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Heraldo de la Historia Mundial: Historia Mundial Media y Alta Parte 1 - Antiguo ~ 1500 SP

En este curso de currículo completo, ¡todo lo que necesitas saber sobre Historia del Mundo está aquí! ¡La primera parte se centrará en la prehistoria hasta la Era de la Exploración! ¡Prepárate para algunas aventuras históricas en esta emocionante clase de estudios sociales!
Courtney Murray, M. Ed, M. Hist. World US History
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Qué está incluido

20 lecciones pregrabadas
20 semanas
de apoyo docente
1 año de acceso
al contenido
1-2 horas por semana. Each week will have required reading from the book this class will be utilizing with challenge questions to get your student thinking. Taking notes or jotting down ideas is always encouraged! Optional activities will be given throughout the course for students to engage with the content further.
Students will be given multiple ways to show their understanding each week: * Primary Source Analysis: Analyze historical documents, speeches, and artifacts. * Class Discussions: Participate in discussions on historical topics and debates. * Activities & Projects: Research and activities on specific historical events, figures, or movements. Assessment is not mandatory. Each family may chose to complete weekly assignments or not depending on the student's learning needs and the family's schooling style.
Students can receive a grade for this class through attendance, participation, and weekly assignments if parents/guardians choose to do so.

Experiencia de clase

Nivel de inglés: desconocido
Grado de EE. UU. 6 - 9
Nivel Beginner
The History Herald: World History for the Middle School Mind! Part One! Ancient Civilizations to the Age of Exploration
Extra! Extra- Learn All About It! 

This is a self-paced class with Teacher Courtney that adventures through the history of world and brings the past to life! In this 20-week course, we will travel back through the history of the world from pre-history through the Age of Exploration. This is a beginner’s class, so previous knowledge is not necessary. We work  through readings, conversations, slides & presentations, activities,  games, and video clips  to use our critical thinking skills to unravel and discover how the civilizations were born, adapted, and changed the world throughout hundreds of years. 

Please note that there are some sensitive topics that will be addressed throughout the course including but not limited to: genocide, slavery, and sectional violence as this class will discuss the historical events that occurred.

We will also learn how to "understand" and research history like a historian. Students will learn historical research skills that will aid them in breaking down and analyzing history while helping them build critical thinking skills. Some skills that will be addressed are Chronological Thinking, Source Analysis, Inference, Relevance, and Summarizing. 

We will use "Everything You Need to Ace World History in One Big Fat Notebook" by Workman Publishing and Philip Bigler as our class reference for this class. I will also add worksheets, games, videos, and slides to bring the content to life! 

Content and Course Schedule:
Week 1- Prehistory – The Paleolithic and Neolithic Era
Week 2 - Early Civilizations: Mesopotamia
Week 3- Early Civilizations: Egypt
Week 4 - Early Civilizations:  India
Week 5 - Early Civilizations: Phoenicia &  Israel,
Week 6 - Early Civilizations:  China 
Week 7 - Early Civilizations: Greece 
Week 8 - Early Civilizations: Rome
Week 9 - Medieval Age- The Byzantine Empire
Week 10- Medieval Age - The Rise of Islam
Week 11 - Medieval Age - Early Civilizations in America
Week 12- Medieval Age- Feudalism in the Middle Ages
Week 13 - Medieval Age- Medieval China & Japan
Week 14 - Medieval Age- The Mongol Empire
Week 15 - Medieval Age- The Mongol India
Week 16 - Medieval Age- Medieval Europe
Week 17 - Medieval Age- Medieval Problems
Week 18 - The Renaissance
Week 19 - The Reformation
Week 20 - Age of Exploration and Colonization

Students will be responsible for reading the assigned chapters each week- roughly 15 pages. But, this book is great at keeping things in easy to read form while creating a bright and fun background! A lot of the book is visual aids (which I believe is essential for students to move this knowledge into long term memory).  Each student will need to have their own copy which can be purchased from Amazon for under $10.00 at the moment. This will be a great addition to their library that they will be able to reference for years to come! 

***********Part Two of both world and US history will be offered after part one throughout the year!************
Metas de aprendizaje
Students will improve their understanding of world/global history and work to strengthen their critical thinking skills through historical analysis. They will discover the major events of world history and how they worked to create the global community that exists today. We will use historical sources to dive into the past and do so in fun, engaging ways!
objetivo de aprendizaje

Programa de estudios

Plan de estudios
Sigue en plan de estudios Teacher-Created
Alineado con National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies (NCSS)
20 Lecciones
más de 20 semanas
Lección 1:
Prehistory: The Paleolithic and Neolithic Era
 In this lesson, we will explore:
* What is History? Understanding Historical Methodology
* Introduction to Archaeology and the Study of Prehistory
* Prehistoric Societies: Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic Ages
* The Transition to Agriculture and the Development of Early Civilizations 
2 asignaciones
Lección 2:
Early Civilizations: Ancient Mesopotamia
 In this lesson, we will explore:
* Mesopotamia: Sumer, Babylon, Assyria- Birth of Civilization in the Fertile Crescent 
2 asignaciones
Lección 3:
Early Civilizations: Ancient Egypt
 In this lesson, we will explore:
* Ancient Egypt: Pyramids, Pharaohs, and the Nile 
2 asignaciones
Lección 4:
Early Civilizations: Ancient India
 In this lesson, we will explore:
* The Indus Valley Civilization: Trade and Technology in South Asia 
2 asignaciones

Otros detalles

Orientación para padres
Please note that there are some sensitive topics that will be addressed throughout the course including but not limited to: genocide, slavery, and sectional violence. I have been challenging and elevating students for over 10 years to delve deeply into the issues of our past and wrestle with the realities of our present and future. Each conversation will be open and honest but guided with the necessary care for students of this age. I believe it is our job as educators to not teach children what to think- but how to think and allow them to unearth the truths that are often hidden within the words of pages.
Lista de útiles escolares
We will use "Everything You Need to Ace World History in One Big Fat Notebook" by Workman Publishing and Philip Bigler as our class reference for this class. Students will need to have their own copy of the book. 

Students will also receive weekly graphic organizers per each content.

Various activity packets will also be given throughout the course.
Idioma en el que se imparte la clase
Educador estrella
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
Maestría en Historia desde Arizona State University
Maestría en Educación desde Fayetteville State University
Licenciatura en Historia desde Duquesne University
For the past decade, I have been encouraging students through education and personal development to explore the challenges of the past. Through my own personal education and professional development, I create a safe environment for students to learn about challenging topics of the past. My undergraduate is in history, focusing on United States and European integration, past cultures, and empire. My first master's degree is in education with a focus on English/Language Arts and History. My second master's degree is in history with a focus on world empires and United States/Europe during the premodern era and modern era. I am currently pursuing my PhD in history focusing on immigration and relations with indigenous peoples and cultures. 
I have taught Ancient Civilizations in World History classes as well as classes on the history of Africa, Asia, and Australia, Ancient and Medieval Europe, and Early American history. I have taken and taught classes on world religions and practices starting with the ancient traditions of prehistoric cultures through modern day transitions of religions such as druidism. I have also taught about episodes of religious hysteria such as the Inquisition and the Salem Witch Trials. I also teach classes on the myths and legends that have defined these cultures. This extensive background will be utilized to create a well-rounded and thorough explanation of the topics presented in class.


Curso a su propio ritmo

10 US$

semanalmente o 195 US$ por todo el contenido
20 lecciones pregrabadas
20 semanas de apoyo docente
Elige tu fecha de inicio
1 año de acceso al contenido

Completado por 51 alumnos
Elige tu fecha de inicio
Edades: 11-16

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