
HJ - かわいい食べ物!かわいい日本食 - 日本語と日本文化を学ぶ(複数日)A

簡単な日本語コース。生徒は日本語、食べ物、食文化について学びます。日本のレシピとお弁当を作ります。初級者向けの日本語。複数日コース。#アカデミック #日本語
Teacher Lynn (リン 先生; 린 선생님)


4 ライブミーティング
2 授業時間
Students are asked to participate in the discussion, games, and food making activity. Students will answer questions weekly on the Outschool platform classroom forum to assess their understanding. Self-assessment activities will also be provided.


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 3 - 6
Welcome to ‘Kawaii Food! Cute Japanese Food - Learn Japanese Language & Culture (Multi-day)' with Teacher Lynn (リン 先生)

The Japanese language has become extremely popular due to anime, J-pop, J-dramas and Japanese cuisine (food)!
This easy-going flex course is aimed at students who are interested in starting their Japanese language and culture journey. 
Discover Japan through its language, food and culture! 

This is a 2-week course that meets 2 times a week for 30-minute each time. 

In this course, students will learn some Japanese and about popular Japanese foods. Then, students will be introduced to Japanese eating etiquette and culture. Students will play a Japanese fruit vocabulary game (video). Finally, students will make a Japanese-style bento lunch box! Review Games are given in the last week.

Week 1, Day 1 ~ Intro to Japanese (Hiragana and Katakana), & Learn the Names of Cute and Popular Japanese Food
Week 1, Day 2 ~ Japanese Eating Etiquette and Culture
Week 2, Day 1 ~ Japanese Fruit Vocabulary Game
Week 2, Day 2 ~ Review Games & Bento Lunchbox Making Time! 

Students are highly recommended to participate in the class activities, questions, and games. Cameras are requested to be ON for new students and recommended to be ON for repeat students.

In this class, all Japanese is accompanied with Rōmaji (Roman alphabet) for easy reading and following along. No prior Japanese language learning is required - Easy Japanese-y! 

Please bring a notebook/paper and pencil/pen to the first 3 classes. 
**For the 4th class please bring the list of food items requested to make the Bento lunchbox. 
Only Zoom on the Outschool platform is used for this class.


Students will realize that they already know some Japanese food words (they just didn’t know it!)
Students will be familiarized with Japanese food words, and eating etiquette and culture.


If you need support for your learner, please ask. Thank you.
All content is appropriate for all students of every background. Parental guidance is not needed for the first 3 weeks. **For the recipes and 4th week Bento Lunchbox making, students might use kitchen tools, including kitchen knives/ kitchen scissors. Login may be required for the review and game websites. No additional costs to use the review and game websites.
OPTIONAL: Japanese Katakana and Hiragana knowledge is recommended, but not required. Please see this page for Japanese Katakana and Hiragana courses: https://outschool.com/teachers/LynnHortin
Notebook and Pencil are recommended to take notes.
**To submit the completed homework worksheets, students may need a printer and scanner, or a program that allows them to write on the pdf homework worksheet files and they can take a screenshot/photo. (Please contact teacher Lynn if there is a difficulty submitting the completed homework worksheets.)
Optional: Ingredients for the Recipes

+ For the 4th week (Bento Lunchbox making):

Required Items:
~ Bento box or Small Food Container/Small Tupperware
~ Pre-Cooked Short Grain Rice

Suggested Ingredients and Supplies Items:
~ Kitchen Knives/ Kitchen Scissors**
~ Cutting Board
~ Food Shaping Tools & Molds
~ Chopsticks

~ Dried Seaweed Sheets (called 'Nori' in Japanese and 'Kim' in Korean)
~ Cheese Slices
~ Pre-cooked Mini Sausages
~ Mini Tomatoes
~ Cucumbers

~ Your favorite veggies!

** Please know your student's abilities with sharp kitchen tools.
[Students do NOT need all items suggested, just the items the student wishes/can find from the list].
[Yes, you can substitute for vegan/vegetarian and allergy-free items).
(Please ask teacher in Week 1 if you have any questions about the ingredients list. Thank you.)

NOTE: OPTIONAL: If you are looking to buy international/Asian ingredients, they can be bought here: https://www.iherb.com/c/grocery?rcode=NET7216
No sources beyond the standard Outschool tools are required. Teacher Lynn will provide links of the extra learning sources. Homework worksheets will also be provided on the Outschool platform classroom forum.
参加しました December, 2021
イリノイ州 教員免許 英語から他の言語の話者へで
米国以外 教員免許 英語から他の言語の話者へで
修士号 Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific Universityから
学士号 Northern Arizona Universityから
Teacher Lynn (リン 先生) completed her Master’s degree in Oita, Japan. She was a teaching assistant for Japanese middle school, high school, and university in-person classes in Japan. She has been living in Japan for 6 years (since 2017). Teacher Lynn not only intensely studied the Japanese language, but fell in love with Japanese culture and discovered the passion for sharing such a beautiful language with students. She has been a private Japanese online tutor for over 3 years.





週に2回、 2 週間
30 分
年齢: 8-13
クラス人数: 2 人-7 人

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