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Inmersión en español para niños de Trufluency, nivel 1.3, 10-12, 1 semana

En cada clase, nos centraremos en un tema de conversación y en un grupo muy pequeño de vocabulario.
TruFluency Kids! Spanish and English School
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Qué está incluido

1 reunión en vivo
50 minutos horas de clase por semana

Experiencia de clase

This class is for those who have been assesssed in level 1.2 first (or for those who have at least 100 hours of practical conversational Spanish.)

Classses are 95% in Spanish with The Bellieu Method, created to focus on most used words in Spanish and speaking/listening focus, like they learn their first language.

The goal of any TruFluency Kids Spanish Immersion class is to give a basic level of fluency within 3-4 years with 2-3 classes a week (take any of our courses to build fluency, since we change themes every month, school-wide, building fluency one conversation topic at a time). Then, a higher level of fluency by joining our dual language classes/teen conversation classes later on. Our goal is to give fluency, through online, consistent, convenient lessons with engaging and dynamic methodology that is always evolving and improving. Parents can count on us to be in business for decades, as we started our business in 2010. 

This class renews with a NEW THEME every 4 weeks, following our school's monthly changing curriculum, so rest assured, after this course, there will be another 4-week course at the same time, all throughout the year. 

If your child knows some words and understands some phrases, this is a good level. If your child knows nothing, this is a good level. All beginners. Your child will be unmuted the entire class and interacting as if we were in person - we even get up, stand up and move around quite a bit to keep everyone on their toes (literally)! We will speak mainly in Spanish, but no one will ever be confused for too long - just like how your children learned English, you did not translate, and eventually they figured it out. We will do this through showing, expressions, pictures, telling stories and more. With over 1000 clients who have improved their Spanish fluency, our method is spot on!

We use The Bellieu Method for fluency, our trademarked method for acquiring a second language, which upholds songs, singing, dancing, getting them moving to express what they're saying, speaking (when they're ready - everyone has a different speed), relevant material that is useful for everyday life, topics based on the kids attending the class, and letting the student be the focus of the class for ultimate engagement. We are not a 1, 2, 3, red, green, blue type of Spanish class. We teach RELEVANT words used DAILY, for TRUFLUENCY. 

Conversation level will be adjusted depending on the level of each student or the group as a whole. Conversation will also be geared towards the interests of the students in this small class. We meet your student exactly where he or she is. 

What will they learn or talk about?

In every TruFluency Kids Spanish Immersion class, we have 2-3 themes that we touch on (for example traveling, animals, hobbies, what you like to eat, etc). During the discussion of these themes, we will focus on being able to express ourselves in Spanish in regards to this theme. We will always encourage speaking, while also increasing listening comprehension, reading and writing in Spanish. Activities in class include, but not limited to: learning songs, singing, ear training to hear Spanish clearly and pronounce it correctly (yet everyone goes at their own speed). Every class includes an activity such as reading a story, playing a word game, creating a song game with our voices in Spanish, or even a computer game to keep the environment immersive. 

While the focus is always on listening/speaking, since that is how children learn the language first (and most successfully), we also incorporate writing and quick spelling exercises (but limited, as this is learned later).

Every lesson in our curriculum has a set of activities which follow the structure below. Stories, songs, videos, games and crafts are always part of our lessons:
-Activity 1. Personal questions. Students practice basic and daily personal questions according to their level (quantity and difficulty vary). We are going to repeat this set of questions throughout the whole course. 
-Activity 2: Let’s get ready. Students learn and practice the keywords, expressions, questions and answers we will find later in the next chapter of the story.
-Activity 3: Story time! Students read the main story with the teacher. The stories are written for each level respectively. The difficulty, number of words and topics change.
-Activity 4: What was the story about? Students answer questions about the story to review vocabulary and expressions.
-Activity 5: Now’s your turn. Students answer questions about themselves using the topics seen in the story’s content and the characters’ dialogues. 
-Activity 6: Students read the story one more time. Kids repeat the words and act the story out.
*The following activities are for 7 to 12-year-old groups only.
-Activity 7: Older students learn and practice an extra topic related to the main story.
-Activity 8: Students use the main and extra vocabulary learned from the story in real life situations in which these will be useful and practical.
-Activity 9: Students review what they learned in today’s class.
-Activity 10: Intermediate students (levels 2.2 to 3.1) discuss and talk about a certain topic with open questions related to the content of the lesson.


