

Brooke R VanDyke
Rising Star


4 lessons//4 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
What do plants need to grow?
We will talk about what plants need and how to provide them with what they need. We will talk about fertilizer as well as how to make our own at home with just old table scraps! We will plant our seed(s) in our pots, water it, find a good sunny window to put it by, and make a plan to take care of it!
 Week 2
Lesson 2
Companion planting and Garden planning!
Learners will be encouraged to remember key points learned last class about what plants need to grow. Next we will talk about companion planting: which plants are good friends and can be planted next to one another and which cannot. We will talk about things like insect control with flowers as helpful companions for drawing in helpful (and cute!) predator bugs like Mantis! We will also observe our sprouted seeds!
 Week 3
Lesson 3
Trellising and pruning!
Learners will be encouraged to remember key points learned last class about what plants are friends. We will talk about techniques for caring for our plants when they get bigger. We will talk about trellising plants that need it and how to prune. We will focus on the specific plants they plan to have in their own garden. We will observe our growing buds in our planters!
 Week 4
Lesson 4
Soil Health
We will go into more details of all the above topics and play trivia. We will talk soil health, building healthy soil, watering methods, using perennial plants, attracting pollinators, and monoculture versus polyculture. We will go over everything and make sure learners understand what they will need to do to take care of their plant or garden! We will also cover any important tips and tricks they should know when caring for their plants. Specifics depends on type of plant(s) they are growing.
I have been gardening for 10 years and have started a permanent agriculture food forest on my quarter acre property in the city in Michigan. The video was of my food forest style garden there! That is where I fell in love with gardening and decided to move to Colorado and become a farmer!
One book I like to refer to is The Resilient Farm and Homestead.
参加しました July, 2020
Rising Star
学士号 Grand Valley State Universityから
I live with my husband in a wooden yurt on our farm near the mountains in Colorado. We are both music and writing teachers on Outschool. He teaches guitar as well as the instruments that I teach! His name is Steven Middendorp. I started with... 




毎週または¥55 4 クラス分
週に1回、 4 週間
30 分

2 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 8-13
クラス人数: 1 人-5 人

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