1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 1 時間 30 分宿題:
週1時間. Weekly preparation is useful to be effectively prepared for class.テスト
If requested, grades and assessments are available. All assignments must be completed in order to receive grade or assessment.評価
If requested, grades and assessments are available. All assignments must be completed in order to receive grade or assessment.この文章は自動翻訳されています
英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 6 - 9
For 90 minutes each week we will practice our debate skills and critique each other. Each week will focus on different skills, such as how to think quickly and format a strong argument when rebutting, or how to present a solid original argument with structure and focus, or even how to throw off our opponent during a debate. The critical importance of respect for others opinions and kindness in argumentation will be present throughout the class, but we also plan to have lots of fun in this club. There will be games to play, such as rebuttal tennis and we will laugh often and much! The week prior to class the format and topic of the next week will be posted in the classroom to allow learners to prepare, research, or consider arguments ahead of time, should they choose. The classes will not build on each other though. This ongoing course is designed to simply be a fun, interactive way to practice our argumentation, oratory and presentation skills in a safe and supportive environment. Learners are encouraged to drop in or opt out for any weeks that will not work or topics or formats that are of less interest. In short, debate club is a fun, low stress club for those who just love to argue and whose siblings and families want a break! Come join the fun!!
Choosing debate topics is tricky. I encourage learners to engage in debate on both sides of an argument, even when they don't agree with the view point. I see this as a safe place to practice this skill, which can be very useful in understanding both your oppositions argument and view point as well as your own. By understanding the other side, you can more fully understand why you may hold a specific opinion or position.
Having said that, I also tell my learners that it is important to know your boundaries and to know when you simply cannot argue a certain position. The topics are announced a week ahead of time, so if it is a topic that is unsuitable for the learner, they can opt out for that week. As well, as a rule, I stray away from current political issues and insist that the class remains respectful to everyone's personal right to their own thoughts and positions.
As a lawyer, I have spent many years of schooling learning debate format, argumentation skills and critical analysis of arguments. I have now been teaching The Great Debate on Outschool and absolutely love my hours spent with learners fine tuning our argumentation skills. I teach structure and format in the 10 week class.....this Debate Club is a place for learners to now come and practice their argumentation skills.
90 分
629 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 11-16
クラス人数: 4 人-16 人