

Dr Pete PhD Earth Science Philosophy Geology
Star Educator
より詳細な地球科学のカリキュラム。環境科学と自然地理学も含まれています。トピック: 気象学、海洋学、宇宙科学、化石、恐竜、火山、鉱物、宝石、ハリケーン、資源、自然災害、竜巻


英語レベル - 不明
Intermediate レベル向け
32 lessons//32 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
SEMESTER 3: Earth Science as a Science- Theories, Evidence & Research
In this class we look at how science progresses by looking at several examples from Earth Science. These include Plate Tectonics, the Dinosaur Extinction and the History of Geology.
 Week 2
Lesson 2
Geology 1: More Minerals, Gems & Precious Metals
In this class we go into more detail about the most interesting minerals and explore how they relate to precious gems and metals. We will look at the main silicate and non-silicate mineral groups and explore the differences between them.
 Week 3
Lesson 3
Environmental Science 1: the Water Cycle and Water Shortages
In this class we explore the water cycle and how it connects with the other major Earth cycles. We then look at how climate change may be causing water shortages and some of the solutions that humans are using to prevent this.
 Week 4
Lesson 4
Environmental Science 2: Mass Wasting & Landslides
In this class we take a close look at landslides and mass wasting and what triggers them. We look at ways that humans try to prevent them and look at some famous case studies from around the world.
 Week 5
Lesson 5
Geology 2: The Principles of Geology & Stratigraphy
In this class we look at the guiding principles of Geology that allow it to operate as a science. As we go through the class, we will apply these to real world examples to show how they help geologists work out the history of the Earth.
 Week 6
Lesson 6
Geology 3: Sedimentary Rocks- Intro to Palaeontology
In this class we look at the subject of Palaeontology and how it helps us piece together the evolution of life. We look at the main techniques that palaeontologists use and look at some classic examples from around the world.
 Week 7
Lesson 7
Geology 4: Igneous Rocks- Tour of the World's Volcanoes
In this class we cover Extrusive Igneous Rocks and the main lava and pyroclastic formations. We look inside volcanoes and explore the Ring of Fire that circles the Pacific Ocean.
 Week 8
Lesson 8
Geology 5: Seismology - the Study of Earthquakes
In this class we look at how earthquakes make seismic waves and how geophysicists use these to work out the structure of the Earth. We look at the tools and methods we use to try and predict earthquakes and to prevent disasters.
 Week 9
Lesson 9
Geology 6: the Evolution of Dinosaurs
In this class we focus on the evolution of dinosaurs from lizards to birds and look at the main scientific methods for analysing the lives of dinosaurs. We explore questions like: how did the dinosaurs get to move so quickly? Why did they grow so big? And how do we know what colour they were and whether they had feathers or not.
 Week 10
Lesson 10
Oceanography 1: Coast, Waves & the Dynamic Ocean
In this class we focus on waves crashing on the shore and how the coast is a dynamic system that is constantly changing. We look at coastal erosion and different ways that humans try to prevent it in crucial areas.
 Week 11
Lesson 11
Oceanography 2: the Human Impact on the Oceans
In this class we cover pollution of the oceans by humans and how we can work together to reduce this. We look at various pollutants and where they come from and then focus in on plastics and reducing plastic use.
 Week 12
Lesson 12
Meteorology 1 - Monsoons & Atmospheric Rivers
In this class we study local weather patterns called Monsoons that only happen in certain part of the world. After that we study atmospheric rivers that may be California’s equivalent to hurricanes.
 Week 13
Lesson 13
Space Science 1: Further Astronomy
In this class we examine the moon and the sun and how we study space using telescopes in Astronomy. We look at the history of Astronomy and how we know about the orbits of the planets around the sun.
 Week 14
Lesson 14
Space Science 2: the Earth, Sun & Moon
In this class we study the phases of the Moon and tides, and why we think it formed during an early planetary collision with Earth. We then look at eclipses and the structure of the Sun and the Moon.
 Week 15
Lesson 15
Earth Systems 1: Interlinked Earth Cycles
