35 録画レッスン
10 週間
週1時間. 週1~2回修了証書
クラス修了後 1この文章は自動翻訳されています
** Please note: This is a flexible class. NO LIVE meetings will be held** -- Pre-req. Levels 1 and 2 as well as part I of Level 3 -- Hallo iedereen! -- Hello everyone! Do you prefer to study independently? Are the times that the live classes are offered not working out for you? Do you like to take your time and process the material in your own time? You can now take my "Intro to Dutch (Nederlands)" course as a FLEXible course aka an asynchronous course since there are no live meetings! Each week, for 10 weeks, I post videos of myself teaching the class using Google Slides. One lesson is broken up into smaller bitesize videos/sections. Enrolled students will have access to videos and can watch them that week on their own time. The videos can be paused and re-watched. NEW: Level 3 introduces Dutch dialogues! The dialogues are age appropriate and useful in real life situations. Learners will be able to listen to the dialogues (both roles), get the translation as well as practice both roles. Students can post questions in the classroom or student/teacher tab. The enrolled learners also get access to slides and can use these for the audio recordings (optional, but very helpful since I will be able to give feedback on their pronunciation of the words). The students record themselves (can be voice only), post these in the teacher/student tab, I listen to the recordings and give feedback. All my lessons come with worksheets. Students can work on these to practice the material. If students want to hand in their work, they can do so by posting a screenshot or picture of their work in a private message to me. I go over the worksheets for that week in the last video of that week. The students have a week to work on them and then I go over the answers to the worksheets from the previous week in the first video of the following week. The students will also have access to a ton of extra material: interactive worksheets, clips, songs, etc. to further practice the material. Flex classes are great for learners who like to study independently, for students who want to go at their own pace, or for students for whom my live classes are too early or late. Level 3 is a continuation of Levels 1 & 2, but with the introduction of dialogues! Most topics in Level 3 are linked to things we have learned in Levels 1 and 2 so we will be able to review things as well as explore new topics (for example: going to school). On top of expanding the learner's vocabulary, we also explore the grammatical concepts from Levels 1 and 2 in more details as well as introduce new concepts. We already learned that adjectives have to forms in Dutch, but in Level 3, we will learn how to properly go from one form to the other.
Understand simple Dutch dialogues about every day topics
Learn new Dutch words and phrases as well as some more advanced grammar
35 レッスン
10 週間以上レッスン 1:
Correcting worksheets 1 & 2 dialogue 5
Correction keys and explanation video
1 割り当て
レッスン 2:
Dialogue 6: listen
Topic: Working on an arts & craft project
1 割り当て
レッスン 3:
Dialogue 6: translation + record your version
The translation and explanation of the dialogue + your turn to talk!
1 割り当て
レッスン 4:
'School'-theme: word cards
Words cards + pronunciation video
Levels 1 and 2 as well as part I of Level 3 of my Intro to Dutch class.
If you think your learner can skip Level 1 and 2, please reach out to me and we can set up a quick 1:1 assessment.
2 学位
学士号 Translation of BA degree から 教育 へ
準学士号 GCCから 音楽、演劇、芸術 へ
Teacher Glenn is a native speaker who has been speaking Dutch since 1984 and teaching it for 10+ years, online and in person.
He's a certified language instructor and linguist.
He grew up in Belgium and was a teacher there until he moved to the US in Aug. of 2011 at the age of 37.
毎週35 録画済みレッスン
10 間の講師サポート
コンテンツへの 1 年間のアクセス
年齢: 9-18