for 12 classes含まれるもの
12 ライブミーティング
18 授業時間宿題:
週あたり 2-4 時間. All homework, quizzes, and exams are optional based on the needs of the student and if they are enrolled in a charter school, homeschooled, or just learning to learn. Types of Assignments: • Weekly Quizzes on past discussions • Midterm and Final Exam • AT HOME labs • Final Project and the correlating assignments to complete it • Other creative projects to help solidify principles taught (for example Cellular Organelle Personification - If the _____ where a person, who would they be?)テスト
Each assignment turned in, will be graded. It is recommended that each student do all the assigned work and if you ask us for an overall grade, it will be based on the complete course. There is a Rubric of 30% Final Project, 20% Midterm, 20% Final Exam, 20% Homework and Labs,& 10% Quizzes.評価
英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 9 - 12
This is the first semester of a two semester High School Biology course, however with a twist! My methodology is project based learning. This class will even include “at home labs” and a super fun final projects where the students will create and evolve their own new creatures from existing ones! The Class will cover the standards of High School Life Science based in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). This includes everything from the Cell, Genetics, Taxonomy, Ecology, and some Anatomy. In addition, there will be “at home” labs, where they will learn the scientific method as well as the standard format for lab write-ups. It takes the mystery out of how to report on the results of a lab and prepares them for college science. One of the documents you receive upon enrolling is that form. The most important part of what we will be covering, in the course, is WHY YOUR STUDENT CARES ABOUT BIOLOGY. You might think the last statement would be obvious. However, over the 20+ years of teaching, what I have discovered is lacking from most courses is how it directly relates to the students’ lives and future educational/professional goals. How many times have you heard the words, “I’ll never use __________ in life! Why am I learning it!” I make sure that each student understands, no matter what they end up doing in their life biology will help them comprehend how the world around them works. I make an effort to learn what those goals interests are, so I can be sure to point it out. During this course we will have discussions on the topics (not lectures). There will usually be some slides and some notes for them to take. We will also have some quizzes and exams to encourage them to study and these make great samples if you are with a charter school. There will also be lots of outside resources that will help your learner to understand the material according to their learning style. We try a multi prong attack of reading, visuals, videos, projects, and of course class time to be sure that each person understands the material. Each day will consist of going over the answers to the quiz or homework assignment from the week prior. This is where we will discuss and answer any remaining questions. Then, we will have our discussion about the new science topics. Finally, depending on the day, we will also discuss any labs that they might have completed since our last session. The students will have a list of what we will cover each week that is sent out as students enroll in the classes. The final project for the class is two parts. First the student will select 2 organisms that they thought were interesting from study and then do a research project on them. This will include items such as the organisms biome, ecology, and facts they find interesting about their chosen organisms. Then they get to do the creative and fun part. They will evolve the same two species into two completely different species. The important part of this evolution is they have to justify the change and discuss why the organisms have evolved in the manner they propose. The students will do this by using all the science and understanding they have gained from their studies during the year. The students will discuss the different abiotic or biotic factors that led to the fictitious evolution into a completely different species. The students must discuss how they fit into a different biome and ecology or how they might actually compete with the real organism for survival. This helps the students fully grasp one of the most important parts of Life Science, the delicate balance of ecology. Here are the NGSS Standards to be covered: How Structure and Function are related (atomic and anatomy) Matter and Energy in Ecosystems Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems Inheritance and Variation of Traits Natural Selection and Evolution For more information on the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) please visit their website https://www.nextgenscience.org/ A full copy of the syllabus and what will happen on each of the 24 sessions is sent as the student enroll.
Cover and understand the following topics/standards:
• Understand how structure and function are related and how they carry out the basic essentials of life
• Matter and Energy in Organisms and Ecosystems
• The Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems (The Circle of Life)
• Inheritance and Variation of Traits
• Natural Selection and Evolution
Teacher-Created カリキュラムに準拠標準
Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) に準拠4 ユニット
12 レッスン
12 週間以上ユニット 1: Introduction to Biology and Ecology
レッスン 1:
Introduction to Biology
90 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 2:
The Basics of Ecology
90 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 3:
Comunities, Biomes, Ecosystems, & Biodiversity
90 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 4:
Chemistry in Biology
90 分のオンラインライブレッスン
In the sections on Human Anatomy, as well as with Natural Selection & Evolution, both human and other life forms reproduction will be discussed. This will be strictly scientific. It will be about how inheritance works and how the endocrine system works. This is not a “Health Class”.