In this class we bring everything we have learnt together and look at interconnected Earth Systems. We explore how the oceans, atmosphere, the continents and the biosphere interact to make this amazing planet that we live on.
 Week 16
Lesson 16
Earth Systems 2: Dramatic Earth Science Events 1
In this class we examine case studies of recent dramatic Earth Science Events, like volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and floods. Depending on what is happening around the world at the time we will try and look at events that have happened in the last few weeks as well as the last 2-3 years. This class may be moved to the end of Semester 4 depending on where Christmas lands relative to the Semester end date.
 Week 17
Lesson 17
SEMESTER 4: Origin of the Earth's Atmosphere, Oceans & Continents
In this class we study Nebular Theory: the leading theory on how the Solar System formed. We then look at the early Earth and the development of an atmosphere, oceans and continents. We then briefly look at the evolution of life of Earth.
 Week 18
Lesson 18
Geology 1: the Rarest Gems & Metals
In this class we look at the rarest Gems and what they are made of how and where they were discovered. We then look at metals that are so rare that there may only be a teaspoon’s worth over the whole planet!
 Week 19
Lesson 19
Geology 2: Dating Rocks - Fossils & Stratigraphy
In this class we focus on sedimentary rocks and fossils and the different ways they can be used to work out the sequence of events that lead to a rock layer being formed. This is called stratigraphy and can help us be rock detectives and unlock the story the rocks are trying to tell us.
 Week 20
Lesson 20
Geology 3: Dating Rocks - Radiometric Dating
In this class we learn how geologists date rocks using Zircon crystals which are natures stopwatch. We learn about the different forms of radioactive decay and how they can be used to date different rocks and artifacts very accurately.
 Week 21
Lesson 21
Environmental Science 1: Hazards & Human Safety
In this class we study all the different ways that the Earth causes hazards to human life, like volcanoes, earthquakes, tidal waves and landslides. We look at ways of mitigating that danger and cover case studies where it has and hasn’t worked.
 Week 22
Lesson 22
Geology 4: Sedimentary Rocks- More Palaeontological Methods
In this class we go further into palaeontological methods and techniques that help us piece together fossil remains and the story they are trying to tell us. We look at new techniques that are even allowing us to determine the colours of the dinosaurs.
 Week 23
Lesson 23
Geology 5: Igneous Rocks - Yellowstone National Park
In this class we zoom in on the history of the mantle hot spot that gave rise to the super volcano that once erupted in the Yellowstone Park area. We take a tour of what it looks like now and why we think it will remain dormant for the foreseeable future.
 Week 24
Lesson 24
Geology 6: Cratons, Mountains & Metamorphic Rocks
In this class we look at the oldest continents on Earth that we call Cratons. We analyse how they have formed from big mountain forming collisions that fracture and warp Earth to form Metamorphic Rocks.
 Week 25
Lesson 25
Geology 7: Fossil Fuels - Coal, Oil and Gas
In this class we study how fossil fuels are formed and how geologists and geophysicists are really good a finding them. We look at the processes that lead to organic rich sediments forming and what chemical processes occur to change them to different kinds of oil, gas and coal.
 Week 26
Lesson 26
Oceanography 1: Ocean Resources & Overfishing
In this class we study the resources that come from the ocean and the current debate around deep sea mining. We look at the feeding relationships in the oceans and discuss sustainable ways of fishing.
 Week 27
Lesson 27
Meteorology 1: Measurement, Maps and Symbols
In this class we discuss how we can predict the weather and the ways meteorologists present it so that we can understand what is happening. We also look at the tools we use to measure the wind, rain and temperature.
 Week 28
Lesson 28
Meteorology 2: The History of Climate Change & Mass Extinctions
In this class we look at the 5 main Extinction Events, but particularly focus on climate change and what difference this has made to evolution of life on Earth. We then focus on the Permian Extinction (the Great Dying) which wiped out 90% of life on Earth but paved the way for the evolution of the dinosaurs.
