

per session


138 人が学習を完了しました
年齢 8 歳-18 歳
フランス語を話す講師から毎週フランス語を学びます。毎週の宿題で生徒のニーズと興味に基づいたプライベートなカスタマイズ可能なレッスン。 *毎週同じ時間
(280 レビュー)

週に 2回開催 (講師からの提案)
25 分


25 分
週あたり 1-2 時間. Homework are not mandatory, but I strongly suggest them to progress faster!


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 1 - 12
Beginner - Advanced レベル向け

It is a pleasure for me to customize my lessons to your needs and interests. With over 15 years of teaching experience, I have taught students from k-12 (online and in person), therefore, I have hundreds of games and material adaptable to all ages, interests, levels of energy and needs, all available at my finger tips!

*Please do not schedule classes yourself even if the system let you do so. Please contact me by e-mail first so that we can discuss.  

*Now, on-going classes means that you are committed to coming to class AT THE SAME TIME AND DAY every week. On-going classes are cheaper because I know you will be there weekly. If you cannot be present at your regular time ONCE IN A WHILE, you must cancel that specific class as soon as possible and contact me. Do not reschedule it yourself (even if the system lets you). 
If you have a schedule that moves frequently, you cannot select on-going classes. We can talk and set up one-time classes at times and days that work for both of us.

Online French tutoring services can be useful for anyone who wants to either learn French from scratch or who wants to improve their language skills. We can learn French through songs, poems, simple passages, historical documents, or simply using any homework your child might bring to class. Parents or older family members are welcome to assist during the lesson. It can always be fun to practice with your child after class, but remember, the focus is on your child's development.

 I love to hear from parents or students before class. Please communicate with me by e-mail and enlist learning goals or any expectations you may have. I also appreciate a little summary of your child's personality, previous experiences and interests. For example, if your daughter is an "Elsa" fan, or if your son is passionate about "Ultraman," I love to get my puppets ready so that we can all discuss together. 

For older students, I can bring music from a specific genre to provide an engaging lesson for them. 
Here are examples of the first topics taught in this class. I will teach topics in the following order. Time will vary depending of the student’s capacity and previous knowledge.

This class is an 'on-going' class therefore time and day of the meeting must be regular.

