
人前でのスピーチとコミュニケーション: スピーチの書き方と伝え方の技術を学びましょう!

この 4 レッスンのコースでは、学生は文章の書き方から話し方まで、人前で話すことのさまざまな側面について指導を受けます。特に、自信をつけること、スピーチの書き方、あらゆるレベルのスピーチの話し方に重点が置かれています。
Michael Scott Gullett


4 ライブミーティング
3 時間 20 分 授業時間
週1時間. Week long homework project of writing a speech - that is of the students choice and presenting it in the final class as the assessment.
Informal through discussion and examining the progress. Formal assessment through giving a speech.


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 8 - 11
Hello - welcome to my fun Public Communication course. We will learn all about the different types of speeches, the basics of presenting great speeches, and most importantly present a speech for any occasion. This course is public speaking, communications, debate, and speeches for students at any level. No matter if you are a beginner or advance - we will dive into the process of writing excellent speeches, the importance of delivery, and presenting a speech. 

Do you have a fear of public speaking? Do have a hard time writing speeches? Do you have a fear of public speaking? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this is the course for you! Through my Public Communication course we will learn how to create and present an awesome speech that will leave any of your listeners speechless. My class will use several different formats from video examples, interactive discussions, lecture, some notes, readings, and creating a speech to end the course. 

I have 16 years as a speech and debate coach experience! I am looking forward to teaching you the art of Public Communication to help you in any occasion. 

Type of instruction:
1. Individualized
2. Specific activities and methods from sixteen plus years as an educator assigning speeches in history, English, and seminar classes as well as a coach of speech and debate
3. A wide range of activities to become comfortable in speaking and working on delivery

Lesson One:
Introductions - different types of speeches. Activities to become comfortable with speaking. Also, we will start to examine speech writing. We will also examine the assignment of picking a topic, and the type of speech that the student wishes to write as well as present for our last class.

Lesson Two: 
Review from the prior lesson, dive deeper into speech writing, and delivery. In our second lesson we will have some more activities to work on public speaking and delivery. Continue to check in on students research, writing, and practicing of their speech.

Lesson Three:
Review the main topics of writing an excellent speech, and the important process of delivery for the speech. Continue to preform activities to assist in thinking on our feet, becoming comfortable with public speaking, and delivery. Assist students on the writing of speeches and practice. 

Lesson Four:
Present our speeches. If time allows preform some more speaking activities, and celebrate our learning. We will also examine the strengths of our speeches as well as things to work on. 

Public Communication Topics:
1. Type of speeches
2. Writing of speeches
3. Delivery


Speeches all types - how to write amazing speeches - and all parts of presenting a great speech or debate! This course will look at informative, expository, oratory, persuasive, giving a dramatic or humorous interpretation, presenting poetry, and different types of debate (from congress, Model UN, Lincoln Douglas, Public Forum, and Cross Examination Debate).


None - students will be encouraged to find great topics. Any topics that are to sensitive will not happen and we will pick topics that are not sensitive.
Paper and pencil or other means to write a speech, ability to perform research (internet), paper and/or note cards for speech.
参加しました June, 2020

My name is Michael S. Gullett. However, all my students tend to call me Mr. G! I have 20 years of being a teacher and a principal in Alaska. Plus, another six years as a young pup growing up in Alaska. I have had the wonderful opportunity to work and travel all over the state of Alaska. Many of the villages and towns are only accessible by plane or boat. 

During the vast majority of my career, I have taught history/social studies; but while teaching at a high school near Anchorage (Alaska) I became a member of the Seminar or the Socratic Method to teaching. In the seminar method students and their take on learning the content through readings (many time primary documents), creating together deep philosophical questions to expand our learning, and discussion. These three aspects a main parts to a seminar class, but I can ensure future students and parents that there is so much more to this style of teaching. The Zoom technology is a perfect for examining history and language arts through the seminar style. I use the seminar style to ask my students deep philosophical questions that allows us to think deeply about history. In my classes, history comes alive is so many different ways. My teaching experience includes elementary to high grades, different contents or curriculums, special education resource, as well as Career and Technical Education. 

I have been teaching on Outschool since 2020 (hard to believe it has already been four years)! I really enjoy teaching on Outschool, because I am able to teach history, language arts (writing), public speaking, and other unique classes from sports broadcasting and podcasting to classes about Alaska. I am looking forward to your son or daughter signing up for one of my classes! 

I have two Master Degree: One in Educational Leadership and the second in Career and Technical Education. You will find that I do a wonderful job of getting to know my students and their future interests. This allows me to connect history to my students interest. I also have a BA in History and Secondary Education. My main emphasis for history was Native American and the Frontier (West) History. Even though this was my focus - I love all history from American History to World History and even a cool topic like 1960s Rock and Roll. One of the main reasons for joining Outschool is having the freedom to offer interest historical and language arts topics, finding out what my students are interested in, and creating classes on topics that in a traditional school I might not have the opportunity to go in depth. I know that you will find my classes fun, engaging, creative, and an excellent bridge between high school and college level content. I am also looking forward to creating exciting history and/or geography lessons for younger grade, because many times traditional schools no longer have the time to dive into these extremely fun ares. 

Fun Facts About Mr. G!
1. I have been a white water raft guide
2. I catch lots of fresh salmon each summer
3. I have been a sports broadcaster
4. I have coached football, baseball, and speech/debate
5. I played two years of college baseball 
6. I have published a sports podcast
7.  I have published article on Career and Technical Education
8. I am currently writing a historical fiction novel
9. And of course I love to travel, play, and spend time with my amazing family 

I am looking forward to you joining my classes!




4 クラス分
週に1回、 4 週間
50 分

25 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 13-17
クラス人数: 1 人-14 人

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