per session含まれるもの
必要に応じて会議をスケジュールする45 分
💚 Coupon code for $10 off: MCTEACH10 (expires December 31, 2023) In this ongoing 1:1 class, you get to play Minecraft with me in one of my made worlds (Cassie's Town or Hide and Seek) or I can play with you in one of your worlds! I can help you with something, teach you commands, build with you, survive together, go on an adventure, and more. We can also play in purchased worlds from the Marketplace or worlds I've made for one or my previous classes. Some of those are Murder Mystery, Hide and Seek, Cassie's Town, and more (old, old) ones. There are many things I can also teach such as having a secret passage door, making rollercoasters, many commands like spawning a blue Axolotl, and more! As a bonus in this class, you can also choose to play the Minecraft drawing and guessing game. We can play just that the entire class, play in Minecraft worlds the entire class, or do 50/50 of each. It is completely up to you! Things to know: - 45 minutes - 3 to 15-year-olds - Ongoing - Request a time (or choose one that's offered) - Private class - Bedrock Edition only I can join anyone on: Windows PCs, PlayStation, Xbox, Smartphone, Nintendo Switch, Series S/X, iOS devices, iPadOS devices, and Android devices. Of course, though, there have to be some rules. Here are some below but they may be updated later on: As I will be in a student's world, I will not have OP (be the operator) of the world. This means I am cut from many useful commands. However, they can give me OP. That option is up to them as they are in charge of their world. (I highly suggest that I'm given OP as someone may join your world while I'm in it. If I have OP, I can kick them out.) - Don't be impolite/rude as that's no way you want to treat a guest or friend in your world. - No killing me unless we've agreed on doing PVP (player vs. player fighting) as violence is not okay. - No hitting unless we PVP. If you want to express your emotions, do so through words, not actions. - No animal cruelty! I don't care if it's your own world. I will not tolerate watching an animal be tortured. That is not something a child should be doing or even enjoy doing. Whether it's allowed at home, or not, it will not be allowed while we're in class. - Don't be inappropriate, of course. That will not be tolerated either. - The only people in the world can be the student and me, no one else. Not friends, not family. **If I am repeatedly being killed/hit over and over after being told to stop (if we're not PVP'ing), the student will be automatically removed from class with three strikes.** Doing any of these will give you a strike. Depending on how many you've done, you may get more. Same as my other classes. If you get three strikes, you will be removed from class for five weeks.
Children are required to be signed in under an account on Minecraft in order to play via Minecraft worlds. An account is NOT needed for the Sketchful.io link that is used for the Minecraft drawing and guessing game.*
*This website is used for drawing and guessing. There are rooms you can go into to play the game of normal things where there is also a chat. I will be creating a party and the things we guess will be costumed words I add (that are ALL Minecraft-related words). Please know that students will need to know how to spell in order to type in the answer in chat. I can help them if needed.
Try to have the zoom meeting and the Minecraft game up on different devices, not the same one as it can sometimes cause some frustration for students. The same thing for if we do the drawing/guessing link. *I will need the child's game tag for Minecraft.
Cassie - MC Teacher は次にこのクラスを提案しています...
キャシーの新しく改良された Minecraft シティ! 対象年齢 5~10 歳 (Bedrock エディション)
Cassie - MC Teacher
$19 クラスごと
1/週、 45 分
5 歳-10 歳
他のクラス by Cassie - MC Teacher
他のクラス by Cassie - MC Teacher
ビデオゲームとレトロアーケードの歴史 🕹️
Raymond Mullikin (Raytoons Comics)
$25 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Thu 4/17 の7:30 PM です
1 週間、 1/週、 50 分
9 歳-14 歳
2日 ビデオゲームが中毒性を持つ理由 Minecraft Robloxなど ゲーム中毒を避ける
Explosive Learning Jo Reynolds Life Skill Teachers
$55 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Monday の1 PM です
1 週間、 2/週、 50 分
13 歳-18 歳
2日 ビデオゲームが中毒性を持つ理由 Minecraft Robloxなど ゲーム中毒を避ける
Explosive Learning Jo Reynolds Life Skill Teachers
$49 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tuesday の2 PM です
1 週間、 2/週、 50 分
9 歳-14 歳
1 日 ビデオゲームが中毒性を持つ理由 Minecraft Roblox など ゲーム中毒を避ける
Explosive Learning Jo Reynolds Life Skill Teachers
$36 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Friday の2 PM です
1 週間、 1/週、 50 分
9 歳-14 歳
5 日間でビデオゲームから本気でお金を稼ぐ方法 - プレイ、開発、マーケティングなど
Explosive Learning Jo Reynolds Life Skill Teachers
$40 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Monday の3 PM です
1 週間、 5/週、 50 分
15 歳-18 歳
5日間でビデオゲームから本気でお金を稼ぐ方法 - プレイング開発マーケティングキャンプ
Explosive Learning Jo Reynolds Life Skill Teachers
$40 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Monday の7 PM です
1 週間、 5/週、 50 分
8 歳-12 歳
5日間でビデオゲームから本気でお金を稼ぐ方法 - プログラマーによる開発マーケティングキャンプをプレイ
Explosive Learning Jo Reynolds Life Skill Teachers
$40 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Monday の7 PM です
1 週間、 5/週、 50 分
10 歳-15 歳
オンラインゲームコーチ 1:1
USA's Prestige Worldwide Education
$34 セッションごと
5 歳-18 歳
Explosive Learning Jo Reynolds Life Skill Teachers
$10 月あたり
9 歳-14 歳
ロブロックス ゲーム クラブ
DEM Academy: Learn through Gaming
$20 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tue 6/3 の10 PM です
1/週、 45 分
8 歳-12 歳
9~14 歳のゲーマー向け Fortnite ゲーム
USA's Prestige Worldwide Education
$17 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tuesday の9 PM です
1/週、 50 分
9 歳-14 歳
ゲーム クラブ: ゲーマー女子のための Fortnite バトル クラブ! (すべての学習者を歓迎)
Dazzling Minds Academy By Erika Corona
$15 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Thu 4/10 の8 PM です
1/週、 45 分
10 歳-14 歳
Among Us ゲーマー
Ari Pulido
$10 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Friday の11 PM です
1/週、 55 分
8 歳-13 歳
Mrs. Jacki
$5 月あたり
8 歳-12 歳
ゲーマー ラウンジ: ビデオ ゲームとチャットのソーシャル クラブ - 成人ゲーマー向け! (14-18)
Heidi Lathrem, MA: Homesteading/Farm & Video Games
$18 クラスごと
次のセッションは明日の 10 PM です
1/週、 50 分
14 歳-18 歳
Natalie Lipps
$13 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tuesday の5 PM です
1/週、 45 分
6 歳-11 歳