
Minecraft をプレイしよう: サバイバル モード! (モンスター登場 - Bedrock エディション)

(通常モードのみ - モンスターオン) 私の Minecraft サバイバル ワールドで一緒に遊びに来てください! 一人でも一緒にでも、建築、採掘、生き残り、冒険に出かけましょう!
Cassie - MC Teacher


1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 45 分


**Upon enrolling into the class, please make sure you have a Minecraft account which means the student is signed in via a Microsoft email.  I can only spend the first 10 minutes of class helping with technical difficulties.  Technical difficulties such as no internet connection, no Minecraft account, being unable to join the world due to updates, storage space, the device not being charged, the student having to stay muted, or some other rare situations will not be allowed a refund.  Please make sure students are fully ready for class.**

***UPDATE (active since 6/25/22): There is a zero-tolerance level to deliberate acts of heightened animal cruelty.  It will be grounds for immediate removal of the class in progress, as well as the subscription itself.***

Hello, Minecraft gamers!  Come join my new Minecraft world, a survival world.  You can only be in survival, but don't worry, I've got plenty of things to start you off.  To start you all off, there's a house base!  There's wood, coal, furnaces, armor, weapons, ores, a garden, animals, pre-made beds, and some clear land all ready for you.  Explore, survive, build, play with your classmates, and make friends! 

Before class, I need every student's game tag for Minecraft.  The guardian, or learner, can send this to me. 

How the class will run:
If there are no students in class within 10 minutes, then it is automatically canceled and the next class will be the next meeting.  Within the first 5 minutes of class, everyone will say "hi" and introduce themselves if new.  If I do not have a game tag yet from some students, they can input it in chat (which will be directly to the host; me) during those 5 minutes.  If I don't have a game tag from students in class, they will only communicate via microphone.  They will be very, very bored.  To ensure that doesn't happen, please share the student's game tag with me before class.

After those 5 minutes, all students will disable their cameras but keep their microphones on.  Cameras being disabled (turned off) is a requirement as I can't supervise children via zoom (chat will be only to host) while playing Minecraft and supervising them there.  This is due to my teaching on a laptop and not having multiple monitors.  If students do not know how to turn off their cameras, I can do so myself.  I will not be screen sharing unless I feel the need to for helping parents, and students, or entertain some students while they are trying to get logged in or having account issues.  

Students will be talking while playing, but they may use the chat in Minecraft if they want to or perhaps don't feel comfortable talking through the mic yet.  That is not a problem at all; judging or harassing others is not accepted in this class.

Things to know:
- Meet once a week
- 45 minutes long
- 5 students max
- Can join the world by friends list
- Fire spread is disabled
- Friendly fire is enabled
- TNT is disabled
- Cheats are off
- Coordinates are enabled
- World is kept on normal (monsters on)

Players may join my world using:
Windows PCs, PlayStation, Xbox, Smartphone, Nintendo Switch, Series S/X, iOS devices, iPadOS devices, and Android devices. 
(I play on Minecraft: Windows 10 Bedrock Edition)

Rules (may be updated throughout time):
- Each student gets 3 chances.  Once 3 streaks are hit, that student is kicked out of that meeting and withdrawn from the course without a refund.  If they are in any of my other classes during that time, they will be removed from those as well.  This is a must as I cannot enforce behavior that upsets other students, or no one would have fun.

- If a student received a strike or multiple strikes, the guardian will be notified, and whether they respond will NOT change the strike the student has.  The student's action is what got them the strike.  Please keep in mind that when I give a strike, it is because they did something intentionally, to be funny but wasn't, or broke a rule.  I do often just give a warning instead of a strike if I feel something they did wasn't that bad as in it didn't harm anyone or affect anyone else.  So if a strike is given, it was given for a good reason.

Harm a player = 1 strike
Prank someone = 1 strike
Use hacks or cheats (computer programs) = 1 strike
Hurt their animal = 1 strike
Harm any animal = 1 strike
Open someone's chest without permission = 1 strike
Act inappropriate = 1 strike (depending on how inappropriate, more strikes may be applied)
Break someone's things = 1 strike (depending on the damage done, more strikes may be applied)
Steal things = 1 strike
Disrespectful/rude = 1 strike (depends)
Animal cruelty = Removed from class
Kill a player or their animal intentionally = Removed from the class

If a student has a strike or under 3 strikes, they will be removed in 5 weeks so as long as they don't gain another one, then that 5 week will restart.

In the game:
There is a "home base" where there's a garden, trees, animals, and basic survival needs such as weapons, ores, wood, beds, and more.  Students are welcome to build anything in survival.  If more room is needed in the world for students to build, houses by students that have been gone for more than a month will be removed IF NEED BE.

This has been put into place as there are always new students joining while other students are leaving.  Please keep in mind the house will only be deleted if the student is gone for more than a month and more room is needed.  If more room is not needed, the house will stay.

                                        **Communication is the key!**


This class is for fun and socializing but can also help improve students' communication, good sportsmanship behavior, and Minecraft skills.


- I need every student's game tag for Minecraft. - Students have 10 minutes to join the class. If no one is in by 10 minutes, the class will be canceled for that week. - At 5 minutes into class, all students will keep their microphones on, cameras off, zoom minimized, and play on Minecraft. Please be sure to go over the rules with your child(ren). Rules (may be updated throughout time): - Each student gets 3 chances. Once 3 streaks are hit, that student is kicked out of that meeting and withdrawn from the course without a refund. If they are in any of my other classes during that time, they will be removed from those as well. This is a must as I cannot enforce behavior that upsets other students, or no one would have fun. - If a student received a strike or multiple strikes, the guardian will be notified, and whether they respond will NOT change the strike the student has. The student's action is what got them the strike. Please keep in mind that when I give a strike, it is because they did something intentionally, to be funny but wasn't, or broke a rule. I do often just give a warning instead of a strike if I feel something they did wasn't that bad as in it didn't harm anyone or affect anyone else. So if a strike is given, it was given for a good reason. Harm a player = 1 strike Prank someone = 1 strike Use hacks or cheats (computer programs) = 1 strike Hurt their animal = 1 strike Harm any animal = 1 strike Open someone's chest without permission = 1 strike Act inappropriate = 1 strike (depending on how inappropriate, more strikes may be applied) Break someone's things = 1 strike (depending on the damage done, more strikes may be applied) Steal things = 1 strike Disrespectful/rude = 1 strike (depends) Animal cruelty = Removed from class Kill a player or their animal intentionally = Removed from the class If a student has a strike or under 3 strikes, they will be removed in 5 weeks so as long as they don't gain another one, then that 5 week will restart. In the game: There is a "home base" where there's a garden, trees, animals, and basic survival needs such as weapons, ores, wood, beds, and more. Students are welcome to build anything in survival. If more room is needed in the world for students to build, houses by students that have been gone for more than a month will be removed IF NEED BE. This has been put into place as there are always new students joining while other students are leaving. Please keep in mind the house will only be deleted if the student is gone for more than a month and more room is needed. If more room is not needed, the house will stay. **Communication is the key!**
Required: Share with me the student's game tag, so I have it for class.
Not an official Minecraft product. Not approved or associated with Mojang.
参加しました August, 2021
学士号 Fayetteville State Universityから 英語 へ
I've been playing Minecraft for over 10 years.  





45 分
42 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 9-14
クラス人数: 1 人-5 人

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