

or $120 for 0 classes

FLEX 6年生数学1年間(全4部構成のパート2)

7 人が学習を完了しました
年齢 11 歳-13 歳
この 1 年間にわたる FLEX コースの 2 回目のセッションでは、インタラクティブなスライド、現実世界の問題解決、楽しいアクティビティやゲームを通じて、パーセンテージ、データとグラフ、幾何学的測定、小数の乗算について学習します。
(89 レビュー)

8 週間
2 人-8 人 1クラスあたりの学習者


週あたり 2-4 時間. Homework will be assigned weekly and will consist of 1 or more of the following: -practice problems on Nearpod and Blooket, -weekly math scavenger hunt and create-your-own story problems. -assigned sections of IXL math -assigned pages from the optional workbook This homework will be in addition to watching the video slide presentations and completing the other parts of the corresponding Nearpod lessons. The total weekly time students will need to spend working on this class should be around 2-4 hours (1-2 hours on videos and lessons, 1-2 hours on homework) All homework, videos and lessons will be posted to the Outschool Classroom.
Ongoing informal assessment through interactive student activities and responses, as well as monitoring student classwork and homework. Weekly lesson quizzes and a final unit test at the end of the session will also be given. Parents, please contact me about the level of assessment and feedback you prefer for your student.


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 6
I designed this course to provide a full-year math curriculum for homeschoolers, but it is also a great option for 5th, 6th or 7th graders attending traditional school who need a little extra support and practice in math (or older students needing to review or catch-up). Additionally, if you are new to homeschooling, it's a great way to make sure you've got math solidly covered (I've found math to be the trickiest subject to try to teach your own child!!) without a fixed time commitment or heavy financial burden!

A full year of rigorous, individualized mastery method 6th grade math curriculum without the stress or fixed time commitment of trying to schedule live meetings! This is the first session of a FLEXIBLE SCHEDULED year-long 6th grade mastery method math course. There are NO live meetings for this class. Pre-recorded videos, interactive google slide presentations and links to Nearpod lessons and review games will all be posted in the Outschool Classroom, along with weekly homework assignments from the workbook, and special interactive assignments such as math scavenger hunts and create-your-own-story-problems. I will respond individually to each student with detailed explanations and corrections to homework that is turned in. Because of the small class size (8 students maximum), individual attention and individualized instruction is guaranteed!  This is a self paced class with each week's learning materials posted in the classroom at the beginning of the week.

**For this series, students should come with a solid number sense for both whole numbers and fractions (including comparing and finding equivalents) as well as performing basic operations (adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing) on multi-digit numbers as well as fractions.  Specific to Part 2, students should have mastered the material of Part 1, which included: exponents as repeated multiplication, place value and its key relationship to exponents (powers of ten), decimal numbers (concept and adding and subtracting) and the metric measurement system. If your student missed Part 1, please contact me for placement. I may be offering an accelerated section of Part 1 for students who wish to catch up, or we can arrange private tutoring sessions before Part 2 begins.

In this second 8-week session of the series, we will begin by building on our previous knowledge of double-digit multiplication to help us understand multiplying decimals, starting with multiplying by 0.1 or 1/10 and then 0.01 or 1/100. We will then focus on the relationship between decimals and percentages, learning to find the percentage of a number and to read percents in a pie graph. We will continue our study of metric system conversions from Part 1 by changing smaller units to larger units, and "round out" the session learning to compute the area and circumference of a circle. Each week we will cover one topic over two days, following this pattern: 1) visual, interactive introduction using real world connections; 2) guided, group and individual practice; 3) review work, including previously mastered concepts such as operations with fractions so that understanding stays fresh and further connections can be made. (See below for the full weekly outline of topics).

I want my students to feel fully engaged in the learning process--to find meaning, confidence (and yes, even joy!) in mathematical problem solving. To make math fun and engaging, I will be presenting lessons through interactive slides, which will include clear visual representations, virtual manipulatives, and connections to math in the real world. Additionally, I will be using applications such as Nearpod (nearpod.com) to create further opportunities for students to engage with the material and with one another. Activities will include collaborative idea boards, typed or drawn responses, polls, matching games, quizzes and embedded games. These activities provide not only engagement and fun for students, but also give me as the teacher the opportunity for ongoing, informal assessment. 