1.	numbers 1-9 (+ verb I want) *tic-tac-toe
2.	family members (mother, father, sister, brother, J’ai, I have) *describe your family 
3.	the (le, la, les) *matching
4.	colors (yellow, orange, red, blue, green, purple, pink) *draw the rainbow + number the colors
5.	adjectives small and big (feminine, masculine, is (est)) *guess who
6.	L’  
7.	a-e-i-o-u  *draw the face 
8.	numbers 10-16
9.	Fruit veggies (easy) + verb to like (La banane, l’olive, L’avocat, La patate, L’ananas, Le cèleri, La cerise, La salade, La tomate, Le broccoli, La carotte)
10.	I like, I hate, I adore, I do not like
11.	Fruit, veggies (level 2)*guess the fruit game (raisin, orange, pomme, poire, fraise, melon d’eau, cerise*song J’aime les fruits 
12.	pronouns (I, you, he, she, we, they (formal and informal) *matching game
13.	numbers 17- 20 *tic-tac-toe, rabbit game
14.	adjective long and short (long, longue, court, courte)
15.	verb to have  *power point *fish game (J’ai un poisson rouge, tu as 2 poissons verts et jaunes)
16.	distant family members (uncle, aunt, cousins)  *famous family game
17.	restaurant verbs, verbs of the first group (er) (demander, couper, aimer, commander, detester, gouter, réserver, adorer) *correct mistakes in ER verbs activity restaurant
18.	telling the time (by the hour): Il est:
19.	colors (white, brown, black, gray) *guess who
20.	verbs er questions and negatives
21.	shapes 2D (Minecraft or house or penguin)
22.	numbers 20-30 *tic-tac-toe, rabbit game
23.	telling the time (By the half hour): il est:
24.	food (meals) match by elimination. (review er verb restaurant and ask for appetizer, meal and desert and addition)
25.	dialogue present (at the restaurant) connect four
26.	Days of the week
27.	emotions -emoji game – review verb to have (I have headache, I have eye pain)  
28.	vegetable set number 3 (corn, peas, garlic, lime, lemon)  bingo food
29.	places in the city
30.	verb to go
31.	sentence making: I am thirsty so I go to the café.
32.	parts of the face (eyes, nose, mouth, hair, eyebrows) *Memory game
33.	MY (mon, ma, mes) IS/ARE (est, sont) Yours (ton, ta, tes) his/hers (son, sa, ses)
34.	numbers 31-41
35.	formule descriptive
36.	liste adjectifs (update)
37.	school supply (effacer, dessiner, couper, aiguiser, porter)
38.	verbs wear, erase, sharpen
39.	numbers 42-60
40.	verb to be
41.	telling the time (by the minute)
42.	school subjects
43.	Verbs er (tourner, manger, habiter, toucher, regarder, écouter, parler, danser, marcher)
44.	adjectives fast and slow + basic animals  *research paper
45.	Marine life (verb swim and eat) 
46.	Verbs IR (2ND GROUP)
47.	his/hers (son, sa, ses), ours (notre, nos), theirs (leur, leurs)
48.	classes de mots
49.	adverbs (add to descriptive formula)
50.	body parts (head, shoulders, knees, feet, ears) *song head, shoulders knees and toes
51.	shapes 3D
52.	Months of the year (write them, unscramble, Bingo translation)
53.	pizza
54.	verbs at school (first group, er)
55.	seasons (organize months and description)
56.	transportations
57.	verb to go, directions (North, South, East, West)
58.	left, right, up, down
59.	verbs from the 3rd group (irregular, present)
60.	clothing (Place by season, place by weather)
61.	French monuments
62.	Future proche (verb tense) (birthday theme)
63.	Cardinal numbers (3 little pigs) souffler, courrir, bâtir
64.	Prepositions (in, over, under, next to, far from, close) Classroom supply
65.	Rooms of the house, write about your bedroom
66.	Devoir, pouvoir, vouloir (must, can, want) & emotions
67.	Negative sentences (rules) with prepositions (she cannot run in the street, he cannot drink next to the computer) & kitchen
68.	Verbes réflexifs & bathroom
69.	Verbes reflexifs négatifs
70.	Chocolat belge 
71.	Homophone vert. verre. vers
72.	Homophone à-a-ah
73.	Comparative, superlative
74.	Update adjectives list 
75.	Métier. Pick and describe
76.	Animaux 
77.	 Quand? Use the calendar to say when.
Lesson 1
Petit / petite :  small (masculine, feminine)
Grand / grande : tall (masculine, feminine)
Moi: me, myself
Habite: live
Qui: who
Un, une : one (masculine, feminine)
Deux : 2
Trois: 3
Quatre: 4
Cinq: 5
Six: 6
Sept: 7
Huit: 8
Neuf: 9
Je: I
Tu: you
Il: he
Elle: she
Lesson 2
La maison: the house
Le père: the father
La mère: the mother
Le frère: the brother
La soeur: the sister
Jaune: yellow
Orange: orange
Rouge: red
Vert: green
Bleu: blue
Violet: purple
Rose: pink
Le: the (masculine)
La: the (feminine)
Les: the (plural)
Aimer: to like
Detester: to hate
Adorer: to adore
Lesson 3
Dix: 10
Onze: 11
Douze: 12
Treize: 13
Quatorze: 14
Quinze: 15
Seize: 16
La banane: the banana
L’olive: the olive
L’avocat: the avocado
La patate: the potato
L’ananas: the pineapple
Le cèleri: the celery
La cerise: the cherry
La salade: the salad
La tomate: the tomato
Le brocoli: the broccoli
La carotte: the carrot
Lesson 4
Le raisin: the grape
L’ orange: the orange
La pomme: the apple
La poire: the pear
La fraise: the strawberry
Le melon d’eau: the water melon
La cerise: the cherry
Nous: we
Vous: you (polite form)
Ils: they (boys or boys and girls)
Elles: they (girls)
to have: Avoir
I have              J'ai
you   have        tu as
he has             il a
she has           elle a
we have         nous avons
you (polite)    vous avez
he (plural)          ils ont
she (plural)        elles ont


