

アーティストは、グラフィック ノベル、マンガ、コミック ブックのレイアウトと構造、そしてストーリーのアクション、感情、ペースを効果的に伝えるイラストの作成方法を学びます。
Imagination Art Studio by David Stearns


1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 55 分


Graphic novels, manga, and comic books are some of the most popular media in the world, especially amongst artists. A good graphic novel tells a story almost like a movie, with the pages and panels laid out as a storyboard that pulls the reader along. Beyond just simple drawings, a graphic novel must consider layout, pacing and perspective in order to tell the story effectively.

This class is aimed for students to build the artistic and organizational skills needed for graphic novel art in a class environment where learners can brainstorm, connect and share their passion for the form and its genre subsets (such as fantasy, sci-fi, and super hero). It is aimed at intermediate artists who already have basic 2D foundational skills and have a good sense of how to use shapes and lines to create basic proportions of anatomy. You should have reasonable pencil work. 

Our curriculum and subject matter each week will depend on the group. I like to focus on the students' passion and as I get to know them better, also picking out areas for development where we will work on areas that are giving them trouble. I invite students to come to a group consensus of what elements we will want to work on for the following week. Within that, there are opportunities for students to add their individualization to the course which I will help them with individually.

Initially, the current topics for discussion as I get to know the students will be:

Week 1 (10/20):  Basic layout and placing characters
Week 2 (10/27): Overlapping frames and characters
Week 3 (11/3): Motion effects within and across frames
Week 4 (11/10): Multi-page layouts for single or multiple characters

I aim to have each class as a stand alone unit but whenever a concept needs work, we may choose to build that content to the following week. Homework is optional but I do encourage students to add more detail to their designs during the week to share for the following.


Students learn the elements of how to lay out and illustrate a graphic novel. As one of the two primary elements of the class, we focus on different kinds of panels, how they interact, and what they mean for presenting a story. We will also learn how to illustrate characters and settings from different perspectives and distances in order to get dynamic, engaging visuals across our panels.


参加しました July, 2020
I am passionate about sharing my love for fantasy art and empowering students with the foundational tools they need to make their imaginations come alive on paper. I teach art to kids from ages 3 to 18+ years old.

For the younger kids, Harry Potter, Wings of Fire, Warrior Cats, Squishmallows, Pokemon... these are all popular names in any household with kids. As a father of three school-aged kids, I see firsthand that art has a valuable role in any child’s education. Art inspires creativity,  builds concentration/focus and helps particularly younger students work on fine motor skills. There is a lot of pride and sense of accomplishment when a child's “masterpiece" is created, and it's always fun to show it off to friends and family. 

For the older students, Anime (Demon Slayer, My Hero Academia, One Piece) is a hot topic. Digital Art and Animation is another fast growing art medium and an important skill set for aspiring arts looking to get into the entertainment industry, specifically, video games and animated movies. 2D art skills always remains a staple and I also help older students looking to build their portfolio for college applications.

Art is important. It can communicate information, shape our everyday lives, make a social statement and be enjoyed for aesthetic beauty. Art matters because it can illustrate the human experience. It is meant to move people either on an intellectual or emotional level. Art is not just an expression of emotion but also a medium for communicating ideas. It can act as therapeutic relief, a conduit for self-expression, or simply a way to appreciate life's beauty. Through art, we can chronicle history, embody societal values, and comment on political or social events. 

The Core Six: Why Art Matters

The realm of art is vast, and its significance has evolved over time. However, there are seven primary reasons why art has remained indispensable to humanity:

 1. Escape from Reality: Art offers a haven from the every day, allowing us to step into different worlds and perspectives.
2. Fostering Community: It establishes a shared identity and sense of belonging among diverse groups.

3. Self-Expression and Awareness: Art provides a platform to voice our feelings, thoughts, and identities.

4. Contemplation and Reflection: Through art, we can introspect and ponder life's mysteries.

5. Entertainment and Joy: Beyond its deeper meanings, art can also be sheer fun and enjoyment.

6. Eliciting Strong Reactions: Art has the power to inspire awe, wonder, and introspection.

I have a degree in animation and over twenty years of experience not only teaching art but also as a professional artist, working on everything from Dungeons & Dragons illustrations to UX design for large-scale corporate applications. I love what I do, so it seldom feels like work to me, and it feels great to be able to help lay the foundation for that kind of relationship with art in others.





55 分
8 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 9-14
クラス人数: 3 人-7 人

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