
AP コンピュータサイエンス A - フルセメスターコース

Dr. Shun Y. Cheung
これは、College Board の Web サイトのコンテンツに基づいた完全な「AP コンピュータ サイエンス A」コースです。AP CS A は、米国の高校で教えられる大学レベルの「コンピュータ コース (CS) 入門」です。私はエモリー大学で「CS 入門」を教えました。


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 9 - 12
Beginner レベル向け
30 lessons//15 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Into to Computers and Computer Programs
Overview on how a computer works
Lesson 2
Introduction to Java programming
How to compile and run a Java program with BleuJ
 Week 2
Lesson 3
Elementary Programming
Writing a simple Java program. Defining variables, Identifiers and Primitive data types.
Lesson 4
Elementary Programming
Arithmetic operations. Mixed data type operations.
 Week 3
Lesson 5
Conditional Statements
Boolean expressions. If-statement, If-else statement
Lesson 6
Conditional Statements
Logical operators. The switch statement. The conditional expression.
 Week 4
Lesson 7
Characters and Strings
The char primitive data type and its use in Java programs. Java's String class.
Lesson 8
Characters and Strings
Mixing operations with String and string input. Converting number strings into integers or float/double.
 Week 5
Lesson 9
Loop statements
The while-loop. The do-while-loop. The for-loop
Lesson 10
Loop statements
Nested loops. The break and continue statement.
 Week 6
Lesson 11
Defining a method. Program control when calling a method. The activation record. Passing arguments by value.
Lesson 12
Overloading methods. The scope of a local variable. Program development through stepwise refinement.
 Week 7
Lesson 13
How a recursive method works. Factorial. Palindrome.
Lesson 14
Solving a complex problem with recursion - the Tower of Hanoi problem. Recursion vs iteration (loop).
 Week 8
Lesson 15
Single-Dimensional Arrays
Array basics. Defining, accessing and processing data in arrays.
Lesson 16
Single-Dimensional Arrays
Using an array to represent a deck of cards. Copying arrays. Array parameters.
 Week 9
Lesson 17
Single-Dimensional Arrays
Searching arrays. Sorting arrays. Selection Sort. Insertion Sort.
Lesson 18
Single-Dimensional Arrays
The merge sort algorithm. The running time of the sorting algorithms.
 Week 10
Lesson 19
Multi-dimensional Arrays
Defining and using 2-dimensional arrays. Passing a 2-dimensional array to a method. 2-dimensional arrays used in Mathematics (matrix).
Lesson 20
Objects and Classes
Defining classes and creating objects with classes. Constructors. Accessing object via reference variables.
 Week 11
Lesson 21
Objects and Classes
Copying objects. The copy constructor. Array of objects
Lesson 22
Objects and Classes
Intro to Object Oriented Programming - implementing a deck of cards. Using classes from the Java Library
 Week 12
Lesson 23
Objects and Classes
Data field encapsulation. Immutable objects. Passing objects to methods.
Lesson 24
The ArrayList class
Creating, using, inserting and deleting ArrayList objects.
 Week 13
Lesson 25
Inheritance and Polymorphism
The Object Oriented Design methodology (superclass and subclass). Relationship between superclass and subclass and their constructors.
Lesson 26
Inheritance and Polymorphism
Overriding vs. overloading. Polymorphism.
 Week 14
Lesson 27
Inheritance and Polymorphism
Upcasting and downcasting object references. The protected accessibility classfier.
Lesson 28
Abstract classes and Interfaces
Defining and using abstract classes and interfaces. Java's Comparable interface.
 Week 15
Lesson 29
Review of a released AP exam (2015)
Go over the questions in an AP exam
Lesson 30
Review of a released AP exam (2015)
Go over the questions in an AP exam
このクラスは 英語で教えられます。
  • The goal of the course is to give students a complete understand on how to use a computer programming language (in this case: Java) to develop computer programs to solve problems. Students will also learn the full content of the AP Computer Science A course curriculum specified by the College Board in their overview: https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/media/pdf/ap-computer-science-a-course-overview.pdf
I have a PhD degree in Computer Science and have taught Computer Science courses for over 30 years at Emory University. I have taught the course "CS170 Intro to Computer Science" at Emory which has a similar content as the AP Computer Science A that I am offering at OutSchool. A course evaluation from students on my teaching performance in CS170 is available at this URL:


授業以外に週あたり 0 - 1 時間の学習が期待されます
頻度: 含まれる
フィードバック: 含まれる
詳細: Learners will receive frequent assignments to reinforce the material learned in class. They should complete the assignment individually. Most assignments are simple and will take less than a hour to complete. But when enough material have been covered to do questions in AP Computer Science exams, I will assign some past exam questions as homework.
Basic Math skills  at 9th grade level
The course material is based on the textbook "Introduction to Java Programming" by Daniel Liang and it is available on Amazon:


Learners should purchase a copy for reference.
参加しました November, 2022
博士号 Georgia Institute of Technologyから コンピュータサイエンス へ
I am a retired Computer Science professor from Emory University and I have 31 years of experience teaching Computer Science courses at Emory. I have a PhD degree from Georgia Institute Of Technology and would like to continue to share my passion... 




毎週または¥1,000 30 クラス分
週に2回、 15 週間
75 分

年齢: 15-18
クラス人数: 4 人-14 人

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