Here are examples of the first topics taught in this class. I will teach topics in the following order. Time will vary depending of the student’s capacity and previous knowledge.
1.	a-e-i-o-u  *draw the face
2.     numbers 1-9 (+ verb I want) *tic-tac-toe
3.	family members (mother, father, sister, brother, J’ai, I have) *describe your family 
4.	the (le, la, les) *matching
5.	colors (yellow, orange, red, blue, green, purple, pink) *draw the rainbow + number the colors
6.	adjectives small/short and big/tall (feminine, masculine, is (est)) *guess who
7.	L’  
8.	un, une, des (describe family pictures)
9.     pronouns (I, you, he, she, we, they (formal and informal) *matching game, spin the wheel
10.	Fruit veggies (easy) + verb to like (La banane, l’olive, L’avocat, La patate, L’ananas, Le cèleri, La cerise, La salade, La tomate, Le broccoli, La carotte) (three syllables game)
11.	I like, I hate, I adore, I do not like
11.	numbers 10-20
13.	14.	adjective fat and slim (gros, grosse, maigre)
15.	verb to have  *power point *fish game (J’ai un poisson rouge, tu as 2 poissons verts et jaunes)
16.	distant family members (uncle, aunt, cousins)  *famous family game
17.    Basic verbs in ER (PARLER, HABITER, APPELLER) restaurant verbs, verbs of the first group (er) (demander, couper, aimer, commander, detester, gouter, réserver, adorer) *correct mistakes in ER verbs activity restaurant
18.	telling the time (by the hour): Il est:
19.	colors (white, brown, black, gray) *guess who
20.	verbs er questions and negatives
21.	shapes 2D (Minecraft or house or penguin)
22.	numbers 20-30 *tic-tac-toe, rabbit game
23.	telling the time (By the half hour): il est:
24.	food (meals) match by elimination. (review er verb restaurant and ask for appetizer, meal and desert and addition)
25.	dialogue present (at the restaurant) connect four
26.	Days of the week
27.	emotions -emoji game – review verb to have (I have headache, I have eye pain) 
28.	vegetable set number 3 (corn, peas, garlic, lime, lemon)  bingo food
29.	places in the city
30.	verb to go
31.	sentence making: I am thirsty so I go to the café.
32.	parts of the face (eyes, nose, mouth, hair, eyebrows) *Memory game
33.	MY (mon, ma, mes) IS/ARE (est, sont) Yours (ton, ta, tes) his/hers (son, sa, ses)
34.	numbers 31-41
35.	formule descriptive
36.	liste adjectifs (update)
37.	school supply (effacer, dessiner, couper, aiguiser, porter)
38.	verbs wear, erase, sharpen
39.	numbers 42-60
40.	verb to be
41.	telling the time (by the minute)
42.	school subjects
43.	Verbs er (tourner, manger, habiter, toucher, regarder, écouter, parler, danser, marcher)
44.	adjectives fast and slow + basic animals  *research paper
45.	Marine life (verb swim and eat) 
