

per week
($13 per class)

12 ~ 16 歳向けの基本的な GCSE 数学のトピックの早期入門。

45 人が学習を完了しました
年齢 12 歳-16 歳
(66 レビュー)

4 人-16 人 1クラスあたりの学習者
55 分


2 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 1 時間 50 分
週1時間. Online programme (Learning By Questions) providing immediate feedback and marking.
No specific grading will be given due to online feedback being returned to students/parents and not myself.


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 8 - 10
Intermediate レベル向け
This is an ongoing course that will study the British Curriculum for Year 9 - approx. age 13 (Transition year from Key Stage 3 into Key Stage 4), and continue through the GCSE Key Stage 4 course. It is a loop course to help prepare for the GCSE examinations.

This class will be taught as a mini-classroom environment where the material will be taught by PowerPoint. There will be plenty of explained examples, and time for pupils to ask quick questions for clarification and to aid understanding as we go through.

Each week, the new topics will be introduced and developed starting from basics, but allowing extension where possible. Online platforms will be used to monitor and assess progress in real-time, so that support can be given. Any work submitted will be marked online and feedback can be given. Some online resources will also give immediate feedback.

As lessons are recorded, pupils can re-watch the recordings in case they missed copying down examples, or wish to revisit the topic at a later date. If any pupils require additional support on a 1-to-1 basis, this can be arranged separately on request.

Week Commencing 02.09.2024 - Prime factors, HCF & LCM (inc. Venn diagrams), BIDMAS/PEMDAS (integers)

Week Commencing 09.09.2024 - Directed numbers (Negatives), Indices/Powers/exponents and Standard Form

Week Commencing 16.09.2024 - Rounding to decimal places, significant figures, estimating (intro into error)

Week Commencing 23.09.2024 - Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying and Dividing decimals & BIDMAS/PEMDAS

Week Commencing 30.09.2024 - Algebra: Collecting like terms, Expanding single brackets, Factorising into single brackets

Week Commencing 07.10.2024 - Algebra basics continued

Week Commencing 14.10.2024 - Algebra expanding double brackets, substitution and Pythagoras' Theorem

Mid-TERM 1 Break (2 weeks)

Week Commencing 04.11.2024 - Statistics: Collecting and Representing Data (inc. Pie Charts & Stem and Leaf Diagrams)

Week Commencing 11.11.2024 - Statistics: Types of data, Central tendencies (mean, mode, median), LQ, UQ, IQR, Frequency tables, averages from grouped data

Week Commencing 18.11.2024 - Using formulae, rearranging formulae, making subject of a formula (inc. factorisation)

Week Commencing 25.11.2024 - Statistics: Types of data, Central tendencies (mean, mode, median), LQ, UQ, IQR, Frequency tables, averages from grouped data

Week Commencing 02.12.2024 - Trigonometry: Trig ratios, using Sin/Cos/Tan to find lengths and angles

Week Commencing 09.12.2024 - Sequences: Identifying different types of sequences, arithmetic, geometric progressions, term-to-term and position-to-term formulae for linear sequences

To be added if possible  Algebra: Solving linear equations, with brackets, and unknowns on both sides

END OF TERM 1 break (3 weeks)

Week Commencing 06.01.2025 - Sequences: Identifying different types of sequences, arithmetic, geometric progressions, term-to-term and position-to-term formulae for linear sequences

Week Commencing 13.01.2025 - Ratio and proportion: Using ratios, simplifying ratios, dividing quantities into a ratio, 1:n and n:1, map ratios and scale drawings

Week Commencing 20.01.2025 - Metric conversions, Imperial measurements, I+M conversions, reading scales and dials, converting between lengths, areas and volumes, possible introduction to similarity.

Week Commencing 27.01.2025 - Statistics: Frequency diagrams, Frequency polygons, Scatter diagrams and Lines of best fit, Correlation

Week Commencing 03.02.2025 - Angle properties around straight lines, parallel line and around polygons.

