When they leave their first session I hear almost every parent saying how their student was 'excited about reading'! Parents love that and come back for that reason!

🏠  P R A C T I C E  A T  H O M E

Parents can Getepic.com is an online library of books and videos used to teach and support children learning to read. The website allows students to read a book a day at no charge after entering an email address. Regular paper books are encouraged to be read each day as well.

👩‍🏫 L I N K  T O  T U T O R I N G 🖥

Again, I offer tutoring services for those that would like more specific instruction and/or practice. See the link below.
1:1 Tutoring Services- https://outschool.com/classes/11-tutoring-for-reading-happy-with-words-50-minute-session-eRNHaxId?usid=FPSWD4iA&signup=true&utm_campaign=share_activity_link
Students will gain reading skills by listening to others read and reading him or herself. The practice will really help the child to become a smooth reader!


Getepic.com is the website being used for reading material. This is a student friendly website that allows for changing the grade or reading level easily to accommodate all readers. This will be utilized by the teacher as the teacher guides the student to choose a book each class. I help the student choose one that works for most to all of the students. When the book seems more difficult for one, it may be easy for another, however, this is also helpful in building confidence and creating reading challenges to help with learning. I share via screen share. Sometimes short videos are used for comprehension questions from the same site.
If you think there may be talking from family or siblings in the room during the session, please have your student use earbuds or headphones to support learning. Thank you!
参加しました November, 2020
フロリダ 教員免許 初等教育で
学士号 Bethel University (College), Mishawaka, INから
I have taught for over 13 years and most recently have taught in the 5th grade classroom as a Reading and English Teacher, and on Outschool for over 3 years. I tutor for literacy and reading fluency as well. See the link above for more information. Previously I have taught in private schools and homeschooled. I am currently getting my teacher certificate for grades Pk-3rd from the state of Florida. 




30 分

17 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 7-12
クラス人数: 2 人-6 人

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