
ラプンツェルの絵画パーティー - ディズニープリンセスと一緒に絵を描くことを学ぶ

Miss Emily


1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 30 分


Embark on a magical journey of artistic expression with Princess Rapunzel as your guide in her enchanting painting club! Nestled in the heart of her luminous tower, students are welcomed into a realm where creativity knows no bounds.

Princess Rapunzel, with her radiant spirit and boundless imagination, shares her passion for artistry with each aspiring painter. Through her gentle encouragement and whimsical teachings, she inspires students to unlock their inner artists and paint with the vibrant colors of their dreams.

From the lush landscapes of Corona to the twinkling stars that adorn the night sky, every stroke of the brush is guided by Princess Rapunzel's reverence for the beauty that surrounds us. Her class is not just about mastering techniques but about embracing the joy of creation and infusing each masterpiece with the magic of one's own heart.

As the sun sets and the last brushstroke is applied, students leave Princess Rapunzel's class with hearts full of inspiration and canvases bursting with imagination. For in this magical painting journey, guided by the princess's radiant light, they have discovered that true artistry lies not only in what is painted but in the soul that paints it.

Here is a list of what we will paint in the upcoming weeks!

October 7 - 11: Spooky Spiderweb
October 14 - 18: Scaredy Cat


参加しました September, 2021
学士号 Southwestern Oklahoma State Universityから
Once upon a time, a little girl stood in front of her imaginary blackboard giving lessons to her stuffed animals. As her mother watched her teaching her furry friends, she knew her daughter was fated to be a teacher. As mothers often are, she was right. True story.

Fast forward to 2021, here I am on Outschool. I am passionate about teaching children and also helping them develop their social skills and sense of self. I want to prepare them for a successful and confident life! My classes will feature many topics I am passionate about like Waldorf-inspired classes, Pre-K Curriculum, ELA skills, Theatre, Music, Sewing, Crafts, Jewelry Making, and more. I am tremendously excited to teach classes on Outschool!

🎓 My Education 
B.S. in Organizational Leadership 
A.A. in Diversified Studies with an emphasis in theatre and vocal performance.

👩‍🏫 My Experience - 5 Years Teaching Both Online and In-Person, TESOL Certified.

I have five years of experience teaching both online and in person. Half of the time was teaching English online. I am a TESOL certified teacher. I taught over 9,000 English classes and received thousands of 5-star reviews. 

The other half of my experience comes from teaching theatre arts at a local community theatre. There, I created and taught hundreds of classes featuring skills like acting, singing, character building, makeup, and more. While I was there, I also directed and choreographed many shows. I worked with thousands of children in this capacity.

Before teaching, I worked as a tutor and nanny by day and actor and singer by night. I often performed in children's theatres. I love performing for children! A couple of favorite roles were Nancy in Oliver and Juliet in Romeo and Juliet. I also have performed as a princess in many children's parties and events. 

📃My Philosophy
I believe every child is unique, and every child has special gifts that need to be nurtured and encouraged. 

I encourage my learners to express themselves fully. Their thoughts and ideas are valid! I know how to use my great listening skills to make the students eager to communicate. I also aim to create social interaction between all participants in my classes. Social interaction is vital in learning and growing!

🤝 My Promise 
My promise is to always support learners with respect, understanding, patience, and care. I believe we are making a better tomorrow by loving our children today.

🎊 More Fun Facts 
I am happily married! I also have 15 nieces and nephews! I have a lot of hobbies like gaming, needle felting, nail stamping, sculpting with clay, and jewelry making that I also hope to teach about at Outschool. 

I wear many hats in the theatre and have also worked professionally as a seamstress. I have costumed shows, including Beauty and the Beast and Les Miserable.

I am a lifelong learner and continue to supplement my knowledge of teaching by reading and taking workshops. I am currently reading Suzanne Bouffard's book, The Most Important Year. I am also reading a book about Fairytales by Rudolf Steiner the founder of the Waldorf teaching method. 

🎇Thank You
Thank you for reading my information and for your dedication to your child’s learning journey. I hope to see your learner in class!





30 分
4 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 4-9
クラス人数: 1 人-8 人

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