Week Commencing 10.02.2025 - Comparing fractions, addition and subtraction of fractions, including mixed numbers

Mid Term 2 Break (1 week)

Week Commencing 24.02.2025 - Multiplication and division of fractions, fractions of quantities, converting fractions to percentages and decimals

Week Commencing 24.02.2025 - Percentage introduction, percentage change, percentage  of an amount, percentage increase and decrease, converting percentages to fractions and decimals

Week Commencing 03.03.2025 - Transformations: reflection, rotation, translation

Week Commencing 10.03.2025 - Transformations: enlargement with both positive integer scale factors, fractional and negative. Use both the ray method and vector method

Week Commencing 17.03.2025 - Drawing straight-line graphs, finding gradient, finding equation.

Week Commencing 24.03.2025 - Solving linear inequalities, using inequality number lines, sketching linear inequalities with shading

END OF TERM 2 break (3 weeks)

Week Commencing 21.04.2025 - Perimeter and area of 2D shapes, including compound shapes and circles.

Week Commencing 28.04.2025 - Circumference and area of circles including compound shapes, arc lengths and areas of sectors, tessellations and rotational symmetry

Week Commencing 05.05.2025 - Fractions Decimals and Percentage problems

Week Commencing 12.05.2025 - Solving simultaneous equations using elimination method

Week Commencing 19.05.2025 - Solving simultaneous equations using substitution method. Introduction to solving simultaneous equations graphically

Mid-TERM 3 break (1 week)

Week Commencing 02.06.2025 - Simple probability, venn diagrams and sets

Week Commencing 09.06.2025 - Simple probability, listing outcomes, sample space diagrams, tree diagrams

Week Commencing 16.06.2025 - Advanced probability, two way tables, independent and dependent events, conditional probability

Week Commencing 23.06.2025 - Volumes of prisms and pyramids, Surface areas of 3D solids

Week Commencing 30.06.2025 - Introduction into vectors

Week Commencing 07.07.2025 - Graphs: Linear, Quadratic, Cubic, Exponential, Reciprocal, Trigonometric

END OF TERM 3 - break for SUMMER

Week Commencing 03.09.2025 - Introduction into functions and composite functions

Week Commencing 10.09.2025 - Introduction into circle theorems

Topics for the rest of the year include (and will be updated - as we progress through the year):

Planning collecting, sampling and statistical calculations (inc. grouped data)
Rearranging Formulae
Converting Metric units with Metric & Imperial units
Linear sequences (nth term)
Representing and Interpreting data
Ratio and proportion
Angles around parallel lines
Angles around polygons (interior and exterior)
Linear Graphs
Shape - Perimeter, Area, Volume, Compound shapes, Tessellations, Prisms
Simultaneous Equations
Scatter Diagrams (Bivariate Data)
Bearings and scale drawings


Students will learn to meet the objectives of the British School Curriculum for Year 9 (age 13) and prepare for GCSE/IGCSE examinations.


Some of the educational mathematical resources I use, and are available for pupils to use, are extremely common in UK teaching, however they may not be well known outside the UK or International British Schools network. Therefore if parents wish to check out the websites prior to their children accessing these resources, then they may feel more comfortable as to their content. The key resources I use are: www.lbq.org/task - The login for this belongs to myself (paid for). The tasks I set on this platform allow pupils to only access the question set that I create for the day. No other part of this website can be accessed by the pupils. Be aware that when pupils enter a name for the task, this data is stored for my viewing, so pupils way wish to use a non-recognisable name if they wish to appear anonymous. www.drfrostmaths.com - This will be used for resources to create powerpoints. There is also an online quiz, similar to Kahoot! No login required for pupils to access the quiz. www.Kahoot.it - Online quiz. No login required. A private licence has been paid for privately.
Paper/exercise book/notebook to write on and make notes.
A calculator. (Scientific preferred)
Maths equipment: Protractor, Compasses, Ruler
We will be using online resources to support learning and provide material to use.


参加しました March, 2021
I am a qualified mathematics teacher with 20 years’ experience. I have taught across the age range from 7 – 18 in a mixture of state and private/independent day and boarding schools and up until teaching online this last year, was employed full-time in an English International boarding school with responsibilities for teaching Maths across the curriculum in addition to teaching Cadets outdoor skills.

