

Valerie Kosa
この 10 週間のコースでは、学習者はアメリカ全土を旅して最も豊かな宝石や鉱物を探し、これらの美しい宝物を見つけ、識別し、評価する方法を学びます。


米国の学年 3 - 5
Learners will have the opportunity to identify gems and minerals using specific gravity, hardness, luster, color and clarity. Learners will identify the different crystal structures of gems. Learners will learn where to find the different gems that can be publicly mined throughout the U.S. and they will learn the different state gems and birthstones. Learners will practice by digging their own gems using the gem kit purchased in the supply list. 
As a music teacher of nearly ten years and as a gem and mineral hobbyist, I have had many unique opportunities to share my passions for art and science over many years. Our family has learned more about gems and minerals through exploration and travel by visiting as many gem mines as we could on our 2.5 year journey across the U.S. and Canada in our RV. We found many precious and semi-precious gems and learned from prospectors and miners who had laid claim in the 1840's. I studied geology in both high school and at the University of North Texas; however, the experiential learning gained from my travels has given me a new perspective and understanding of how rich our country is when it comes to natural resources. Taking the gems we have found and having them polished and made into jewelry has been another learning experience and meeting the gemologists who work on these lovely gem stones has given me a wealth of knowledge and understanding. From coast to coast, gems and minerals are everywhere and are available to us for learning and enjoying for years to come. 
Learners will need one gem dig kit that can be purchased from Amazon  https://www.amazon.com/Gemstone-Dig-Kit-Gem-Crystals/dp/B0160JBGRA/ref=sr_1_6?crid=2IG2NUCMRPFDX&keywords=gem%2Bdig%2Bkits%2Bfor%2Bkids%2Bage%2B8-12&qid=1692803267&sprefix=gem%2Bdig%2Bki%2Caps%2C137&sr=8-6&th=1
or through Emerald Hollow Mine https://www.ehmlapidary.com/product-page/1-child-s-variety-bag. These kits are specifically geared for kids and are a lot of fun during our class activity and for years afterwards. The gems and minerals found in the Amazon kit are already polished. The ones from Emerald Hollow Mine are not polished but are still beautiful.
I have always been a teacher and explorer and received my bachelor's degree in music education in 2000. Teaching in the public school system as an accomplished band director for nearly a decade was rewarding; however, I wanted more for myself and... 


10 クラス分
週に1回、 10 週間
45 分

3 人がクラスを受けました
Ages: 8-11
クラス人数: 8 人-15 人

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