First Day of Class : Introductions, ice breakers, general math, practice using Google Classroom and Nearpod
Week 1 (Lesson 9): Multiplying Parts of a Whole (Tenths): Connecting fractions, division and decimals
Day 1: Interactive Introduction to Multiplying by 0.1 (1/10)  through Visual Representation of Place Value/Practicing Multiplying by Tens vs. Tenths with Fractions, Place Value Notation and Decimal Notation
Day 2: Review Work & Word Problems: Subtracting Mixed Numbers

Week 2 (Lesson 10) : Multiplying Parts of a Whole (Hundredths): Connecting fractions, division and decimals
Day 1: Interactive Introduction to Multiplying Decimals by 0.01 (1/100) through Visual Representation of Place Value/Practicing Multiplying by Hundreds vs. Hundredths with Fractions, Place Value Notation and Decimal Notation
Day 2: Review Work & Word Problems: Multiplying Fractions 

Week 3 (Lesson 11): Finding a Percent of a Number
Day 1: Interactive Introduction to Percent as Another Way of Writing Hundredths through Visual Representation/Practicing Percents of a Number by Converting Percentage to Decimal (or Fraction) and Multiplying
Day 2: Review Work & Word Problems: Multiplying Mixed Numbers

Week 4 (Lesson 12): Finding a Percent Greater than 100%; Word Problems
Day 1: Interactive Introduction to Percents > 100% as Mixed Numbers Using Real World Examples/Using Percents greater than 100% to Solve Word Problems 
Day 2: Review Work & Word Problems: Dividing Fractions

Week 5 (Lesson 13) : Data and Graphs: Reading Percents in a Pie Graph
Day 1: Interactive Introduction to Interpreting Various Kinds of Graphs (Bar, Line, Picto, Circle) through Relatable Infographics/Practice Reading and Creating Real World Pie Graphs 
Day 2: Review Work & Word Problems: Dividing Mixed Numbers

Week 6 (Lesson 14): Using Estimation to work with and convert between decimals, fractions and percentages
Day 1: Interactive Introduction to Using Estimation and Counting Place Value Spots to Multiply Decimals/Practice Multiplying and converting Decimals using Estimation and Word Problems
Day 2: Review Work & Word Problems: More Dividing Fractions (using estimation)

Week 7 (Lesson 15): Geometry Part 1: Review of 2-D shapes and Finding Perimeter and Area
Day 1: Interactive Review: Identifying and Sorting 2D Shapes; Finding Perimeter and Area of Rectangles and Triangles/Practice Finding Perimeter and Area with fraction and decimal units
Day 2: Review Work & Word Problems: More Dividing Mixed Numbers (Multiplying by Reciprocal of Improper Fraction)

Week 8 (Lesson 16): Geometry Part 2: Circles! Computing Area and Circumference
Day 1: Interactive Introduction to Circles and Circle Terminology (Radius, Diameter, Circumference, Pi)/Computing the Area and Circumference of Circles Using Real World Examples
Day 2: Review Work & Word Problems: Perimeter


(see description above)


We will be using the third-party websites listed below that provide interactive, fun opportunities for building mastery and fluency of math concepts and skills: Nearpod: Educational, interactive tool for presenting my own slide-show lessons and activities (such as matching, drag-and-drop, etc.) I will post a direct link in the Zoom chat that will take students directly into the lesson, they only need to enter their first name or nickname so that I know who is who within the lesson. * No account or personal information needed. Google Jamboard: A great interactive tool for collaborative learning. I will send a direct link in the Zoom chat that will allow students to enter directly into the specific Jamboard without any kind of sign-up * No account or personal information needed Blooket: Students love playing these fun, fast-paced games with math question banks that I am able to create and taylor to the needs of the class. The report I see after each game serves as a great informal assessment. I will post a direct link in the Zoom chat, students will simply enter their first name of nickname and begin playing the game. *No account or personal information needed Google Slides: I will usually use Google Slides to present lessons through the screen share function, but may at times give students the link for activities or games that I have created. *No account or personal information needed Google Forms: I will use Google Forms to create the Lesson quizzes/tests. Students can complete the quizzes on paper first, and then transfer their answers into the Google Form and submit to me for an easy way to correct and give feedback *Again, no account or personal information needed IXL: This is a great site for practicing specific math skills and concepts. As a teacher, I really like it because I can assign specific sections that line up exactly with the concepts/skills we've covered in class, and be able to see students' progress on that skill. I will provide students with individual usernames and passwords, so no family account or personal information will be needed. Most students find the site fun and motivating, but please let me know if your student finds it stressful--I will find an alternative.
--I will post further materials or workbooks needed in the classroom after enrollment (cost of materials will not exceed $50 for the entire year--Parts 1-4)
-Notebook and pencil for taking notes and working problems


参加しました June, 2021
I am a certified teacher (Grades 1-6) with a Masters in Teaching and over 20 years of classroom, small group and one-on-one experience. Math has been my focus for the past 5 years, and I have taught this specific 6th grade Mastery Math Method for 4 years.


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App StoreでダウンロードGoogle Playで入手する