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Geografía mundial, estudio en profundidad de cada país: viajemos juntos por el mundo

Esta es una clase interactiva y divertida en la que aprendemos en profundidad sobre un nuevo país cada semana. Observamos el mapa, aprendemos sobre geografía, lugares, monumentos, personas, costumbres, comida, vida silvestre y otros datos interesantes.
Oxana Cesnova
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Número de reseñas:
Educador estrella

Qué está incluido

1 reunión en vivo
50 minutos horas de clase por semana
Students are encouraged to read as much as they would like to about each country before the class. They can choose one area of interest (example: location, capital, flag, weather and other geographical features, customs, typical local food, local wild animals, or any other topic that student is interested in) and research this topic before the class. Students will be encouraged to share their knowledge of the country in the beginning of the class (sources might be required). They are welcome to share pictures and/or videos from their research in the class as well.

Experiencia de clase

Nivel de inglés: desconocido
Grado de EE. UU. 8 - 11
***For younger learners, please check out this class for ages 9-14: https://outschool.com/classes/world-geography-country-study-lets-travel-the-globe-together-YC6fTpba?usid=5baDiTcs&signup=true&utm_campaign=share_activity_link 

In this ongoing class we will discover the World one country at a time. Every week we will explore a new destination, starting from its location on the map, bordering countries and capital, taking virtual reality trips to some of the locations and looking at the architecture, diving into the language, culture and local food, while linking some facts to its ancient or more modern history, learning about some wildlife and traditions, sometimes looking at sports and economics, touching on religion and other aspects.  We will not only learn physical, human or environmental geography. To awaken learners' curiosity we will aim to give them a taste of the local culture, exposing them to the similarities and differences between different parts of the World. Even though the places that we live in are unique, we all have something in common! Join us at any time to learn more! :)

As a solo female traveler, I have traveled to over 90 countries, meeting people, always looking to immerse myself in the local culture and explore off-the-beaten path. I am looking forward to sharing my love of travel and my curiosity about the world with your learner! 

Each class content will vary depending on the country, however there will be a common structure to each class:
 - Brief introduction
 - What do you know or have heard about the respective country? 
 - Presentation of new information (including location, capital, flag, weather or other geographical features, customs, typical local food, wild life, maybe learn a word or two in the local language)
 - Pictures, videos, virtual reality tours VR, virtual travel or field trip (using Nearpod)
- Classes will often include some information (from real travel experience of the teacher) about what it is like to travel to the respective country
 - Optional Kahoot Game (to check the retention of the new information in a fun, engaging way)

I strongly believe that traveling can awaken learners' curiosity in so many different disciplines and of course just make them better understanding of the world around them. 

This is a fun and interactive class. Student are invited to actively participate by asking/answering questions, expressing their opinion, and making suggestions on what they want to learn about in future classes including which countries we will cover. We will use a Nearpod presentation for visuals (pictures, virtual reality tours and short videos) and to increase participation (collaboration boards and polls). I invest a lot of time each week to prepare for this class, researching and creating a fun presentation. 

Countries and places that we will explore (all as per learners' requests):  
Week of August 26 → Iceland
Week of September 2 → Malawi
Week of September 9 → Hungary
Week of September 16 → Armenia 
Week of September 23 → Antarctica
Week of September 30 → Namibia
Week of October 7 → Sweden
Week of October 14 → Vietnam
Week of October 21 → Estonia
Week of October 28 → Iraq
Week of November 4 → Morocco 
* New destinations will be added as we progress. 

Countries covered in previous classes: Russia, Italy, Canada, Israel, United Kingdom, Mexico, Egypt, New Zealand, Portugal, Peru, Turkey, Mongolia, Greenland, China, Switzerland, India, Germany, Australia, Norway, Uzbekistan, Austria,  Brazil, France, Tunisia, Japan, Belize, Lithuania, Greece, USA, Costa Rica, Thailand, Bolivia, Sri Lanka, Ukraine, Dominican Republic, South Africa, Finland, Argentina, Jamaica, Indonesia, Iceland, Malawi, Hungary, Antarctica, Namibia, Sweden, Vietnam, Iraq, Morocco, Malaysia, Belgium, Colombia, Botswana, Chile, Tanzania, Cuba, Kyrgyzstan, Poland, Bahamas, Uruguay, Zimbabwe, Slovenia, Nicaragua,  Singapore, Mozambique. Czech Republic, Maldives, Zambia, Cambodia, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan,  Ireland, Monaco, Georgia, Spain, Montenegro, Ecuador, Croatia, Andorra, Guatemala, Romania, Malta, Philippines, North Macedonia, El Salvador, Taiwan, Moldova, 
Other countries currently requested by students (to be added to future class schedule):  Falkland Islands, UAE, Hong Kong, Sao Tome and Principe, Somalia, Kenya, Nepal, Nigeria, Gabon, Belarus, Haiti, Solomon Islands, Paraguay, Bhutan, Honduras, Iran, Afghanistan, Venezuela, North Korea; Armenia, Sri Lanka,  Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania,  Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, San Marino, Liechtenstein, Eswatini , Luxemburg, Slovakia, Kosovo, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia,

There are additional activates that learners can complete after the class, including creating their own travel passport or scratch off each country as we visit it using a scratch-off map.

This is my most popular class on Outschool, and it is now offered for older learners! 
This class will be a good fit for with different levels of interest in geography, from geography buffs to newbies.

Here's what some of my learners' parents have to say about this class:
-----> "Our son really enjoys this ongoing class. Despite his vast knowledge and passion for all things geography, he continues to learn new and interesting things about the locations Oxana and the class explores. He also loves Oxana's open conversation and interactive style. Definitely one for your geography loving kids to try out!"
-----> "My son loves this class.  He takes a ton of Geography based classes and watches videos.  It is hard to find something that he finds interesting.  He likes this and asks to take it again each week!   :)"
-----> "... Thank you for making Geography fun and interesting.  She enjoys your class and is learning so much."

I hope to meet your traveler in class soon! :)

Otros detalles

Lista de útiles escolares
Nearpod (for visuals) - link to the presentation will be provided in the classroom before class
Kahoot (to participate in the game)

Additional activity (optional): Scratch off map, for students to scratch each country that we learn about each week.
Recursos externos
Además del aula de Outschool, esta clase utiliza:
Se unió el January, 2021
Educador estrella
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
Licenciatura en Ciencia desde University of Maryland, Robert H. Smith School of Business
I am a global nomad and have visited over 90 countries, passionate about sharing these experiences and knowledge with others.


Clase grupal

20 US$

1x por semana
50 min

Completado por 181 alumnos
Videoconferencias en vivo
Edades: 13-18
2-15 alumnos por clase

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