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¿En qué crees? Religiones del mundo para estudiantes más jóvenes

En este curso de 5 semanas discutimos la religión en todo el mundo, incluido el budismo, el islam, el sijismo, el judaísmo, el cristianismo y el hinduismo.
Ms. Shannon
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Qué está incluido

5 reuniones en vivo
2 horas 30 minutos horas presenciales
There will not be any.
There will not be any.

Experiencia de clase

Nivel de inglés: desconocido
Grado de EE. UU. 2 - 4
This class will be done from a historic and secular perspective looking at each religion's beliefs in a respectful manner.     We will focus more on the commonalities than the differences regarding the religions we discuss.  Some of the religions that we will discuss will include but are not limited to the following: Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, and Sikhism.  Because this is a younger age student I will work to include many pictures and activities beyond lecture to help each student have both auditory and visual interaction with the course material.  I find that children need to see the festivals, countries, people, temples, mosques, and many other visuals to better understand each religion.  

This class is an introduction to Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, and Judaism.  We may also discuss Sikhism, and Atheism. We will discuss where each faith began and the basic tenets of each faith that we will build on throughout the class.  We will also talk about where the majority of followers live today.  How are different societies influenced by each religion?  

How different religions view God and if/when/how they connect with him.  Are they monotheistic or polytheistic?  What is God like in each religion?  

Are there any holy books, poems or songs that followers use in their understanding and worship?  Who wrote these books, songs or verses?  How are they used today?   Where does each religion worship?  Do they have a specific place of worship?   Is worship mainly done personally in the home or in a specific building or place?  

What are the holy days associated with and celebrated in each faith?  How are these festivals, holidays and holy days celebrated?    Is there food involved?  If so, what types of food?   We will wrap up our course by discussing what the students learned in the course and what they found most interesting.  

We will play a Bingo game to review the concepts that we have learned. I will have different Bingo cards sent out for each student before we begin class.  Parents would need to print off the card and have something to use as Bingo chips. 

We will also play a short Kahoot as a review halfway through the class.  Students may need help pulling up a new tab or opening Kahoot on a different device.  I will give the Kahoot game code after the start of class.  Once the game code is entered the students will be able to begin the game.  Parents may need to assist students that have not used Kahoot before in getting on the game.  

This class will also have coloring page print offs for each day of class.  I know that younger students do better when their hands are busy.  Please print off the pages for that day so that students can color and follow along.  Lastly, I have a couple coloring pages that can be turned into crafts.  For example, I will have a page that students can color and cut that can be made into a dreidel.  If we have time to cut the craft in class we will, but if time is limited students will have to cut and tape after class.  

Class may go over by a few minutes depending on how many questions the students may have about what was taught.
Metas de aprendizaje
Students will learn the following from this class:
--What each religion believes about God or a higher being. 
--What the major beliefs or tenets of each faith are.  
--What are any holidays or celebrations associated with each religion.
-- How the people that follow their specific faith practice it day to day.  
-- The history of each faith and where they began.
-- Any holy books, scriptures, poems, or songs used by each faith.
objetivo de aprendizaje

Otros detalles

Orientación para padres
Religion in general can be a sensitive topic. We will be looking at religion in a historical perspective and how it relates to our current world. We will steer away from any controversial religious topics and stay focused on understanding of the beliefs of the religions being studied.
Lista de útiles escolares
Google slides.  
Coloring materials.  
Classroom print offs.
Recursos externos
Además del aula de Outschool, esta clase utiliza:
    Se unió el May, 2020
    Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
    Carolina del Norte Certificado de Docencia en Idioma extranjero
    In 1997-1998 I was a missionary in New Jersey where I studied religion intensively and served and taught the people of that community.  I am currently teaching a group of high school students a religion class that meet for 50 minutes a day.  During college as a Spanish major I studied World Religion and many religious practices of people in Spanish speaking countries.   I have also taken an Introduction to Judaism class to better understand the Jewish faith, worship, texts, and traditions. I work as a Community Coordinator with exchange students from around the world and have been able to interact with many students and host families from many different faiths. I have learned and grown in my understanding of different religions from the experiences that they have shared.  I have home schooled my children for the past 7 years and as part of our curriculum we have studied and learned about different faiths, cultures and religious traditions.  We have also attended worship services of other faiths to gain a better understanding of who they are and what they believe.  I love to study history and in reading and studying history you study the religious beliefs and traditions of different civilizations and countries.


    Clase grupal

    9 US$

    semanalmente o 45 US$ por 5 clases
    1 x por semana, 5 semanas
    30 min

    Completado por 34 alumnos
    Videoconferencias en vivo
    Edades: 7-10
    3-6 alumnos por clase

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