per week含まれるもの
4 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 2テスト
Upon request, parents will be given feedback detailing strengths and weaknesses of their students.この文章は自動翻訳されています
英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 Kindergarten - 2
Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade students will review and practice phonics for consonant blends such as "br, fl, st" and double vowel/silent E words such as "bake, rain." A special sound such as a digraph (ch, sh, th) or tri blend ("spl") and vowel pal ("ar" as in star) will be learned every Monday &. Tuesday. Every week, the vowels and their sounds will also be reviewed along with our double vowel reading guidelines. We'll blend two-three consonants with the vowels using our blend ladders and ferris wheel to prepare for reading CCCVC (consonant-consonant-consonant-vowel-consonant) words, like "split", which will be read each week. Students will learn to "DECODE" and read words in this class through phonics. We do not memorize words except for Sight Words/ High Frequency Words. When foundational phonics skills are learned, students learn to love reading! They'll enjoy reading sentences, word families, and short stories in this class. Kindergarten and 1st grade students who enroll in this class have a strong foundation with CVC words and double vowel reading word. Students should be able to easily read a sentence like the following: "He said we must go on a plane to see the west." If your student needs help reading CVC words, this class Learn to Read CVC Words is a better fit: https://outschool.com/classes/kindergarten-and-1st-learn-to-read-cvc-words-and-beyondread-write-and-do-math-5FabT8oI?usid=pN2EAFx5&signup=true&utm_campaign=share_activity_link If your student needs help reading two vowel words & blends like the example sentence, this Learn to Read Silent E & CCVC is a better fit: https://outschool.com/classes/kindergarten-and-1st-learn-2-read-silente-and-ccvc-words-phonics-write-and-do-math-V7RikHND?sectionUid=822b6204-6825-44ff-abc1-798342c9b1d2&usid=pN2EAFx5&signup=true&utm_campaign=share_activity_link Sight words will be introduced each week with our sight words songs! We practice reading and writing from the Dolch words list which is a common list of the 52 most common words found in Kindergarten &1st grade level children's books. Students will learn to recognize and read sight words through sentences and sight word exercises. Math skills include identifying and writing numbers of the week. A new math concept will be introduced each week such as counting to 100 by tens, counting to 100 by 5s, skip counting by 2s, adding, subtracting, identifying coins, telling time on the hour, half hour, quarter past, and quarter till, counting with ordinal numbers -1st-10th, patterns, and measurements. Worksheets will also be made available each week for phonics, sight words, math skills, and writing words. This class will have fun songs, chants, and review games. With a max of six students, each student will have an opportunity to engage and answer questions. This class is designed for advanced readers who can read CVC, CCVC, silent E, and double vowel words. For example, your student is able to read this sentence: "Jan will make a dress." Our class time includes the following: Week of June 5th: Learn the "str" blend, write the blend letters with proper formation and practice the blend of the week sound. We'll also practice special vowel pal "ar" as in "star, car, far." Students will sound out 'str" with the vowels and practice phonics sounds with blend ladders, read, and write words such as "strike, strap, stripe, street". Count and write numbers 1-10; add with 1, sums up to 10. Sight word for the week: "after". Week of June 12: Learn the "thr" blend, write the blend letters with proper formation and practice the blend of the week sound. We'll also practice special vowel pal "or" as in "storm, form, corn." Students will sound out 'thr" with the vowels and practice phonics sounds with blend ladders, read, and write words such as "three, throat, thrive, thrill". Count and write numbers 1-20; add with 2, sums up to 10. Sight word for the week: "there". Week of June 19th: Learn the "spl" blend, write the blend letters with proper formation and practice the blend of the week sound. We'll also practice special vowel pal "ou" as in "pout, out, cloud." Students will sound out "spl" with the vowels and practice phonics sounds with blend ladders, read, and write words such as "split, splat, spleen". Count and write numbers 1-30; add with 3, sums up to 10. Sight word for the week: "who". Week of June 26th: Learn the "scr" blend, write the blend letters with proper formation and practice the blend of the week sound. We'll also practice special vowel pal "ow" as in "owl, clown, down, town." Students will sound out "scr" with the vowels and practice phonics sounds with blend ladders, read, and write words such as "scrap, scrape, scream, script". Count and write numbers 1-40; add with 4, sums up to 10. Sight word for the week: "with". This reading and math class will be presented with slides so students will easily be able to participate and get a clear understanding of the material taught. All videos are also made available for review by enrolled students only. *Please note: if only one to two students attend class, classes may end up to five minutes early.*
Students will enjoy learning through songs & visual material that will prepare them for advanced reading. We'll learn sight words, read and write sentences, read stories & answer comprehension questions. Two unique reading sounds will be taught ea. week
With young students, a parent nearby can help in case a child needs assistance or help to stay attentive. Also, please help your student with the mute and unmute functions in zoom. I do mute students if backgrounds become noisy, but I cannot unmute students in the classroom.