• Science Notebook • For “AT HOME” labs (smock, protective gloves, and eye protection) • Recommended but not required - Textbook “Glencoe Biology” published by McGraw-Hill (any version will work)
クラス登録時に 1 の学習素材が提供されます
I am a lifelong learner and I hope I can pass that on to your student, so their life can be enriched by the power of learning! My motto as a teacher is to always teach the class that I would want to take as a student. :)
I have been a teacher in San Diego County for 25+ years for Charter School and home school students. I teach Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Human Anatomy, and much, much more! I work with Middle School and High School age students. I own and run a learning center in my home town that has been serving students for over 15 years. I am an approved vendors and considered an subject area expert for multiple charter schools in CA. I use creative methods to engage the students mind to learn through interesting and exciting thematic learning (Edu-LARP). I believe that we can cover the standards, but in a way that makes it memorable and makes connections to their own life and the world around them.
I am also a professional Dungeon Master and have been teaching people to play D&D for many, many years. D&D is one of the best table top role playing games you could ever learn. Through the medium of the “joint storytelling”, we can explore new worlds, be ultra creative using teamwork in problem solving, and learn how to be more effective in social situations. As the an individual who was incredibly awkward and shy, D&D helped me learn to think creatively and manage my emotions. It can be one of the greatest adventures your student might ever take.
In addition, I have been a profession ballroom and Latin dancer for almost 30 years. This makes every academic, as well as extracurricular class, exciting and filled with fun. There should never be a dull moment in one of my classes.
Peter (Professor Wigglebottom) Edwards は次にこのクラスを提案しています...
高校生物学 - 自分の生物を進化させる(2学期中2学期)
Peter (Professor Wigglebottom) Edwards
$32 クラスごと
12 週間、 1/週、 1.50 時間
13 歳-18 歳
他のクラス by Peter (Professor Wigglebottom) Edwards
他のクラス by Peter (Professor Wigglebottom) Edwards
バイオソムニウムの生き物: 推測的進化プロジェクト (対象年齢 13 ~ 18 歳)
Benjamin Corey's Creative Curriculum Coop
$18 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Friday の5 PM です
1/週、 55 分
13 歳-18 歳
Chidumebi Ikechi Njoku-Browne
$13 クラスごと
次のセッションは明日の 9 PM です
1/週、 35 分
11 歳-16 歳
生物学: 自然界に生息するゾンビ
John PhD
$21 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Wed 3/19 の5 PM です
1 週間、 1/週、 25 分
9 歳-14 歳
生命の探究 パート 3: 変化とつながり (生物学カリキュラム 4 年生 - 6 年生)
Kim Musolff
$17 クラスごと
10 週間、 2/週、 45 分
9 歳-12 歳
STEM の進化 エピック ディスプレイ モデル構築ミニ キャンプ!
Teacher Tom Bickmore
$40 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Sun 3/16 の3 PM です
1 週間、 1/週、 2 時間
10 歳-15 歳
Kat Medeiros
$13 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Thu 4/24 の4 PM です
1 週間、 1/週、 30 分
9 歳-12 歳
4日間キャンプ - 子どものための古生物学: 化石、恐竜、進化、絶滅
Dr Pete PhD Earth Science Philosophy Geology
$20 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tue 5/20 の2 PM です
1 週間、 4/週、 50 分
11 歳-16 歳
4 日間キャンプ - 恐竜 - 地質学、化石、古生物学、進化、絶滅
Dr Pete PhD Earth Science Philosophy Geology
$20 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Mon 5/26 の2 PM です
1 週間、 4/週、 50 分
11 歳-16 歳
探究型生物学 1: 都市化、適応、自然淘汰
Malikai Bass M.A
$16 クラスごと
6 週間、 2/週、 50 分
12 歳-15 歳
高校生物学 | 第 4 四半期 | 共通の祖先と種の分化
Mrs. Victoria Laird, M.S.
$17 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Wed 3/19 の9 PM です
7 週間、 2/週、 45 分
14 歳-18 歳
高校生物学 - 自分の生物を進化させる(2学期中2学期)
Peter (Professor Wigglebottom) Edwards
$32 クラスごと
12 週間、 1/週、 1.50 時間
13 歳-18 歳
高校生物学 | 第 3 四半期 | 適応と自然選択
Mrs. Victoria Laird, M.S.
$17 クラスごと
7 週間、 2/週、 45 分
14 歳-18 歳
高校生物学 - 高校 1 年間カリキュラム コース (パート 2/2)
Dr. Lee, PhD, Biology and Life Science
$18 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Mon 5/5 の8:30 PM です
18 週間、 1/週、 45 分
13 歳-17 歳
数世紀にわたるバレエ:バレエの歴史を探る - 8 週間
Mrs. Amber (Certified Ballet Teacher)
$15 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Mon 4/7 の1 PM です
1/週、 40 分
10 歳-15 歳
ティーンのためのマニュアル DSLR 写真 301: 写真の芸術
Katherine Causbie - Photography
$27 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Mon 4/21 の11 PM です
10 週間、 1/週、 1.17 時間
13 歳-18 歳
哺乳類学 - 哺乳類の研究 | セメスターコース (10-13)
Oliver Dunn
$10 クラスごと
14 週間、 1/週、 45 分
10 歳-13 歳