for 12 classes含まれるもの
12 ライブミーティング
10 授業時間宿題:
週あたり 2-4 時間. Students will be reading an average of 35 - 40 pages per week, with one week requiring them to read 50 pages. There are also a couple of weeks when the reading will be fewer than 35 pages. I have tried to divide the reading into sections that make the most sense.テスト
Learner progress will be assessed through class discussions and through the Mythology Trivia Game that will take place during our final meeting.この文章は自動翻訳されています
英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 9 - 12
During this class, students will be taught about the gods, goddesses, heroes, and villains of Greek Mythology. They will also learn about earlier mythologies that influenced Greek Mythology as well as later mythologies that were influenced by the Greeks. Students will also discover the relevance of mythology in our world today. Using Edith Hamilton's Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes as our guide, we will explore the worlds of Greek, Roman, Norse, Egyptian, and Middle Eastern Mythologies. Greek Mythology will be our main study; however, I will also be teaching students some things about the other mythologies previously mentioned and about how different cultures borrowed or incorporated the myths of others. Students will also learn how and why some myths changed over time or had variations. Students will need to purchase Edith Hamilton's Mythology. The link to purchase this book will be provided in the supply list section and the sources section of this listing. Students will read the book outside of class. Each week during class, students will discuss the assigned reading, share thoughts, and ask questions. I will share information not contained in the book with students, too. Here is the reading schedule: *I am posting the schedule as sections rather than page numbers because students may have different editions of the book. When students have the books in their hands, this schedule will make more sense; however, please feel free to ask me any questions you may have. Also, a pdf file of this reading schedule will be made available upon enrollment. Prior to our first class (Week 1), students need to read the following *sections of Edith Hamilton's Mythology: Introduction to Classical Mythology - The Mythology of the Greeks; The Greek and Roman Writers of Mythology; PART ONE: (1)The Gods - The Titans and the Twelve Great Olympians myth through The Underworld myth For Week 2: PART ONE (1) The Lesser Gods of Earth; The Roman Gods (2)The Two Great Gods of Earth - Demeter; Dionysus/Bacchus; (3)How The World and Mankind Were Created For Week 3: PART ONE (4)The Earliest Heroes - Prometheus and Io; Europa; The Cyclops Polyphemus; Flower-Myths and PART TWO (5)Cupid and Psyche; (6)Eight Brief Tales of Lovers - Pyramus and Thisbe; Orpheus and Eurydice For Week 4: PART TWO (6)Ceyx and Alcyone; Pygmalion and Galatea; Baucis and Philemon; Endymion; Daphne; Alphaeus and Arethusa (7)The Quest for the Golden Fleece (8)Four Great Adventures - Phaethon; Pegasus and Bellerophon; Otus and Ephialtes; Daedulus For Week 5: PART THREE: The Great Heroes Before the Trojan War - (9) Perseus; (10)Theseus; (11)Hercules (Herakles); (12) Atalanta For Week 6: PART FOUR: The Heroes of the Trojan War - (13)The Trojan War; (14)The Fall of Troy; (15)The Adventures of Odysseus For Week 7: PART FOUR (CONT.) - (16)The Adventures of Aeneas -- Parts One, Two, and Three For Week 8: PART FIVE: The Great Families of Mythology (17)The House of Atreus; (18)The Royal House of Thebes For Week 9: PART FIVE (CONT) - (19)The Royal House of Athens For Week 10: PART SIX: The Less Important Myths (20)Midas--and Others; (21)Brief Myths Arranged By Alphabetical Reader For Week 11: PART SEVEN: Introduction to Norse Mythology - (22)The Stories of Signy and Sigurd; (23)The Norse Gods For Week 12: Choose some snacks fit for a god/goddess, whip up some ambrosia (nectar of the gods), and prepare for the Ultimate Mythology Trivia Game. More details will be added as we get closer to the last class session. Our class sessions will consist of lectures, discussions, and slides. Since the students will be reading the book outside of class, I am looking forward to hearing their thoughts and ideas about the content. I want our class to be interactive and I want to see the students engaged in their learning. I believe in igniting the flame of curiosity in learners in order to see them get excited about the subject and take charge of their own learning. Students do not need any prior knowledge of mythology. They should, however, be prepared to undertake a fair amount of reading during this class. This is usually not a problem, as I find most students thoroughly enjoy reading and learning about mythology.
Students will gain knowledge of various mythologies, their influences on each other, and discover the impact that these stories continue to have in culture.