Please note that Outschool policy states only enrolled students can be seen on camera. Parents/Adults supervising students can help but must remain off camera.
Students in this class are able to read CvC words, silent E words, sight words and simple sentenc. For example, your student can read sentences as follows:
1. The pretty blue dress is for Kate
2. We will take the train in Spain.
Please bring the following to class: 1. Worksheets or lined paper/white boards to class for writing practice. Plain paper does not help students properly form letters/numbers. 2. Crayons, markers, legos (anything that shows color). The slides are color coded, so student answer by showing the color that matches their answer. 3. Pencils with "grips". Pencil grips help young students properly hold their pencils. You can find these in the school supply section at stores like Walmart, Target, and Amazon.
学士号 UCLAから 英語 へ
I have been in education for over 20 years and have had the privilege of teaching little ones how to read and write. I'm thrilled to teach students how to read through phonics!
他のクラス by Ms. Lisa B.A.; 28 Year Veteran Teacher
他のクラス by Ms. Lisa B.A.; 28 Year Veteran Teacher
Jasmine Taylor
$43 セッションごと
5 歳-7 歳
フォニックス パスファインダー
Teacher Lori
$20 セッションごと
7 歳-11 歳
フォニックス ブートキャンプ III: フォニックス上級概念
Mrs. Rose - Reading, Writing, and Spelling
$20 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Mon 8/4 の6 PM です
1 週間、 5/週、 45 分
9 歳-13 歳
Anika Joseph
$2 セッションごと
次回のセッションは Wed 3/12 の9 PM です
5 歳-7 歳
Alyssa McGregor
$55 セッションごと
4 歳-6 歳
ブレンドラダーを使ったフォニックス:3~8歳の子供向けの集中フォニックス指導 - 継続中
Katie Spitler
$30 セッションごと
4 歳-8 歳
Gwen E Bryant
$25 セッションごと
6 歳-10 歳
Erica Peterson - Licensed Elementary Teacher
$10 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tue 6/10 の4 PM です
5 週間、 2/週、 30 分
5 歳-9 歳
フォニックスゲーム: バトルシップ 🚢
$20 セッションごと
7 歳-11 歳
Kelsey Gross, M.Ed Elem. Ed, Reading & Writing
$40 セッションごと
5 歳-11 歳
初心者のためのフォニックスの楽しみ: フォニックス、スペリング、視覚単語を通して読む
Ms. Rhonda - Certified Early Intervention/Dyslexia
$25 セッションごと
6 歳-8 歳
StrongMinds for Kids by Teacher Maggie
$10 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Saturday の5:30 PM です
1/週、 20 分
4 歳-8 歳
1年生のフォニックスの楽しみ: 初心者向けのデコード可能な読み書きとフォニックスのスキル
Wild Prairie Learning
$10 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tue 3/11 の4 PM です
1/週、 25 分
6 歳-8 歳
Shianne Hunter, M.Ed
$13 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Mon 6/9 の4 PM です
8 週間、 3/週、 30 分
6 歳-8 歳
読書好きの人が読むことを学ぶ - フォニックス入門
Clarissa Beckstead
$10 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tuesday の4:30 PM です
1/週、 25 分
3 歳-6 歳
読み方を学ぶ: 明確で体系的なフォニックス指導
$30 セッションごと
4 歳-9 歳