for 0 classes含まれるもの
週あたり 2-4 時間. There are several tasks each week that learners can participate in and upload their results to the Classroom.この文章は自動翻訳されています
英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 Kindergarten - 3
Do you love learning about animals? In this Science Flex Class, learners will learn about animals in a fun and interactive way. This course aims to provide meaningful learning experiences for young scientists. Each week will include a range of activities that are designed to engage the learners in both a hands-on and minds-on way. Each week will include experiments, Q&A, quizzes, games, worksheets, videos and much more. Learners will be encouraged to observe, explore, question and share what they learn. A variety of methods are used to support learners and cater for different learning styles and needs. Amazing Animals Week 1 - Life Cycles This week, we learn what a life cycle is. Learners explore the life cycle of a butterfly and a frog. Learners will watch a video of various life cycles and identify metamorphosis. Learners are required to complete their own diagram of the life cycle of a butterfly through a teacher led presentation. Learners will watch a video about butterfly and identify various facts about them. Learners will sing a song on the life cycle of frogs. Learners will be required to complete their own diagram of the life cycle of a frog and upload it to the classroom. Week 2 - The Five Senses This week, we will identify the five senses. We will explore changes that occur in some places in Autumn/Fall. Learners will draw their own pictures of the different seasons where they live. We will learn about animals that hibernate and migrate and classify animals accordingly. Learners will then learn some facts about animals and their senses and they will be required to complete a worksheet and upload a copy. Week 3 - Minibeasts This week, we will learn about different Minibeasts focusing on insects and spiders. Learners will identify how Minibeasts communicate and complete a quiz after watching a teacher-led presentation. Learners will be required to complete their own Minibeast survey and upload their worksheet to the class. Learners will also post what their favourite Minibeast is and why. Week 4 - Habitats and How Animals Adapt This week, we will learn about various habitats and which animals live there. Learners will watch a song video to identify different habitats. Learners will complete a quiz on where different animals live. Learners will complete and upload their own drawing of various habitats. Learners will be required to complete an animal profile on one animal that has adapted to its environment. Week 5 - Vertebrates and Invertebrates Learners will learn how to classify animals into groups (mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds, fish and invertebrates). Learners will watch a song video to identify animals in each group. Learners will complete a worksheet and upload it to the classroom. Learners will choose an animal and share clues on their animal in the classroom. Other learners will be required to guess each other’s animals. Week 6 - Food Chains In the final week of the Amazing Animals Series, learners will identify what animal need to survive by watching a teacher-led presentation. Learners will identify what animals each and classify animals (carnivores, herbivores, omnivores). Learners will be required to complete a food chain worksheet after watching a video. Learners will complete a quiz on what different animals eat. Learners will be required to: ✔️Use household objects to complete the experiments/research projects ✔️Upload photos of their experiments/projects to the classroom ✔️Report their findings and share with other learners through JamBoard ✔️Upload copies of the activities to the classroom ✔️Complete a challenge in the classroom by working together together ✔️Do research on aspects of animals and share in the classroom to complete the jigsaw. ✔️Complete Kahoot quizzes to cover what has been learnt The videos will be available for the length of the course. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with further questions. A flex course allows learners to cover material during a time that is convenient for them each week. Students are encouraged to check in with the teacher weekly via the Outschool classroom, which will allow for more engagement between the teacher and learner. After weekly lessons, students can collaborate with their peers by replying to the announcements and lesson postings in the Outschool classroom. Participation will include the Introduction post, discussion posts, assignments, and projects in the Classroom. This allows students to process what they are learning by collaborating with peers and the teacher. Participation in assignments allows students to practise and reinforce learning. This also provides opportunities for the teacher to gauge student learning and provide interventions if necessary. Private messages or classroom comments are usually responded to within 24 hours with the exception of Saturdays and Sundays. Please also note, there will be reading and writing tasks in each class. Learners will be able to complete them to whatever ability they are at. I have listed this class for 4-7 year olds. It is planned for Key Stage 1 which is ages 5-7 years in the U.K. Some 4 year olds who are early readers have enjoyed the classes and have found them appropriate. Please do check the whole description when choosing this course for your learner. All materials are posted in the classroom by the end of Monday (UK time) each week. Learners are expected to interact in the classroom each week on the various posts in the required ways and complete the necessary tasks by Sunday each week. This is important as educational research shows that consistent interaction and feedback is necessary in order to create a quality learning experience. I want to ensure that students are given a rich learning experience, and not left to learn content on their own. This course is taught by Teacher Helen. Please do contact me with any questions. I look forward to being part of your learning journey!
Handouts will be provided via the ‘classroom’ for each session. Ideally, these will need to be printed. Alternatively, they can be downloaded and viewed online. Across the 6 week course, a range of stationery will be needed included colouring pencils or pens, scissors, glue, paper plates (or paper circles), some pegs/paper clips.