4-week course “El niño nuevo” 🎈 (The new kid) September 1 – September 28, 2024

If your child takes 1 class/week, these are the lessons they will have per week:
Week 1 (Sep 1 – Sep 7): Lesson 1
Week 2 (Sep 8 – Sep 14): Lesson 2
Week 3 (Sep 15 – Sep 21): Lesson 3
Week 4 (Sep 22 – Sep 28): Lesson 4

If your child takes 2 classes/week, these are the lessons they will have per week:
Week 1 (Sep 1 – Sep 7): Lessons 1-2
Week 2 (Sep 8 – Sep 14): Lessons 3-4
Week 3 (Sep 15 – Sep 21): Lessons 5-6
Week 4 (Sep 22 – Sep 28): Lessons 7-8

If your child takes 3 classes/week, these are the lessons they will have per week:
Week 1 (Sep 1 – Sep 7): Lessons 1-2 + extra activities
Week 2 (Sep 8 – Sep 14): Lessons 3-4 + extra activities
Week 3 (Sep 15 – Sep 21): Lessons 5-6 + extra activities
Week 4 (Sep 22 – Sep 28): Lessons 7-8 + extra activities
MAIN TOPICS PER LESSON in “El niño nuevo” 🎈 (The new kid)

Lessons 1-2
Students will:
- Read the first chapter of the story “El niño nuevo”. We meet Félix, a kid who floats around.
- Share personal information and that of other classmates on our first day of school
- Use phrases like: Hello my name is... I am... years old. I am a child who studies Spanish, etc.
- Practice vocabulary about school supplies like pencils, sharpeners, erasers, rulers and much more
- Learn phrases like: I forgot my pencil! What should I do?
- Learn how to borrow school supplies from their classmates asking questions like: Can you lend me a pencil, please?

Lessons 3-4 
Students will:
- Read the second chapter of the story “El niño nuevo”. Now, we meet Otto, a kid who speaks backwards. Félix tries talking to him, but he can’t understand what he says!
- Learn to identify incorrect phrases in Spanish and say: No, Otto! That’s not right. You say…
- Review and use adjectives to describe our classmates and how they behave such as: polite, rude, talkative, shy, smart, etc.
- Discover some common native Spanish phrases to talk about the relationship they have with their classmates: "Me cae bien" / "Me cae mal" (I like him / I don’t like him)

Lessons 5-6 
Students will:
- Read the third chapter of the story “El niño nuevo”. We meet another classmate; his name is Rex. Rex is a kid who likes eating weird stuff, for example a carnivorous plant salad, cactus cake and jalapeño juice, how weird!
- Prepare their lunchbox for school making weird combinations with different food and ingredients.
- Talk about common food and snacks we have at school and use expressions like "Yummy!" and "How weird!".
- Describe their favorite meal and how the make it or who makes it at home.
- Use the expression “It think it’s…” to make comments and give opinions about others’ meals when they go out for recess. 
Lessons 7-8 
Students will:
- Read the fourth chapter of the story “El niño nuevo”. Finally, we meet Lulu, she is a girl who is sad and crying because she is the only blue student in the entire school, and she feels left out.
- Practice vocabulary about feelings and emotions in different situations.
- Ask their classmates how they feel and why. We will work in class connecting with others and understanding what they are experiencing.
- Work with the expressions "I get along well with" and "I do not get along with " to talk about the relationship we have with different classmates and whether we are friends or not and explaining why.

Otros detalles

Idioma en el que se imparte la clase
Recursos externos
Los estudiantes no necesitarán utilizar ninguna aplicación o sitio web más allá de las herramientas estándar de Outschool.
Se unió el August, 2020
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
Bachelor's in Teaching Spanish as a Second Language or similar certificate/background/experience. Monthly trainings and vetted teacher


Clase grupal

21 US$

1x por semana
50 min

Videoconferencias en vivo
Edades: 10-12
1-6 alumnos por clase

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