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Los juicios de las brujas de Salem

Echemos un vistazo en profundidad a la vida puritana, quién fue acusado, comparaciones con las cacerías de brujas en Europa y las consecuencias de los juicios de las brujas de Salem. #académico
Tina Hugall MHA MBA
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Número de reseñas:
Estrella en ascenso

Qué está incluido

11 reuniones en vivo
9 horas 10 minutos horas presenciales

Experiencia de clase

Nivel de inglés: desconocido
Grado de EE. UU. 8 - 11
The Salem Witch Trials have become an American Legend and have occupied pop culture for decades. In this class, we will take an in-depth look at the beginnings of this dark moment in history, what occurred, and what the impact was on the community. We will take a walk through the small New England community, examine other witch hunts throughout history, and explore the many different theories behind the cause of the event. Each class will consist of a 25-35 minute lecture, and conclude with a guided discussion. Each week there will be a list of homework options for each student to choose from. These will be mostly short research topics where each student is encouraged to write a short paper (1-2 paragraphs). There may some suggested reading material or films as options also. There will be discussions about the forms of torture that was inflicted up on the accused, which is why the age limit is set to 14-18.

Please message me if you have any questions. 

Week 1 Introduction; Life in Puritan New England
Week 2 A closer examination of Puritan beliefs and ways of life
Week 3 What is a witch? 
Week 4 Who were accused?
Week 5 Brief overview of the witch trials of Europe and England
Week 6 Comparisons of religions of the time
Week 7 Possible caused for the hysteria
Week 8 Why historians believe it happened; what we know as fact vs. legends
Week 9 Book and film reviews
Week 10 Comparisons to Modern times (Communism 1950's)
Week 11 Aftermath of trials; the affect on the community and American culture

Otros detalles

Orientación para padres
We will be discussing the torture and death of different individuals accused of witchcraft. This will be at an age appropriate level. There may be some Youtube videos that are seen during this class. I will share my screen and learners will not need to access them on their own.
Recursos externos
Además del aula de Outschool, esta clase utiliza:
  • Youtube
Some of the sources used for this class are, but not limited to: Smithsonian Britannica National Geographic PBS Library of Congress
Se unió el March, 2018
Estrella en ascenso
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
Maestría desde Louisiana State University
I have been an educator on Outschool since February of 2018. I have my MBA and MHA, both of which have taught me the value of conducting research and asking questions.  I have a passion for history and learning. You can usually find me in the middle of 2-3 books or watching a documentary. 


Clase grupal

12 US$

semanalmente o 125 US$ por 11 clases
1 x por semana, 11 semanas
50 min

Completado por 2 alumnos
Videoconferencias en vivo
Edades: 13-17
3-12 alumnos por clase

Esta clase ya no se ofrece
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