

per week
($14 per class)

自信を持って学ぶ数学 3年生

13 人が学習を完了しました
年齢 8 歳-10 歳
このクラスでは、Kate Snow のカリキュラム Math with Confidence を使用します。これは、ホームスクールの学習者に最適な、3 年生向けの完全な数学カリキュラムです。
(92 レビュー)
Star Educator

2 人-4 人 1クラスあたりの学習者
30 分


4 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 2
Each student will be required to have the two student workbooks. There will be two pages to complete with each lesson. Learners will have time to complete these in class but if they do not finish then they will need to be completed as homework.
There will be informal progress monitoring to ensure that students are achieving success before moving on to the next unit.
There will be a certificate of completion given at the end of the class for anyone who completes all 34 weeks.


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 3
Welcome to Third Grade Math with Confidence! This class, with permission from the author, uses the Third Grade Math with Confidence curriculum written by Kate Snow. Third Grade Math with Confidence is a complete Third-grade math curriculum that will give your learner a solid foundation in math. It is playful, hands-on, and fun with thorough coverage of all the Third grade skills your learner needs to become capable and confident in math. 

These lessons are carefully sequenced and confidence building to ensure each learner will develop a strong understanding of math each step of the way. There is daily review to ensure your learner has the chance to fully master what has been taught in previous lessons. This class will combine a deep conceptual understanding with traditional skill practice for a complete Third grade math education. 

This class will include fun activities like Fraction Diner, the Chocolate shop, Escape the maze, and Division Crash to help build your learners confidence and a positive math mindset. You will be given recommendations for math related picture books and additional activities you can do at home. 

This class requires the two colorful and engaging student workbooks to reinforce what your learner is learning. We will work together to do the lesson activity page to learn a new topic. Then your learner will work on two review pages independently. These pages reinforce new skills taught as well as review previous lessons. If time allows we will work on these pages in class. If we do not have enough time to complete the two independent work pages during class time then your learner will need to complete them after class time. 

This class is broken down into 16 units. The unit topics and schedule are as follows:

Unit 1: Review Addition and Subtraction
Week of August 26th: Week 1: Review: rounding, comparing, finding missing numbers in equations, and word problems
Week of September 2nd: Week 2: Review two step word problems, written addition and subtraction, and bar graphs

Unit 2:  Multiplication Part 1
Week of September 9th: Week 3: Equal groups, arrays, x2 facts, multiply by 1 or 0
Week of September 16th: Week 4: x10 facts, multiplication word problems, x5 facts, x5 facts on the clock

Unit 3: Mental Math and Word Problems
Week of September 23rd: Week 5: Review mental addition with tens, add up to find missing addends and make change, review one-digit mental addition and subtraction
Week of  September 30th: Week 6: More/less word problems, review two-digit mental addition and subtraction, add up to find differences

Unit 4:  Multiplication part 2
	Week of October 7th: Week 7: More two step word problems, x3 facts, multiples, multiply two-digit numbers by 2
Week of  October 14th: Week 8: x4 facts, pictographs, introduce the multiplication table, multiplication practice

Unit 5:  Numbers to 1,000
	Week of  October 21st: Week 9: Round to the nearest hundred, add up to find missing addends, add and subtract groups of ten, add three digit numbers
	Week of  October 28th:  Week 10: Estimate sums, subtract three digit numbers, subtract across zero and estimate differences, multiply tens
Unit 6:  Fractions
Week of November 4th: Week 11: Understanding fractional parts, read and write fractions, fractions equal to one whole, add fractions
Week of   November 11th: Week 12:  Subtract fractions, equivalent fractions, compare fractions
Week of   November 25th: Week 13: Compare fractions and mixed numbers, fraction practice

Unit 7: Money
Week of    December 2nd: Week 14: Understand place value in money amounts, convert dollars and cents, make change with dollars and cents, mental addition with money
Week of    December 9th: Week 15: Mental subtraction with money, add money, subtract money

Unit 8:  Multiplication part 3
Week of     December 16th: Week 16: Times 6 facts, multiply and add, times 9 facts, two step word problems
Week of    January 6th:  Week 17: x8 facts, multiply tens, times 7 facts and convert to weekdays, multiplying and add to convert weeks and days to days

Unit 9:   Length, Perimeter, and Area
Week of   January 13th: Week 18: Measure with half inches, quarter inches, centimeters, add to find perimeter
Week of    January 20th: Week 19: Use multiplication to find perimeter, perimeter word problems, measure area with square centimeters, multiply to find area
Week of    January 27th: Week 20: Find the area of larger rectangles, measure area with other units, area word problems

Unit 10:   Division part 1
Week of   February 3rd: Week 21: Introduced division, divide by two facts, use multiplication to solve division problems, use division to find the number of equal groups
Week of  February 10th: Week 22: Divide by 10 facts, divide by 5 facts, division vocabulary and Word problems, remainders

Unit 11:  Numbers to 10,000
Week of   February 17th: Week 23: Numbers to 10,000, compare numbers to 10,000, round to the nearest thousand, add hundreds
Week of   February 24th Week 24: Subtract hundreds, add and subtract 4 digit numbers, subtract to find elapsed time between years
Unit 12:  Division part 2	
Week of March 3rd: Week 25: Divide by three facts, investigate dividing with one and zero, divide by four facts, division word problems
Week of  March 10th: Week 26: Divide by 6 facts, two ways to write division, preview long division, introduce long division, interpret remainders
Unit 13:  Geometry
Week of  March 17th: Week 27: Right angles, rectangles, squares, and rhombuses, explore pentominoes
	Week of   March 24th: Week 28: Flips turns and slides, 3D shapes
Unit 14:  Elapsed time
 Week of   March 31st: Week 29: Review telling time, minute past and to the hour, Elapsed time with minutes
 Week of April 7th: Week 30: Elapsed time with hours and minutes, time before and after noon or midnight, elapsed time across noon or midnight, elapsed time word problems