46.	Verbs IR (2ND GROUP)
47.	his/hers (son, sa, ses), ours (notre, nos), theirs (leur, leurs)
48.	classes de mots
49.	adverbs (add to descriptive formula)
50.	body parts (head, shoulders, knees, feet, ears) *song head, shoulders knees and toes
51.	shapes 3D
52.	Months of the year (write them, unscramble, Bingo translation)
53.	pizza
54.	verbs at school (first group, er)
55.	seasons (organize months and description)
56.	transportations
57.	verb to go, directions (North, South, East, West)
58.	left, right, up, down
59.	verbs from the 3rd group (irregular, present)
60.	clothing (Place by season, place by weather)
61.	French monuments
62.	Future proche (verb tense) (birthday theme)
63.	Cardinal numbers (3 little pigs) souffler, courrir, bâtir
64.	Prepositions (in, over, under, next to, far from, close) Classroom supply
65.	Rooms of the house, write about your bedroom
66.	Devoir, pouvoir, vouloir (must, can, want) & emotions
67.	Negative sentences (rules) with prepositions (she cannot run in the street, he cannot drink next to the computer) & kitchen
68.	Verbes réflexifs & bathroom
69.	Verbes reflexifs négatifs
70.	Chocolat belge 
71.	Homophone vert. verre. vers
72.	Homophone à-a-ah
73.	Comparative, superlative
74.	Update adjectives list 
75.	Métier. Pick and describe
76.	Animaux 
77.	 Quand? Use the calendar to say when.
Lesson 1
Petit / petite :  small (masculine, feminine)
Grand / grande : tall (masculine, feminine)
Moi: me, myself
Habite: live
Qui: who
Un, une : one (masculine, feminine)
Deux : 2
Trois: 3
Quatre: 4
Cinq: 5
Six: 6
Sept: 7
Huit: 8
Neuf: 9
Je: I
Tu: you
Il: he
Elle: she
Lesson 2
La maison: the house
Le père: the father
La mère: the mother
Le frère: the brother
La soeur: the sister
Jaune: yellow
Orange: orange
Rouge: red
Vert: green
Bleu: blue
Violet: purple
Rose: pink
Le: the (masculine)
La: the (feminine)
Les: the (plural)
Aimer: to like
Detester: to hate
Adorer: to adore
Lesson 3
Dix: 10
Onze: 11
Douze: 12
Treize: 13
Quatorze: 14
Quinze: 15
Seize: 16
La banane: the banana
L’olive: the olive
L’avocat: the avocado
La patate: the potato
L’ananas: the pineapple
Le cèleri: the celery
La cerise: the cherry
La salade: the salad
La tomate: the tomato
Le brocoli: the broccoli
La carotte: the carrot
Lesson 4
Le raisin: the grape
L’ orange: the orange
La pomme: the apple
La poire: the pear
La fraise: the strawberry
Le melon d’eau: the water melon
La cerise: the cherry
Nous: we
Vous: you (polite form)
Ils: they (boys or boys and girls)
Elles: they (girls)
to have: Avoir
I have              J'ai
you   have        tu as
he has             il a
she has           elle a
we have         nous avons
you (polite)    vous avez
he (plural)          ils ont
she (plural)        elles ont


