

or $108 for 12 classes

1 年生向け科学フュージョン: 地球科学 (4 件中 3 件)

6 人が学習を完了しました
年齢 5 歳-9 歳
このクラスは、1 年生の理科の生徒を対象としています。生徒は動物、植物、天気、物質、エネルギーなどについて学びます。このクラスは (CEFR: A1、A2) に適しています。🌟チャーター ファンド対象🌟フル カリキュラム (セメスター パート 3/4)
(244 レビュー)

週に3回、 4 週間
3 人-6 人 1クラスあたりの学習者
25 分


12 ライブミーティング
5 授業時間


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 1
Beginner レベル向け
First grade Science is very interesting and fun for students! This semester class will include a mixture of S.T.E.M., Life Science, Earth Science, and Physical Science. We will even learn about people and careers in Science! This class will provide hands-on activities, such as drawing, painting, and other projects. 

There is an optional write-in student edition book of Science Fusion, that you may purchase for your child. I have acquired permission from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt to use Science Fusion, Grade 1, for use in my online Outschool class. The ISBN # is 978-0-544-77837-5. The book is a great price on Amazon! We will cover all of the pages in the book, except the Inquiry Flipchart pages. https://www.amazon.com/ScienceFusion-Student-Interactive-Worktext-Grade/dp/0544778375

Learn more about the course here --> https://youtu.be/1K2bucNP90A

There are four parts to this semester class. Each part lasts four weeks each. 
Part 1: 1st Grade Science Fusion: Semester Class - The Nature of Science & S.T.E.M. (Units 1, 2, & 3)
Part 2: 1st Grade Science Fusion: Semester Class - Life Science (Units 3 continued, 4, & 5)
Part 3: 1st Grade Science Fusion: Semester Class - Earth Science (Units 6, 7, & 8)
Part 4: 1st Grade Science Fusion: Semester Class - Physical Science (Units 9 & 10)

Part 3: 1st Grade Science Fusion: Semester Class - Earth Science (Units 6, 7, & 8)

Before Class 1: Find something at your home that is made from a natural resource. See pages 202 and 203 for ideas. Bring the item for show and tell for class 1.

Week 1: Unit 6
Class 1 - Earth's Resources (pages 197-203)
- Show and Tell: an item from your home made from a natural resource (see pages 202-203 for ideas)
- Vocabulary: natural resource, rock, soil

Class 2 - Rocks and Soil (pages 204-208)
- Show and Tell: any rock or rocks (We will observe the properties: texture, color, size)
- Learn about natural resources, both living and non-living.
- *Activity - Complete and color the resources on page 207 and fill in the organizer on page 208.

Class 3 - Peanuts (pages 209-210)
- Learn how Dr. George Washington Carver helped farmers.
- Teacher will screen-share these books and provide a handout about George Washington Carver and peanuts. Also, the teacher will screen-share this Learning Path from Leap Frog. https://t7.leapfrog.com/images/l/learning-path-20223.pdf
National Geographic: George Washington Carver, by: Kitson Jazynka
My Itty-Bitty Bio: George Washington Carver, by: Katie Marsico
Fantastic Kids: George Washington Carver, by: Michelle Jovin
- The class will watch a 1 minute video about Dr. George Washington Carver on EPIC Books. 

Before Week 2, Class 1: Find about ten different rocks. We will be sorting them into groups based on color, shape, and size. 

Week 2: Unit 6 continued (pages 211-248)
Class 1 - Properties of Rocks and Super Soil (pages 211-222)
- Vocabulary: property, texture
- Ready to Rock: Properties of Rocks
- Super Soil: How Soil Forms, Properties of Soil
- *Activity - Draw a rock on page 218, following the directions carefully. 
- Sort rocks into three groups by color, size, and shape. Complete the chart together on page 222.

Class 2 - Water (pages 225-236)
- Vocabulary: stream, lake, river, ocean
- Things that need water
- Screenshare: Earth's Landforms and Bodies of Water, by: Natalie Hyde, pages 15-17
- Water Safety: The teacher will show a life jacket and how to best use it.
- *Activity - Complete the water safety picture on page 234.

Class 3 - How can we save resources? (pages 237-248)
- Show and Tell: a reduce, reuse, or recycle item
- Vocabulary: reduce, reuse, recycle, pollution
- Learn about pollution solutions.
- *Activity - Draw pictures of land and water pollution on page 246.

Week 3: Complete Unit 6 and begin Unit 7 (pages 249-284)
Class 1 - S.T.E.M. Changing Cars & Unit 6 Review (pages 249-254)

Class 2 -  Weather (pages 255-272)
- Vocabulary: wind, weather, temperature, 
- Learn about weather tools.
- Compare the weather in each student's country.
- *Activity - Draw a picture to show cloudy and windy weather on page 264 and complete the sentences on page 266. 
- Screen-Share from EPIC: Meteorologist: STEM Careers, by: Karen L. Kenney
- At home project: Cut out the picture cards on page 269 and make the weather chart on page 268. Read about the former meteorologist June Bacon-Bercey and complete the word search. (pages 271-272)

Class 3 - Seasons (pages 273-284)
- Show and Tell: Students will share the weather chart that they made on page 268.
- Vocabulary: season, weather pattern
- Learn about the four seasons and draw a tree to represent summer, fall, and winter. (trees on pages 277, 279, 281)
- *Activity - Complete the word play together on page 283.
- Ask the students to watch this short video at home: "Trees that never lose their leaves" (It will help to answer the riddle on page 282. 

