Campamento de Ciencias de Verano: Grados 4, 5 y 6 - Arte y Experimentos
Esta clase se centrará en temas científicos divertidos para los grados 4, 5 y 6 que no se enseñan normalmente en las escuelas. El proyecto principal consistirá en un experimento científico o una actividad artística. Esta es una clase divertida y práctica al estilo de un campamento. #académico
Qué está incluido
2 reuniones en vivo
1 horas 40 minutos horas de clase por semanaExperiencia de clase
Nivel de inglés - A2
Grado de EE. UU. 4 - 6
Nivel Intermediate
SUMMER BREAK SESSION 2024 NOTE: I will refund for weeks families are on vacation if you do not plan to watch the class recording. I always have recordings post automatically for ease. :) This hands-on class will use art and experiments to teach a brief overview of the grades 2, 3 & 4 science standards. Each 3- to 4-day theme will use videos, books, simple worksheets (not a lot of writing), art and experiments to teach an overview of the main concept for that particular standard. This will be a great, fun review for students who have graduated from grade 3 or 4 as well as a great introduction to students who have graduated from grade 2. Students will need to be somewhat independent (parents welcome to sit and help off screen.) There is a lot of interactive engagement for this class - especially for experiments and art projects. Having said that, I welcome students with disabilities such as ADHD, ADD, high functioning autism, etc as well as all typical learning students. Please plan your “home support” accordingly. *All supply lists will be out 2-weeks prior so you have time to gather the materials needed for class. (Materials will also be posted by the week needed.). NOTE: topics may change slightly if supplies are not available or new research is more exciting for the kids, however you will be given advanced notice. ——————————————- SUMMER 2024 schedule: Week of June 17: TUES 18th Day 1: Flavored Ice-Cream in a Bag THURS 20th Day 2: Dissolving Ink T-shirt MATERIALS list: TUESDAY 18th -- ICE CREAM IN A BAG - salt: @ 1/2 to 1 cup - sugar: @ 1-2 TBSP - WHOLE milk - any flavor (plain, chocolate, strawberry): @ 1/2 cup - heavy cream or half n half: 1/4 cup - vanilla extract - favorite sugared juice (**IF your child would like both ice cream and a slushie OR if you would like to make a slushie instead of ice-cream) - Access to 1/2 gallon bag of ice (I would have extra ice) - gallon baggie - sandwich baggie - OPTIONAL: ice cream toppings like sprinkles, candy, crushed cookies IF YOUR CHILD WOULD LIKE BOTH Ice Cream and a Slushie, you can put 2 baggies in the gallon bag of ice at the same time. THURSDAY 20th -- CREATE CAMP T-SHIRT - spray bottle - 70% rubbing alcohol - new or used white t-shirt (may bring 2) - aluminum foil or cardboard to put inside shirt - colored PERMANENT markers (need to work well) ———————- Week of June 24: Plant VS Animal Cell: Edible Activity MATERIALS: - one large (roughly 5x8 in.) cookie baked BEFORE class (bought or baked from pre-made cookie dough roll) *NOTE: we will be adding icing to the top so if you want o purchase a few rectangular cookies, we can join them together with icing. Whatever is easiest for you. :) - light colored or white icing - edible “cell parts” candy will be posted soon ————— 2 WEEKS OF STEM! Week of July 1: Electronics STEM - Make a Bluetooth Speaker **NOTE - due to the 4th of July holiday, class will be held on: Tuesday (2nd) & Wednesday (3rd) AMAZON LINK PURCHASE: ——— NOTE: WE WILL START THE T-REX KIT ON WEDNESDAY JULY 3RD IF THE KIDS FINISH THE BLUETOOTH SPEAKER. —— ————— Week of July 7: Walking T-Rex STEM project **NOTE - due to family visiting, class will be held on: Wednesday (10th) & Thursday (11th) 10% OFF Coupon when ordering: DIYFUN ** NOTE: if time permits we will do a couple fun experiments with common kitchen supplies. List posted soon. ** ————— Week of July 14: NO CLASSES ———— Week of July 21: TUESDAY 23rd — Walking T-Rex STEM project CONTINUED —- & —- THURSDAY 25th —- Newton’s Science Color Wheel Materials List: - Red, blue, yellow paints (see links below) - Sheet of watercolor paper @ 8.5x11 or larger * (If you are in any of the social studies summer classes, use that paper) - Pencil for outlining - Plate for mixing colors - Paintbrushes - Paper towels - Water for rinsing PRIMARY COLORS: BRIGHT RED: BRIGHT YELLOW: COBALT BLUE (by folk art): ———— Week of July 28: Jumbo Craft Stick DIY NEWTON’S CRADLE ** MATERIALS List ** (5 items below) - Hot Glue Gun - Twine / String *** AMAZON LINK: - 3/4 inch Steel Balls *** AMAZON LINK: - Two Wooden Dowels (2 wooden restaurant chopsticks will work) - JUMBO Craft Sticks *** AMAZON LINK: ———— Week of August 