

Amélie Vallières


このクラスは フランス語で教えられます。
1.	numbers 1-9 (+ verb I want) *tic-tac-toe
2.	family members (mother, father, sister, brother, J’ai, I have) *describe your family 
3.	the (le, la, les) *matching
4.	colors (yellow, orange, red, blue, green, purple, pink) *draw the rainbow + number the colors
5.	adjectives small and big (feminine, masculine, is (est)) *guess who
6.	L’  
7.	a-e-i-o-u  *draw the face 
8.	numbers 10-16
9.	Fruit veggies (easy) + verb to like (La banane, l’olive, L’avocat, La patate, L’ananas, Le cèleri, La cerise, La salade, La tomate, Le broccoli, La carotte)
10.	I like, I hate, I adore, I do not like
11.	Fruit, veggies (level 2)*guess the fruit game (raisin, orange, pomme, poire, fraise, melon d’eau, cerise*song J’aime les fruits 
12.	pronouns (I, you, he, she, we, they (formal and informal) *matching game
13.	numbers 17- 20 *tic-tac-toe, rabbit game
14.	adjective long and short (long, longue, court, courte)
15.	verb to have  *power point *fish game (J’ai un poisson rouge, tu as 2 poissons verts et jaunes)
16.	distant family members (uncle, aunt, cousins)  *famous family game
17.	restaurant verbs, verbs of the first group (er) (demander, couper, aimer, commander, detester, gouter, réserver, adorer) *correct mistakes in ER verbs activity restaurant
18.	telling the time (by the hour): Il est:
19.	colors (white, brown, black, gray) *guess who
20.	shapes 2D (Minecraft or house or penguin)
21.	numbers 20-30 *tic-tac-toe, rabbit game
22.	telling the time (By the half hour): il est:
23.	food (meals) (review er verb restaurant and ask for appetizer, meal and desert and addition)
24.	dialogue present (at the restaurant)
25.	Days of the week
26.	emotions -emoji game – review verb to have (I have headache, I have eye pain)
27.	vegetable set number 3 (corn, peas, garlic, lime, lemon)  bingo food
28.	places in the city
29.	verb to go
30.	sentence making: I am thirsty so I go to the café.
31.	parts of the face (eyes, nose, mouth, hair, eyebrows) *Memory game
32.	MY (mon, ma, mes) IS/ARE (est, sont) Yours (ton, ta, tes) his/hers (son, sa, ses)
33.	numbers 31-41
34.	formule descriptive
35.	liste adjectifs (update)
36.	school supply 
37.	verbs wear, erase, sharpen
38.	numbers 42-60
39.	verb to be
40.	telling the time (by the minute)
41.	school subjects
42.	Verbs er (tourner, manger, habiter, toucher, regarder, écouter, parler, danser, marcher)
43.	adjectives fast and slow + basic animals  *research paper
44.	Marine life (verb swim and eat) 
45.	his/hers (son, sa, ses), ours (notre, nos), theirs (leur, leurs)
46.	classes de mots
47.	adverbs (add to descriptive formula)
48.	body parts (head, shoulders, knees, feet, ears) *song head, shoulders knees and toes
49.	shapes 3D
50.	Months of the year (write them, unscramble, Bingo translation)
51.	pizza
52.	verbs at school (first group, er)
53.	seasons (organize months and description)
54.	transportations
55.	verb to go, directions (North, South, East, West)
56.	left, right, up, down
57.	verbs from the 3rd group (irregular, present)
58.	clothing (Place by season, place by weather)
59.	French monuments
60.	Future proche (verb tense) (birthday theme)
61.	Cardinal numbers (3 little pigs) souffler, courrir, bâtir
62.	Prepositions (in, over, under, next to, far from, close) -parts of the house
63.	Rooms of the house, write about your bedroom
64.	Devoir, pouvoir, vouloir (must, can, want) & emotions
65.	Negative sentences (rules) with prepositions (she cannot run in the street, he cannot drink next to the computer) & kitchen
66.	Verbes réflectifs & bathroom
For the first few lessons, I provide a vocabulary list to study before the following class. Then, I move on to more complex homework. They are not mandatory, but I strongly suggest them to progress faster!
Always come to class with a notebook dedicated to French, pencils and color markers or color pencils.
Hello! My name is Amelie Vallieres and I am glad you stopped by my profil! It would be a joy to have class with you. I love to teach, it is my passion! I have been teaching since 2014 after graduated with a bachelor in Education in the State of... 


25 分

64 人がクラスを受けました
Ages: 8-18

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