12 レッスン
12 週間以上レッスン 1:
Introduction to Classical Mythology and The Gods
The Mythology of the Greeks; The Greek and Roman Writers of Mythology; The Titans; The Twelve Great Olympians; The Underworld
50 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 2:
The Lesser Gods, The Roman Gods, and The Creation of Mankind
The Lesser Gods of Earth; The Roman Gods; Demeter; Dionysus/Bacchus; How The World and Mankind Were Created
50 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 3:
Early Heroes, Flower Myths, and Lovers Part 1
Prometheus and Io; Europa; The Cyclops Polyphemus; Flower Myths; Cupid and Psyche; Pyramus and Thisbe; Orpheus and Eurydice
50 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 4:
Lovers Part 2 and Adventurers
Ceyx and Alcyone; Pygmalion and Galatea; Baucis and Philemon; Endymion; Daphne; Alphaeus and Arethusa; The Quest for the Golden Fleece; Phaethon; Pegasus and Bellerophon; Otus and Ephialtes; Daedulus
50 分のオンラインライブレッスン
There are some myths that contain violence and sexual content. All topics related to violence or sexual content will be handled in an appropriate manner. I will allow students to express their thoughts and feelings about these stories. Also, parents are welcome to read through the book with their children.
Edith Hamilton's Mythology - https://www.amazon.com/Mythology-Timeless-Tales-Gods-Heroes/dp/0446574759
クラス登録時に 1 の学習素材が提供されます
Students need to purchase Edith Hamilton's book titled "Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes."
修士号 Southern New Hampshire Universityから 英語 へ
I currently teach several other Mythology classes on Outschool. I previously taught a mythology class to high schoolers using this book in a homeschool co-op setting. I have also taught my children Mythology as part of our homeschool curriculum. I read and studied Mythology in high school and college. I became an adult who continued to immerse myself in the mythologies of various cultures. All topics related to violence or sexual content will be handled carefully and appropriately. Students will be given ample time to express their thoughts and feelings about these stories. Parents can also read through the book with their children.
他のクラス by Jennifer Smith, MA
他のクラス by Jennifer Smith, MA
Kayla Brown (she/they)
$13 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Thursday の10 PM です
1/週、 55 分
7 歳-12 歳
Jonny Walker (he/him) - MA (Uni of Cambridge)
$1 月あたり
10 歳-13 歳
Izzy Mason
$5 月あたり
10 歳-15 歳
Annalisa Ard
$6 月あたり
10 歳-14 歳
神話に出会う - ギリシャ神話と伝説の紹介!
Carol Burns PhD, ACE Educator
$15 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Monday の6 PM です
7 週間、 1/週、 40 分
7 歳-12 歳
Nicole Marie
$5 月あたり
8 歳-12 歳
ギリシャ神話: オリンポスの神々 (ティーンズ)
Izzy Mason
$15 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Thu 3/20 の3 PM です
4 週間、 1/週、 50 分
14 歳-18 歳
神話のすべて: 神話愛好家のためのディスカッション グループ
Annalisa Ard
$16 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Friday の1 AM です
1/週、 50 分
11 歳-14 歳
ギリシャ神話キャンプ: オリンピア人
Izzy Mason
$13 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Mon 6/30 の4 PM です
1 週間、 4/週、 55 分
9 歳-13 歳
Izzy Mason
$13 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Friday の3 PM です
8 週間、 1/週、 45 分
10 歳-13 歳
アフリカ神話: 西アフリカの神話と物語
Chidumebi Ikechi Njoku-Browne
$11 クラスごと
次のセッションは今日 6 PM です
1/週、 35 分
9 歳-14 歳
Tina Hugall MHA MBA
$14 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Monday の4 PM です
1 週間、 1/週、 50 分
13 歳-17 歳
Sarah Wood
$15 クラスごと
次のセッションは今日 11 PM です
1/週、 50 分
11 歳-16 歳
Izzy Mason
$15 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tue 3/18 の2 PM です
4 週間、 1/週、 50 分
10 歳-13 歳
Tracy Lambert
$13 クラスごと
次のセッションは今日 2:15 PM です
1/週、 55 分
9 歳-12 歳
神話の伝令: 不滅のスクープ! 世界文化の神々、神話、伝説
Courtney Murray, M. Ed, M. Hist. World US History
$10 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tue 3/18 の4 PM です
1/週、 30 分
9 歳-13 歳