8 先生は教員免許を持っています
米国以外 教員免許 英語から他の言語の話者へで
米国以外 教員免許 英語/国語で
米国以外 教員免許 英語/国語で
米国以外 教員免許 英語から他の言語の話者へで
米国以外 教員免許 初等教育で
ノースカロライナ州 教員免許
米国以外 教員免許 英語から他の言語の話者へで
米国以外 教員免許 英語/国語で
米国以外 教員免許 初等教育で
6 先生は大学院の学位を持っています
博士号 University of New Mexicoから 生物学/生物科学 へ
修士号 Charles Sturt Universityから 教育 へ
修士号 University of the Peopleから 教育 へ
修士号 University of Strathclydeから 国際関係 へ
修士号 Teesside University から 法医学技術 へ
修士号 U.S. Seminaryから 宗教学 へ
19 先生は学士号を取得しています
学士号 Buckinghamshire New University から 経営管理学 へ
学士号 University of New Mexicoから 生物学/生物科学 へ
学士号 University of New Mexicoから 化学 へ
学士号 Portland Bible College から 宗教学 へ
学士号 Plymouth Universityから 英語言語と文学 へ
学士号 University of South Africaから 教育 へ
学士号 University of the Free Stateから 行動科学 へ
学士号 University of Southamptonから 経営管理学 へ
学士号 University of Plymouthから 教育 へ
学士号 Western Kentucky Universityから 初等教育 へ
学士号 Ashford Universityから 心理学 へ
学士号 Huddersfield University から 生物学/生物科学 へ
学士号 DMUから 英語言語と文学 へ
学士号 Millersville Universityから
学士号 Mississippi State Universityから 心理学 へ
学士号 Université de Monctonから 生物学/生物科学 へ
学士号 West Texas A&M Universityから 政治学と政府 へ
学士号 Vancouver Island Universityから 初等教育 へ
学士号 State University of New York College at Brockportから 生物学/生物科学 へ
学士号 University of Central Floridaから
学士号 University of Ottawaから 社会科学 へ
2 教師は準学士号を取得しています
準学士号 Ashford Universityから 経営管理学 へ
準学士号 Ashford Universityから ビジネス/商取引 へ
We are a team of qualified and experienced teachers with a wealth of experience across a range of ages and subjects. Most of our teachers are also TEFL/TESL qualified. You can find out more about each teacher in our profile. We are all passionate about teaching and learning and seeing our learners succeed.
This course is taught by Teacher Helen. We look forward to meeting you in class soon.
他のクラス by Let's Go Learning
他のクラス by Let's Go Learning
1:1 動物学と生態学 | お気に入りの動物とその生息地について学びましょう!
Sarah Skebba
$50 セッションごと
5 歳-13 歳
Stokes (Griot)
$13 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tuesday の9 PM です
1/週、 50 分
8 歳-11 歳
科学と自然 熱帯雨林 動物と前置詞 ミステリーアドベンチャー
Teacher Sharon, M.Ed., TEFL
$13 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Monday の4 PM です
1 週間、 1/週、 35 分
6 歳-9 歳
動物の冒険: 初級動物学 | 定期開催
Miss Lizzie
$16 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Thursday の10 PM です
1/週、 55 分
5 歳-8 歳
動物学:動物界の生物学 - 完全コース
We Connect Academy
$18 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Monday の11 PM です
32 週間、 1/週、 50 分
9 歳-14 歳
スクイシュマロ動物学(動物科学 + アート)
Shiny Happy Kids w/ Miss Alex STEM Dino Art Myths
$16 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Monday の4 PM です
1/週、 45 分
4 歳-9 歳
モンテッソーリ科学: 1~3 年生向け動物学 | 動物
My First Montessori School Online
$25 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Thursday の9 PM です
1/週、 45 分
6 歳-9 歳
Krystal Smith
$15 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tuesday の7 PM です
1/週、 55 分
12 歳-17 歳
John Savoie
$15 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Friday の9 PM です
1/週、 55 分
7 歳-12 歳
動物学 - 動物科学フルカリキュラムセメスターコース
Mrs. Scott Licensed Teacher Bachelor's of Science
$10 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Wed 4/23 の7:45 PM です
12 週間、 1/週、 25 分
7 歳-12 歳
夜の生き物たち!(夜行性動物学 / 動物学 / 生物学)
Greg Korczak B.S.
$12 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tuesday の1 AM です
1/週、 30 分
8 歳-13 歳
しっぽの物語: 動物、その生物学、そして科学者の冒険 (動物学)
Andrea R., PhD
$11 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tuesday の8 PM です
1/週、 30 分
6 歳-9 歳
動物学上級 - 動物科学フルカリキュラムセメスターコース
Mrs. Scott Licensed Teacher Bachelor's of Science
$14 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Sat 4/26 の12:30 AM です
12 週間、 1/週、 25 分
13 歳-18 歳
驚くべき熱帯雨林の動物たち - 楽しい動物学クラス! (9~12 歳)
$9 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Wednesday の7 PM です
1 週間、 1/週、 25 分
9 歳-12 歳
素晴らしい熱帯雨林の動物たち - 楽しい動物学クラス! (対象年齢 6~8 歳)
$9 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tuesday の6 PM です
1 週間、 1/週、 25 分
6 歳-8 歳
動物学 - 動物の科学的かつ創造的な芸術研究:ヴァルドルフ教育に着想を得た授業
Waldorful Days Creative Learning Academy
$16 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Wednesday の7 PM です
1/週、 55 分
7 歳-11 歳