1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 45 分宿題:
週あたり 1-2 時間. Homework is optional and I call it "Goals" for the following week. Please send me your homework if you'd like feedback.この文章は自動翻訳されています
英語レベル - B2+
米国の学年 5 - 8
Beginner - Intermediate レベル向け
***I love Legend of Zelda SO much! And, I'm sure that you do too, since you're checking out this class. To sweeten the deal, use my coupon code TUCKEZELDAFAN5 to get $5 off this class!*** If you're looking to improve your writing skills in a fun way, you'll enjoy the Legend of Zelda Weekly Writing Club! Start off 2024 working on your resolution to write better! Each week you will see an example of what we'll be writing, then receive a fun prompt to write on your own! Each month we'll have a different Legend of Zelda game theme that we'll use, and each week we'll focus on a different kind of writing theme. You do NOT have to know everything about every Zelda game, in order to fully enjoy this class. ALSO, if your learner doesn't enjoy the month's theme they can use whatever game they like, provided they use the prompts given. Please see the schedule below. Most classes stand alone and do not building upon previous classes, so learners can join in at any time. 2024: January - Skyward Sword February - Minish Cap/Four Swords March - Ocarina of Time April - Oracle of Seasons/Oracle of Ages May - Breath of the Wild June - Age of Calamity July - Tears of the Kingdom (Journal writing prompts) August - A Link to the Past September - Link's Awakening October - Echoes of Wisdom November - A Link Between Worlds December - Twilight Princess Week of Dec 1 - Response to a Fan Theory Week of Dec 8 - Writing a Character Analysis Week of Dec 15 - Compare and Contrast! Week of Dec 22 - NO CLASS, you do not need to unenroll as no class time will be scheduled. Week of Dec 29 - NO CLASS, you do not need to unenroll as no class time will be scheduled. 2025: January - Tears of the Kingdom Week of Jan 5 ~ Writing a letter of recommendation Week of Jan 12 ~ Filling out a job application Week of Jan 19 ~ Writing a product pitch Week of Jan 26 ~ Writing a memo February - Windwaker Week of Feb 2 ~ Writing onboarding information Week of Feb 9 ~ Writing a company policy Week of Feb 16 ~ Writing a dismissal notice Week of Feb 23 ~ Writing a project proposal March - All the Legend of Zelda mangas! Week of March 2 ~ Writing a book report Week of March 9 ~ Writing a proposal for a new manga Week of March 16 ~ Writing a counterproposal Week of March 23~ Writing a summary Week of March 30 ~ Writing an elevator pitch April ~ Breath of the Wild Week of April 6 ~ Parts of Speech: All about nouns Week of April 13 ~ Parts of Speech: All about verbs Week of April 20 ~ Parts of Speech: All about adjectives Week of April 27 ~ Parts of Speech: All about adverbs May ~ Age of Calamity Week of May 4 ~ Punctuation: Using commas Week of May 11 ~ Punctuation: Using periods, points, and other dots Week of May 18 ~ Punctuation: Using semi-colons and colons Week of May 25 ~ Punctuation: Review and using all other types of punctuation June ~ Tears of the Kingdom July ~ Ocarina of Time August ~ Majora's Mask September ~ Windwaker October ~ Twilight Princess November ~ The Legend of Zelda and Link December ~ All Legend of Zelda games More weeks to be added for 2025! 🗓️ Dates there will be NO classes scheduled. You will NOT be charged for weeks that do not have classes scheduled, so it is NOT necessary to un-enroll that weeks. In 2024, I will NOT be scheduling any classes for the following weeks: * July 7th due to a prior Spanish interpreting commitment. 🪅 Classes will resume the week of July 14th. * December 22nd and 29th due to Christmas. 🎄 Classes will resume the week of January 5th. My no-show policy: if no learners are in the classroom after 10 minutes, the Zoom session will be ended (this is Outschool's general policy for no-shows).
Learners will work on their writing skills while practicing writing using fun prompts and specific writing topics.
Learners will need either paper and something to write with, or a word processing tool open and running on their computer or device during class time. For *some* topics (think really breaking down words and technical grammar) I may use fun educational games such as Blooket or Kahoot! You do NOT have to have an account for either game. You can use the device you use for Outschool Zoom classes OR have an additional device (tablet, phone). ~ For Blooket, go to play.blooket.com prior to class time and I'll let you know the game ID during class. ~ For Kahoot, go to www.kahoot.it prior to class time and I'll let you know the PIN number during class.
クラス登録時に 2 の学習素材が提供されます
学士号 Harding Universityから 外国語 へ
I love writing stories and have been coming up with new stories and novels for around 15 years. I have self-published novels on Amazon. I'm also an experienced ESL teacher, having given a wide variety of English classes (including grammar, sentence structure, writing, etcetera) for over 8 years.
45 分
44 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 10-15
クラス人数: 2 人-6 人