4: TUESDAY - FINISH Newton’s Cradle THURSDAY - FINISH Color Wheel ———- Week of August 11: THURSDAY 15th CLASS ONLY THURSDAY - Begin DOUGH CIRCUITS ** Material List ** 1. Lite Squishy Circuits Kit *** AMAZON LINK: 2. Play Doh Brand (I bought a party pack that has more colors with smaller containers however any Play Doh brand packs will work) *** AMAZON LINK: 3. Cream of Tartar (3-5 oz container) 4. Salt 5. Two (2) lemons 6. Lemon Battery Kit *** AMAZON LINK: ———— Week of August 18: TUESDAY - CONTINUE DOUGH CIRCUITS THURSDAY - MAGNETIC SLIME 1. Elmer's Slime Kit AMAZON: 2. Iron Oxide Powder: AMAZON: ------- Week of August 25: ANTI-GRAVITY MATERIALS: Amazon link for kit: ————————- *** TO DO IF WE FINISH EARLY *** POTENTIAL & KINETIC ENERGY EXPERIMENTS ** Material List ** 1. Small Lego Car (needs wheels & extra Lego pieces) 2. 12 inch balloons (2-3) 3. Various size marbles (3-4) 4. Pipe Insulation Tubing (1" x 3/8" x 6FT) *** AMAZON LINK: 5. ADULT HELP - cut insulation tubing down the middle long way to create 2 six foot half pieces. I will post a picture. —- TO BE DONE BEFORE CLASS. —- 6. Masking Tape or similar 7. Will need wall or chair access 8. Rubber bands (2-3) —————————————— TOPICS BELOW WERE FROM SUMMER 2023: Weeks of June 18th & 26th: Chemistry Week! **Materials** FOR ALL EXPERIMENTS a. 16 oz Glass Measuring Cup b. Measuring Cups & Tbsp / Tsp c. Food Coloring (non-gel) GAK - Tuesday a. 12 ounce liquid school glue b. 1 1/2 cups room temp water c. 3/4 cup hot water d. 1 1/2 teaspoon Borax e. Bowl for mixing SLUSHIES - Tuesday a. Ziploc bags – 1 quart + 1 gallon b. Table salt c. ½ gallon bag of ice d. Your child’s favorite juice (1.5 cups) LEMON VOLCANO - Thursday a. 2-3 Lemons b. Baking soda c. Vinegar d. Dish Soap e. Plate or Bowl ELEPHANT TOOTHPASTE - Thursday a. 1 cup hydrogen peroxide (adult supervision for pouring) b. Yeast (2 packets OR 1 tbsp) c. Dish soap d. TWO empty 20 oz water bottles e. Funnel f. “Tray” or baking dish - contain mess g. Bath towel for the table – tray on top Tuesday, June 27th: Prepare GERMS Petri Dishes ** MATERIALS** If you do not already have your petri dish bacteria kits, Amazon has them: Via Amazon: There are more dishes than you will need (Etsy is now out of kits) however your child (and siblings) will love to grow more bacteria after we learn about it in camp. 1. Sterilized Petri Dishes with Agar in them already: everyone should have ordered a set already (store in bottom drawer of refrigerator) 2. Sterilized Q-tips (in the kits you ordered) – do not allow your child to touch anything before class 😊 3. Blue (or any color that can be seen) liquid dish soap 4. Water in shallow plate or bowl 5. Glitter (NOT glitter glue) – if you don’t want to use glitter you can use pepper or cocoa powder NOTE: if you allow your child to use glitter, it will be a good exercise for them to wash their hands until the glitter is off! This teaches them to be mindful when cleaning themselves. 6. I will be sending sheets to be printed. Week of July 3rd: GERMS: Bacteria, Virus, Fungus MATERIALS: 1. I will be emailing an interactive notebook to highlight, draw and learn about germs. 2. Bring Petri Dishes and Moldy Bread 3. Scissors, Glue Stick, Crayons / Colored Pencils, Stapler Week of July 10th: Phototropism: Make a Plant Maze ** MATERIALS** 1. Shoebox size box (Amazon box will do also) 2. Construction paper 3. Scissors 4. Glue, tape 5. Small cup for seeds / soil 6. Bean seeds 7. Soil 8. I will be sending pages for “phototropism” Week of July 17th: TUESDAY 18th: Tropism drawings and planting seed in Maze THURSDAY 19th: What is a Crystals & How is it Formed? — Sugar Rock Candy Experiment ** MATERIALS** 2 ½ cups of sugar 1 cup of water A pair of chopsticks (or any thin wooden stick) A spoon 2 (12-ounce) mason jars (or any heat-proof glass container with a similarly wide opening) Clothespins Paper towels (Optional) Food coloring of your choice (Optional) Food flavoring of your choice Week of July 24th: note - both days different. See below. Tuesday, July 25: Rock Candy Cont. “Crystals vs Mineral” Thursday, July 27: Edible Chocolate Rock Cycle + Rare Minerals Week of July 31st: TUESDAY Aug 1st: ROCK ART. continuation of “Edible Rock Cycle + Rare Minerals” from July 27th THURSDAY: Aug 3rd - Salt Circuits: Saltwater Robot **PLEASE ORDER FROM AMAZON Week of Aug 7th: Oceanography Meets Density - Ocean Zones in a Mason Jar ** MATERIALS** NOTE: If you tend to use construction paper during the school year, here is a pack with lots of color variations: (OPTIONAL) MATERIALS for DENSITY OCEAN ZONES: 3/4 cup rubbing alcohol 3/4 cup cooking oil 3/4 cup water 3/4 cup dish soap 3/4 cup corn syrup Food coloring (green, blue, and