
根性が悪くなる: ミニ医学部自主学習クラス

Dr. Robin


米国の学年 3 - 6
6 lessons//6 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
GI Overview
Ever wonder what happens to your food after you take a bite? This course will take you on a fascinating journey through the human digestive system, from your mouth all the way through. We'll explore why we need this system and how each organ plays a crucial role in the digestive process. As we begin, we'll build a basic model to visualize the first part of this amazing journey, focusing on the path from the mouth to the esophagus.
 Week 2
Lesson 2
The Stomach (Ulcers, H. pylori infections, Reflux, Vomiting)
Our journey through the digestive system continues with the often-misunderstood stomach! It might take the rap for aches and upsets, but the stomach is a hardworking hero. In this lesson, we'll unveil its amazing jobs, including how it breaks down food without harming itself. We'll then expand our model to include this vital organ, exploring its development and placement within the body.
 Week 3
Lesson 3
Liver (Hepatitis)
Next up on our digestive tour: the amazing liver! This underappreciated hero acts as our body's master filter, removing toxins and keeping things running smoothly. We'll explore its many functions, including how it impacts our health and potential warning signs of trouble. Then, we'll add the liver and its partner, the gallbladder, to our growing model.
 Week 4
Lesson 4
Pancreas, (Pancreatic Enzymes, Pancreatitis)
Shining a light on the pancreas! This often-overlooked gland plays a critical role in digestion, but also holds another secret function. We'll delve into the fascinating jobs of the pancreas, unpacking the difference between its digestive enzymes and its hormone production. Then, we'll add this multi-tasking marvel to our growing digestive system model.
 Week 5
Lesson 5
Small Intestines (Embryology, Malrotation, Short Bowel Syndrome, Motility)
The small intestine: surprisingly long, surprisingly essential! Unlike other organs, the small intestine starts out life outside the embryo before meticulously coiling up inside. This impressive length isn't a coincidence – we'll explore why this amazing structure is crucial for nutrient absorption, diving into the microscopic features that make it all work. As we expand our model, we'll discuss this fascinating developmental twist.
 Week 6
Lesson 6
Large Intestine (Constipation, Diarrhea, Appendicitis, Diverticulitis, IBD, etc)
Let's tackle the large intestine! Often overlooked, this essential organ plays a vital role in our digestive health. We'll explore its key functions and delve into its development within the body. By revisiting the small intestine, we'll see how these two parts work together during this fascinating process. As we expand our model, we'll gain a deeper understanding of this often-underrated digestive player.
As a family physician with a decade in private practice, I love teaching young people about how their bodies work.  I believe that people who understand their bodies will take better care of them.  
* Learners will complete a portion of a polymer clay model of the gastrointestinal system during each class by following a step by step video * Learners will post a photo of their polymer clay model or a video/photos of a demonstration in the classroom * Learners will be asked to answer a prompt before and two prompts after the recorded lesson every week, which may be a getting-to-know-you questions or related to the material * Learners are encouraged to comment on classmates' work as well
授業以外に週あたり 0 - 1 時間の学習が期待されます
This format is ideal for a variety of learning needs and I'm happy to help adjust expectations or resources to work well for your learner.
Learners will need polymer clay to create the model. I specifically chose polymer clay (such as Sculpey or Fimo) because it will stay pliable for the duration of the class and then you can bake it into a durable model your student can enjoy for years.  If your student uses just one color (see below), you can buy a package for about $3 at a local craft store.  Alternatively, you can buy a big starter set with 30 or more colors for about $25 on Amazon.

I mostly used peach/tan (only one package needed).  I also used very small amounts of red/brown (liver) and extremely small amounts of  pink (tongue), white (teeth), green (gallbladder), and yellow (pancreas).  I will reassure students that they only need one color and I'm using the other colors to make it easier for them to see what I'm doing. You know your student best and whether you'll have mostly unused blocks of polymer clay when you're done or whether they will be put to good use for other craft projects.  If you're going to get multiple colors, it's usually more cost effective to order a beginner set on Amazon instead of buying the colors individually.  Your student can also use a single color and then paint their model with acrylic paints.  I personally used acrylics to add some details after baking, just for fun!

I use my desk for modeling but for my own kids, I have plastic cafeteria trays in order to keep the clay off the dining room table where we typically do crafts.  In the grand scope of craft supplies, polymer clay isn't especially messy but it can wreck havoc on carpet and upholstery with the right conditions, so plan ahead for where the project will be.  Hair and dirt sticks to the clay easily until it's baked so you'll want to keep it covered between sessions so you don't end up with a furry model.  I personally cover it with a piece of waxed paper and keep it in my room, but modeling on a piece of parchment or waxed paper that can be lifted up and set in a container with a lid is also a great option.

Acrylic paint can be messy and typically doesn't wash out of things, so consider if you want the hassle before deciding to go that route.
I do use the words "poop," "toot," "fart," "burp," "belch," and "bottom" during this class. 

During the small intestine lesson, I discuss embryology and the development of the small intestine.  I refer to "the baby in the mom's tummy" and briefly describe a couple ways that intestinal development can go wrong "that can be fixed with surgery" and I do mention the possibility of an ostomy and what that is.  I do NOT say anything about more serious complications or death because I do not believe that is appropriate for this age group.  I also reiterate several times that this is very rare, so rare that I have never seen it even though I've been a doctor for a long time.  

During the large intestine lesson, I mention that polyps can become cancer if they aren't removed but I don't go into any detail about what that means.  I mention that Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) can be "serious" and that people can need treatment for problems that it can cause including bloody diarrhea or cancer.  But I don't go into any detail about what that means.

Nothing in this class will be or is intended to be medical advice.  This is merely educational in nature and will be a surface-level overview.  Your student will not be coming out of this class knowing anything about how to diagnose or treat these conditions and we will not be discussing any personal medical questions/needs.  Students should come with general questions about the topic.
参加しました November, 2020

I'm Dr. Robin!  I'm a family physician and I love teaching people about how their body works.  I believe that when people understand their body, they will take better care of it so I created Dr. Robin's School and also teach pre-med classes... 


週ごとまたは¥108 ですべてのコンテンツ
6 録画済みレッスン
6 間の講師サポート
コンテンツへの 1 年間のアクセス

29 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 7-12

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