Week 4: Complete Unit 7 and begin Unit 8 (pages 285-322)
Class 1 - S.T.E.M. Weather Wisdom & Unit 7 Review (pages 285-290)

Class 2 - Objects in the Sky (pages 291-304)
- Vocabulary: sun, star, moon, magnify, telescope
- Learn about spheres in the sky: moon, sun
- *Activity - Draw daytime and nighttime skies on page 300. Unscramble the words on page 301. Complete the sky diagram on page 302. 
- Learn about Galileo Galilei. (pages 303-304)
- *Activity: Galileo's Drop
Teacher will screen-share from EPIC: pages 28-29 of What Holds Us to Earth?: A Look at Gravity, by: Jennifer Boothroyd
- Homework: Buy Oreo cookies for us to use in the next class. Bring oreos, a plastic knife, a flashlight, and Lego bricks to the next class. 
Class 3 - How does the sky seem to change? (pages 305-322)
- Vocabulary: shadow, phases
- Learn about the moon phases. The teacher will screenshare the books, Read and Do: Science Sun and Moon, by: Melinda Lilly and Moon, by: Vanessa Black. 
- *Activity - Use Oreo cookies to display the phases.
- Draw a cloud that might bring rain on page 311.
- At Home (or in class if time allows): Compare flashlights and draw a new design on page 318. Make a spider hand shadow. Stack Lego bricks and observe shadows as the bricks are moved around. Screen-share Experiments with a Flashlight, by: Angela Royston
- Complete Unit 8 Review, pages 319-322.


paper, pencil, Science Fusion student write-in book (workbook), markers, colored pencils or crayons, glue, scissors
Week 1 - rocks
Week 4 - Oreo cookies, plastic knife, Lego bricks, flashlight
I have acquired permission from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt to use Science Fusion, Grade 1, for use in my online Outschool class. The ISBN # is 978-0-544-77837-5. https://www.amazon.com/ScienceFusion-Student-Interactive-Worktext-Grade/dp/0544778375 From SCIENCE FUSION, Grade 1. Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. Used by permission of the publisher. Any further duplication is strictly prohibited unless written permission is obtained from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Learn more about the book and this course here --> https://youtu.be/1K2bucNP90A Books teacher will screen-share with students: Read and Do: Science Sun and Moon, by: Melinda Lilly Moon, by: Vanessa Black. National Geographic: George Washington Carver, by: Kitson Jazynka My Itty-Bitty Bio: George Washington Carver, by: Katie Marsico Fantastic Kids: George Washington Carver, by: Michelle Jovin Earth's Landforms and Bodies of Water, by: Natalie Hyde Meteorologist: STEM Careers, by: Karen L. Kenney Experiments with a Flashlight, by: Angela Royston What Holds Us to Earth?: A Look at Gravity, by: Jennifer Boothroyd https://t7.leapfrog.com/images/l/learning-path-20223.pdf Trees That Never Lose Their Leaves https://youtu.be/hwfQEK29Wrg home assignment (4:32) The class will watch a 1 minute video about Dr. George Washington Carver on EPIC Books.


参加しました March, 2022
ジョージア 教員免許 初等教育で
修士号 Luther Rice College and Seminary から
学士号 Toccoa Falls Collegeから 教育 へ
I have a Bachelors in Science degree in Early Childhood Education (K-5). 


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Dr Pete PhD Earth Science Philosophy Geology
$20 クラスごと
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Dr Pete PhD Earth Science Philosophy Geology
$20 クラスごと
18 週間、 1/週、 50 分
13 歳-18 歳
地球科学高校1学期と2学期: 地質学、天気、海洋、環境、地理
Dr Pete PhD Earth Science Philosophy Geology
$20 クラスごと
32 週間、 1/週、 50 分
13 歳-18 歳
地球科学 中学校 1 学期と 2 学期: 地質学、天気、海洋、環境、地理。
Dr Pete PhD Earth Science Philosophy Geology
$20 クラスごと
32 週間、 1/週、 50 分
11 歳-14 歳
地球科学高校1学期: 地質学、天気、海洋、環境、地理
Dr Pete PhD Earth Science Philosophy Geology
$20 クラスごと
15 週間、 1/週、 50 分
13 歳-18 歳
Dr Pete PhD Earth Science Philosophy Geology
$20 クラスごと
18 週間、 1/週、 50 分
13 歳-18 歳
Dr Pete PhD Earth Science Philosophy Geology
$20 クラスごと
32 週間、 1/週、 50 分
13 歳-18 歳
地球科学中学校SEM 2:地質学、天気、海洋、宇宙、地理
Dr Pete PhD Earth Science Philosophy Geology
$20 クラスごと
18 週間、 1/週、 50 分
11 歳-15 歳
1:1 科学家庭教師 | 中学校、生物学、地球科学
Ms. Erica, M. Ed (Science & Technology)
$40 セッションごと
11 歳-18 歳
地球科学入門 1 学期と 2 学期: 地質学、気象、海洋、宇宙科学
Dr Pete PhD Earth Science Philosophy Geology
$19 クラスごと
32 週間、 1/週、 40 分
7 歳-11 歳
App StoreでダウンロードGoogle Playで入手する