red) Large clear jar Funnel ------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMER 2022 TOPICS / ACTIVITIES: Week of June 20: Plant Anatomy + Seed Planting MATERIALS: - celery with “leaves” at top - food coloring - 2 different flowers to dissect (iris, lily, tulip, daffodil are best) - small 3”-4” terracotta pot for painting - acrylic paint & brush - veggie and flower seeds - 2 quart baggies - paper towels Week of June 27: Plant Cells + Photosynthesis: Edible Cell Activity MATERIALS: - one large (roughly 5x8 in.) cookie baked BEFORE class (bought or baked from pre-made cookie dough roll) *NOTE: we will be adding icing to the top so if you want o purchase a few rectangular cookies, we can join them together with icing. Whatever is easiest for you. :) - light colored or white icing - edible “cell parts” candy will be posted soon Week of July 4: *NOTE - due to the 4th holiday, class will be held on Wednesday (6th) & Thursday (7th): — Earth Changes - Build a Volcano and Erupt MATERIALS to Purchase: - two (2) 4 oz bags of white Model Magic - Acrylic paint - white vinegar - 1 plastic cup (medium - not the large Solo cup) - baking soda - red food coloring - liquid dish soap - candy pop rocks - carbonated soda or water - 9x12 pan for “eruption” Week of July 11: Human Heart: Make a Working Heart MATERIALS: - 2-3 balloons - Electrical tape (so we can stretch it to make it tight) - 2-4 bendy straws - red food coloring - water - 3 small mason jars (something to fit a balloon over) - skewer to poke a small hole - scissors Week of July 18: Life Cycle of a Chicken Activity MATERIALS: (1). Construction paper (various colors) (2). Oil pastels (Crayola works best) (3). Acrylic paint (4). Scissors & glue stick (5). Strong glue like “super glue” (6). Small sticks from your yard (small bunch) (7). Markers (8). Black Rub-a-dub laundry Sharpie Marker (picture attached) (9). Pad of paper (watercolor paper will work best as it is thick) (10). One large sheet of paper or poster board (for final project) Week of July 25: MONDAY ONLY class - Finish Life Cycle of a Chicken Art Week of August 1: What is Solar Energy? Build a Solar Car MATERIALS: (**you will need to purchase this kit for roughly $15) Week of August 8: TBD Week of August 15: MONDAY (only) - Ice Cream in a Bag ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2021 SUMMER TOPICS; How Plants Make Food: Photosynthesis & Chlorophyll “Art” + Greenhouse for Bean Body Systems: Why We Need Our Brain Animal Adaptations: Experiments + Art Project (Crazy Weird Animals) Who Are Our Neighbors?: Solar System Project States of Matter Lava Lamps & Rootbeer Floats Build a Solar Oven - Making S’mores Earth Changes - Build and Erupt a Volcano Making Mixtures & Separating Mixtures Electricity!: Fruit Battery Experiment COME JOIN THE FUN !
Otros detalles
Lista de útiles escolares
The materials list will be sent out 2-weeks or more before each theme week. Supplies will consist of the materials needed for that particular class project. Count on purchasing some kits from Etsy and Amazon. These kits range from $8 to $20. I try my hardest to keep the costs down to a minimum but please know this is a hands-on class that will require weekly materials. See class schedule for common materials used as I list in the week needed.
Recursos externos
Los estudiantes no necesitarán utilizar ninguna aplicación o sitio web más allá de las herramientas estándar de Outschool.
Teacher will supply any online website resources. Parents responsible for supplies.
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
Utah Certificado de Docencia en Educación especial
Maestría en Educación desde Florida State University
I have a master’s degree though the department of education and have been teaching and working with students for the past 20+ years. I am a licensed K-12 special education teacher and was also the academic achievement specialist at my previous in-person school to make sure that all regular education K-8 students were making adequate progress in their academic studies each year. Prior to that I was a therapist for kids ages 5-17 who struggled with behaviors at home and at school.
Throughout my experiences as an art therapist and then as a special education teacher, I have seen that children learn best when engaged in hands-on acitivities. They tend to retain information much more effectively when enaged in active learning. Besides learning the class standards, one of the other focuses for students in this class will be on actively participating.
Clase grupal
32 US$
semanalmente ( 16 US$ por clase)2x por semana
50 min
Completado por 67 alumnos
Videoconferencias en vivo
Edades: 8-12
6-12 alumnos por clase