 Week 29
Lesson 29
Space Science 1: Other Moons & Exoplanets
In this class we take a trip to the Moons of Jupiter and Saturn and discover why we think there may be salty oceans, and maybe even life, under the ice. We then study how we can detect planets in other solar systems and how similar to Earth they may be.
 Week 30
Lesson 30
Space Science 2: Life Cycle of Stars & Galaxies
In this class we go far into space and look at other stars and galaxies. We also go far into the future and past to explore the evolution of the Universe right from the Bing Bang and look at what may happen to it in the far future.
 Week 31
Lesson 31
Earth Systems 1: Dramatic Earth Science Events 2
In this class we examine case studies of recent dramatic Earth Science Events, like volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and floods. Depending on what is happening around the world at the time we will try and look at events that have happened in the last few weeks as well as the last 2-3 years.
 Week 32
Lesson 32
Earth Systems 2: Dramatic Earth Science Events 3
In this class we examine case studies of recent dramatic Earth Science Events, like volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and floods. Depending on what is happening around the world at the time we will try and look at events that have happened in the last few weeks as well as the last 2-3 years.
  • To discover and learn without realising it, because you are having fun! By the end of this course students will be know in depth details of most Earth Science curriculums and will be prepared to attempt the New York State Regents Exam.
I have a BSc in Geology and an MSc in Geophysics and have chosen the most interesting and exciting subjects to teach to get young minds fascinated by Earth Sciences. I also have a PhD in Philosophy.
授業以外に週あたり 1 - 2 時間の学習が期待されます
頻度: 1-2 per week
フィードバック: 含まれる
詳細: Homework is optional. Each week from weeks 2 to 14 there will be 6 multi-choice questions to answer using Google Forms within a week of class.
頻度: 1 after class completion
詳細: Grades will be offered at the end of the course as long as the student answers enough of the optional weekly questions. A certificate of attendance with grade will be sent to the student at the end of the Semester.
Certificate of Completion
頻度: 含まれる
詳細: All students can receive a certificate of completion. If the student undertakes the assessment this will be automatically generated and will include a grade.
頻度: 含まれる
詳細: Parents can request an update on their multiple-choice scores, but the student can also keep track of these themselves are scores and feedback are automatically given after submission each week.
Structured lecture classes, so participation optional, relieves anxiety
Mixed media slides for different learning styles
Engaging topics keeps attention
Slides can be seen before class
Multi-choice questions avoids penalising spelling
None. Although doing my Earth Science Semester 1&2 courses first is helpful but not essential.
Some classes talks about Global Warming and Climate Change causing more frequent natural disasters. It also talks about mass extinctions including the possibility of humans causing one now (including ourselves) and has some drawn images of animals dying to become fossils. It is delivered in a upbeat manner with positive solutions (eg: switching to renewable energy), but the more sensitive students may find these topics distressing.

This class is a science class which includes using the theory of evolution as an assumption.
MAIN TEXTBOOK - highly recommended:
Earth Scinece - Global Edition (14th Edition: 2022) - Tarbuck and Lutgens - Published by Pearsons

Earth Science - Hardback Edition - Samuel  - Published by: Spaulding, Namowitz

参加しました December, 2021
Star Educator
米国以外 教員免許 中等教育で
博士号 University of Nottinghamから
修士号 Imperial College Londonから 科学 へ
学士号 University of Bristolから 科学 へ
I teach Earth Science and Philosophy on Outschool and am very passionate about the topics I teach. You can join any of my classes anytime. They do follow on from each other, but can also be taken as stand alone classes. 

I use the lecture-style... 




毎週または¥640 32 クラス分
週に1回、 32 週間
50 分

4 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 12-17
クラス人数: 3 人-18 人

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