*My engaging and challenging lessons with Key Stage 2 were used to boost SAT preparation, selective secondary school entrance examinations, UKMT Maths Challenges and Private school taster days.

*I teach across Key Stage 3 and 4 preparing pupils for GCSE Higher and Foundation, as well as being responsible for the ‘Top Set’ and their progression onto AQA Further Maths and OCR Additional Maths Qualifications.

*At the senior age range (17/18), I teach the OCR MEI A Level syllabus throughout, including all Pure, Statistics and Mechanics. Working within an International Baccalaureate School, I teach the Diploma Programme of Maths, originally at the Maths Studies and Standard Level, however with the change, I am now wholly responsible for the teaching of the Applications & Interpretations Diploma course at both Standard and Higher Level.

I love the variety of subjects within maths that I teach and how they all can be applied outside the classroom for enjoyment and understanding, rather than for ‘exams’ sake. Teaching a broad array of ages, abilities, pupils with disabilities (visual and non-visual) makes every lesson unique and unpredictably enjoyable.

In addition to teaching mathematics, my love of outdoor pursuits had led be to become commissioned as an Officer of Cadets in the British Army. Over the last 15 years I have been promoted to the rank of Captain within our Infantry Unit, and hold numerable qualifications from Outdoor First Aid, Skill at Arms Instructor, through to Exercise Conducting Officer and Fieldcraft Educator. Within my timetable, I teach cadets weekly from the age of 14 – 18 through a variety of training programmes that include Fieldcraft, Map and Compass, Military tactics and other Cadet skills that help link together with our Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme.

Outside of my teaching career, I am a father of nine home-schooled children. I provide support to my wife (who is an early years specialist teacher), with all of our children from the age of 2 to 17. As I have a more scientific education, I often take over with the KS2 topics of Science, Maths and Geography, as well as squeezing in outdoor skills and knowledge to fuel their thirst for adventure and excitement!

Whilst studying at University, I became heavily involved with Educational Summer Schools, in particular with NAGTY (National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth), in addition to the promotion of Further Education for those children from disadvantaged backgrounds. I also took my love for cycling one stage further by gaining a City and Guilds Diploma in cycle maintenance, which I used as a mechanic and still do to this day.


Mr Lloyd は次にこのクラスを提案しています...
上級レベルの数学試験問題の練習と復習 - 14~16 歳。(Joint I/GCSE)
Mr Lloyd
$14 クラスごと
3/週、 1 時間
14 歳-16 歳

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Click Tutoring and Learning
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$50 セッションごと
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Mariah Certified Teacher & Reading Specialist
$35 セッションごと
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プライベート1:1個別指導: 数学クラス: 代数1-上級数学
Dwight Dunn, Msc. Math, Certified Math Teacher.
$38 セッションごと
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Liz Malone
$10 クラスごと
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1/週、 30 分
6 歳-8 歳
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Ms Velvet, Second Grade Teacher, BSBK in Ed
$14 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tue 5/6 の3 PM です
2/週、 30 分
5 歳-9 歳
5年生の数学の驚異: 数学の不思議を探る
Dr. M's Math Marvels
$40 セッションごと
11 歳-13 歳
数学オリンピック: 競争力のある数学コンテストに備えるための1対1のクラス
Math Planets
$55 セッションごと
8 歳-12 歳
数学トーク: 暗算と基本事実
Click Tutoring and Learning
$12 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Monday の2 PM です
1/週、 30 分
6 歳-9 歳
Teacher Jodi, TEFL, TESOL/BS ECEducation
$15 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Thursday の9:30 PM です
1/週、 25 分
6 歳-10 歳
$35 セッションごと
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6 年生の数学コース - 6 年生の数学の 1 年間
John Tom, MAT, SPED
$13 クラスごと
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Kim Pinard, M.A. Learning and Instruction
$12 クラスごと
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1/週、 30 分
9 歳-12 歳
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Erica Peterson - Licensed Elementary Teacher
$11 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tuesday の6:15 PM です
1/週、 30 分
8 歳-11 歳
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