You MUST have take: One-on-One/Private French Tutoring With Madame Amelie Vallieres (Bachelor) 25min, once before registering for On-Going 25 Minutes French Class With Madame Amélie.
ALWAYS come to class with a notebook dedicated to French, pencils and color markers or color pencils.
 クラス登録時に 7 の学習素材が提供されます


参加しました July, 2021
学士号 Palm Beach Atlantic Universityから 音楽、演劇、芸術 へ
Hello! My name is Amelie Vallieres and I am glad you stopped by my profil! It would be a joy to have class with you. I love to teach, it is my passion! I have been teaching since 2014 after graduated with a bachelor in Education in the State of Florida. In addition, I have conducted classes in schools and online on various platforms. I truly enjoy teaching online and build connections with children around the world. I, myself, was born in Canada, moved to United States for 12 years, then move again back home, in the French speaking province of Québec. My teaching philosophy is simple,  if the lessons are engaging, then students will remember the content longer. I am so excited to offer my expertise on Outschool!

Beside teaching, I love to learn languages and to travel. I was born in Québec, Canada, therefore I spoke French and English as a child. I have also lived abroad for multiple months in France, Peru, Germany and Switzerland. I am now living in Valleyfield, Québec, Canada.

I am so excited to be here and teach! See you in my classroom!
Teacher Amelie

Certification from the State of Florida:
Professional Education Test
General Knowledge Test
Music K-12
English 6th-8th  

2018- Present: Online ESOL Teacher (Various Platforms such as VIPKID)
2018-2019: English Teacher (High School) 
2016-2018: Music Teacher (Grade k-12)
Summer 2015-Summer 2017: STEM Teacher
2015-2016: Assistant Behavior and Physical Needs
2014 2016: Substitute Teacher For Palm Beach County School District

In progress: Master Degree in Special Education
2013: Bachelor of Arts from Palm Beach Atlantic University,   (West Palm Beach, Florida)
-Double major: English Lit. and Middle School English Education 
-Minor: Spanish


Amélie Vallières は次にこのクラスを提案しています...
Amélie Vallières
$42 セッションごと
10 歳-18 歳

Laura Valentini
$20 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Monday の4:35 PM です
8 週間、 1/週、 30 分
5 歳-7 歳
サマーキャンプ初心者向けフランス語の楽しみ: 有名なフランス美術を探索しながらフランス語を学ぶ
Language Lions by Rebecca Kiziltas
$15 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tue 6/24 の2 PM です
1 週間、 3/週、 30 分
8 歳-11 歳
フランス語イマージョン - 『星の王子さま』で上級フランス語を学ぶ
Madame Crouse (Licensed French Teacher)
$11 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Thu 9/4 の4:15 PM です
28 週間、 1/週、 30 分
14 歳-18 歳
Madame Crouse (Licensed French Teacher)
$10 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tue 9/2 の5:15 PM です
33 週間、 2/週、 30 分
14 歳-18 歳
初心者のためのフランス語: フランス語 1 へようこそ
Lucy Leon
$24 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Fri 4/11 の5 PM です
12 週間、 1/週、 45 分
7 歳-11 歳
初級フランス語 I: 通年レベル I フランス語クラス
Madame Crouse (Licensed French Teacher)
$10 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tue 9/2 の1:15 PM です
33 週間、 2/週、 30 分
14 歳-18 歳
Laura Valentini
$20 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Monday の9:30 PM です
8 週間、 1/週、 30 分
9 歳-12 歳
Madame Crouse (Licensed French Teacher)
$10 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tue 9/2 の2:15 PM です
33 週間、 2/週、 30 分
13 歳-18 歳
フランス語入門: レベル 5 初級フランス語
Megan Layne
$15 クラスごと
8 週間、 1/週、 45 分
8 歳-11 歳
初級フランス語 I: 通年レベル I フランス語クラス
Madame Crouse (Licensed French Teacher)
$10 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tue 9/2 の2:45 PM です
33 週間、 2/週、 30 分
9 歳-13 歳
Madame Crouse (Licensed French Teacher)
$10 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tue 9/2 の1:45 PM です
33 週間、 2/週、 30 分
10 歳-13 歳
Inspire Tutors
$13 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Wed 2/26 の12 AM です
1/週、 30 分
8 歳-12 歳
Laura Valentini
$20 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Monday の9:30 PM です
8 週間、 1/週、 30 分
13 歳-18 歳
フランス語入門パート2 - 16週間の初心者向けフランス語コース
Language Lions by Rebecca Kiziltas
$16 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tue 4/29 の5:30 PM です
16 週間、 1/週、 30 分
7 歳-11 歳
Jordan Blamer
$20 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Wed 3/5 の9:30 PM です
6 週間、 1/週、 55 分
14 歳-18 歳
フランス語入門パート 1 - 16 週間の初心者向けフランス語コース
Language Lions by Rebecca Kiziltas
$16 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Wed 2/26 の3 PM です
16 週間、 1/週、 30 分
7 歳-11 歳
App StoreでダウンロードGoogle Playで入手する