
Roblox Studio を使ったゲーム デザイン入門: 床は溶岩 [コーディング入門]

Ryan James
「若いクリエイター向けのインタラクティブな教育コースで、Lua を使用したコーディングの基礎を学び、独自の Roblox ゲームを設計することで、お子様がゲーム開発の世界を探求できるようにします。」


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 4 - 6
  • Understand the Basics of Roblox Studio: Students will gain a foundational understanding of how to navigate and use Roblox Studio, including its tools and interface, to create and customize game elements.
  • Code Basic Game Mechanics: Students will develop basic coding skills in Lua, enabling them to write scripts that control game mechanics and animations, and create interactive mini-games in Roblox.
Experienced software developer with 18 months experience teaching experience (python to 7 to 16 year olds)
This class is designed to be inclusive and supportive of students with unique learning needs, including ADHD and autism. As an experienced instructor, I use clear, structured instructions, break tasks into manageable steps
Here is a list of things you will need for this class:

A computer: Ensure you have a computer with the necessary system requirements to run Roblox and Roblox Studio smoothly. The system should have at least a 1.6 GHz processor, 1 GB of system memory (RAM), and DirectX 9 compatible GPU. For a better experience, a more powerful computer with a faster processor, more RAM, and a dedicated graphics card is recommended.

Roblox account: Sign up for a free Roblox account if you haven't already. This account will allow you to access and use Roblox Studio and save your work on the platform.

Roblox Studio: Download and install Roblox Studio on your computer. It is a free development tool provided by Roblox, which you will use to create and design your games throughout the class.

Internet access: A stable internet connection is necessary for downloading Roblox Studio, accessing the platform, and working on your projects during the class.

Optional: A mouse and keyboard are recommended for ease of navigation and better control while working in Roblox Studio.

By having these items ready, you will be well-prepared to participate in the class and start your journey into game design and development with Roblox Studio.
Roblox Studio is a powerful, creative tool that allows students to learn game design, coding, and collaboration skills while building their own unique experiences in a safe, moderated environment. Students need a Roblox account to access Roblox Studio, but we will only be using Roblox Studio in this class, focusing on game creation rather than playing games created by others. Creating a Roblox account is free, and as a parent, you can monitor your child's account settings, including privacy and security options, ensuring a safe and engaging learning experience.
参加しました April, 2023
Hello! My name is Ryan James, and I'm thrilled to be your child's teacher as they dive into the fascinating world of Lua coding in Roblox Studio. With over 2 years of experience as an educator, I specialize in teaching coding to... 




60 分

年齢: 9-14
クラス人数: 1 人-6 人

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