Unit 15:  Division part 3
 Week of   April 14th: Week 31: Divide by 7 facts, convert days to weeks, divide by 8 facts, divide perimeter to find side lengths
 Week of April 21st: Week 32: Divide by nine facts and divide area to find missing side length

Unit 16: Weight and Capacity
 Week of   April 28th: Week 33: Ounces and pounds, grams and kilograms, cups, pints, quarts, and gallons, milliliters and liters
 Week of  May 5th: Week 34: Review addition and subtraction, review multiplication and division, review measurement, review fractions and geometry. Celebrate our year! 


*Note dates may change for holidays or other reasons that will be communicated in the classroom*


Learners will be able to:
-multiply and divide facts to 100
-add and subtract four-digit numbers
-multi-step word problems
-perimeter and area of rectangles
-adding and subtracting fractions
-geometry, money, elapsed time, and measurement


Ms. Katelynn is a special education teacher who has training in working with students with dyscalculia. This program uses hands on learning as well as helps build a strong number sense which is key for students with dyscalculia.
You are not required but it is recommended that you have already taken Math with Confidence First Grade and Math with Confidence Second Grade.
Third Grade Math with Confidence Student Workbook A and B. This can be purchased on Amazon or through Well Trained Mind Press. You may also purchase the digital workbook to print out yourself. 

Manipulatives to have on hand:
-Base-ten Blocks
- 50 small counters
- Coins (20 pennies, 20 nickels, 20 dimes, 4 quarters)
- Play money (10 one dollar bills, 10, five dollar bills, 10 ten dollar bills)
-Fraction Circles
- 2 Packs of playing cards and 2 dice
- Clock with hands
- 1-foot ruler
- Blank Paper
-3 page protectors
-Dry-erase marker
-Folder or binder to keep any materials sent home to print (There will not be many)
*Any other additional material needed will be noted in the classroom the Sunday of the week it is needed*
**You should have access to a printer with ink/toner and paper to print out our blackline masters and other occasional resources.**


Star Educator
米国以外 教員免許 初等教育で
マサチューセッツ州 教員免許 初等教育で
修士号 American International Collegeから 教育 へ
学士号 Framingham State Universityから 教育 へ
Ms. Katelynn has been a teacher for the past ten years. This is her third school year on Outschool. She has experience working as an online teacher and a brick and mortar teacher. She is a certified special education teacher with experience working with students in kindergarten through grade five. She has been trained in strategies to support students with dyscalculia. She loves to teach and share her passion for learning with her students. It is Ms. Katelynn's goal to show her students that they can be successful in the classroom and help them gain the confidence they need to do so!


数学の個別指導 - プライベート数学家庭教師
Nicole Marie
$45 セッションごと
11 歳-18 歳
数学の達人になる: 認定数学教師による毎週の1対1の数学個別指導
Roxanne Sego
$50 セッションごと
5 歳-15 歳
Ms. Maggie M.A. Certified Teacher
$40 セッションごと
6 歳-14 歳
5年生の数学の驚異: 数学の不思議を探る
Dr. M's Math Marvels
$40 セッションごと
11 歳-13 歳
数学ミステリー: 数学ミステリー付き 6 年生の数学!
Kim Pinard, M.A. Learning and Instruction
$12 クラスごと
次のセッションは明日の 6:15 PM です
1/週、 30 分
9 歳-12 歳
数学の驚異: 若い数学学習者のための数字と数学の概念の探求
Mariah Certified Teacher & Reading Specialist
$35 セッションごと
5 歳-9 歳
プライベート1:1個別指導: 数学クラス: 代数1-上級数学
Dwight Dunn, Msc. Math, Certified Math Teacher.
$38 セッションごと
13 歳-18 歳
数学オリンピック: 競争力のある数学コンテストに備えるための1対1のクラス
Math Planets and Beyond
$55 セッションごと
8 歳-12 歳
数学トーク: 暗算と基本事実
Click Tutoring and Learning
$12 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Monday の2 PM です
1/週、 30 分
6 歳-9 歳
5年生の数学 継続的な数学スキル
Ms. Kristin l BA l Masters in Elementary Ed
$11 クラスごと
次のセッションは今日 11 PM です
1/週、 30 分
9 歳-13 歳
Jesse Patrick
$72 セッションごと
12 歳-18 歳
掛け算の数学探偵: 数学パズルチャレンジ
Erica Peterson - Licensed Elementary Teacher
$11 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Thu 3/27 の5:30 PM です
1/週、 30 分
8 歳-11 歳
数学の謎: 初等代数の数学の謎! 7年生と8年生の数学
Kim Pinard, M.A. Learning and Instruction
$12 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tue 3/25 の1:15 AM です
1/週、 30 分
10 歳-14 歳
6B シンガポール数学メソッド: 高度な数学テクニック
Tampa Bay Test Prep - The Math Gift
$22 クラスごと
次のセッションは明日の 12:30 AM です
1/週、 55 分
9 歳-12 歳
3年生の数学の驚異: 数学の謎を解く
Dr. M's Math Marvels
$40 セッションごと
8 歳-10 歳
1:1 数学個別指導 中学校数学: 6 年生から 8 年生
Ms McWilliams
$60 セッションごと
12 歳-15 歳
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