
30 US$

or 480 US$ for 32 classes

Niveles de enriquecimiento de lectura MP/Otoño

Completado por 32 alumnos
Edades 7-10
Curso grupal en vivo
Esta clase reforzará las habilidades de fonética y estudio de palabras de tercer grado junto con la comprensión de lectura y las habilidades de artes del lenguaje en un entorno divertido e interactivo con un aula experimentada y un maestro en línea.
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(297 opiniones)

Videoconferencias en vivo
2 x por semana, 16 semanas
3-6 alumnos por clase
45 min

Qué está incluido

32 reuniones en vivo
24 horas presenciales
Informal assessment during classes

Experiencia de clase

Nivel de inglés - A2
Grado de EE. UU. 3
Dates have been edited to reflect the Fall 2023-2024 school year.
This is an ongoing class that students can subscribe to and attend as much as desired.  It will be offered every Monday and Wednesday from September - December. The class will give students the opportunity to meet with other students daily and to have meaningful interaction with them while practicing basic beginning phonics, reading and language arts skills taught in 3rd grade. This will be an active class and students will be encouraged to participate and interact with classmates. Having permission to use the leveled reading stories from k5learning.com , this class will begin with Level M stories and work our way through Level P by the end of the school year. Come join this class, reinforce ELA skills learned in third grade and make some new friends!
General format of each class will be as follows:

1. Phonics skills:  We will begin class with a quick drill practicing new phonics sounds each week
2. Reading skills:  Practice reading sentences and short paragraphs containing the phonics sounds of the week.  
3. Spelling/Sight words - targeted lists for spelling and word study
4.  Grammar: Third grade grammar rules for capitalization, punctuation, verb tense, subject/verb agreement will be incorporated
5.  Vocabulary:  Target Vocabulary words will be selected from each story
6.  Weekly Wonder Word:  one challenge word will be discussed each week

Level M Stories

Week of Sept 4
1. Phonics skills:  short a in first syllable and schwa sound in unstressed syllables
2. Reading skills:  Marta Meets Mayor, Fishing for Memories
3. Spelling/Sight words - anthem, ballot, basket, cactus, canyon, gallon, handsome, happen, magnet, planet, rabbit, random, salad, 
                                            tablet, talon
4.  Grammar: Review basic parts of speech: noun, verb, adj, adverb
5.  Reading Vocabulary: Marta Meets Mayor/bridge, decisions, announced, mayor, scissors, microphone
                                          Fishing for Memories/patient, scowled, interrupted, bait, osprey, airplane
6. Weekly Wonder Word:  accomplish, accomplishment

Week of Sept 11
1. Phonics skills:  short i in first syllable and schwa sound in unstressed syllables
2. Reading skills:  The Great One, Flying with Seagulls
3. Spelling/Sight words - chicken, children, distant, instant, limit, linen, liquid, mitten, Pilgrim, prison, ribbon, skillet, timid, visit 
4.  Grammar: Review punctuation:   .  ,  !  ?  " "
5.  Reading Vocabulary: The Great One/scorer, hockey, championship, criticize, league, practice
                                          Flying with Seagulls/flying, nervous, equipment, glider, seagull, courage
6.  Weekly Wonder Word:  demonstrate, demonstration

Week of Sept 18
1. Phonics skills:  short e in first syllable and schwa sound in unstressed syllables
2. Reading skills:  Braille, The Saleswoman
3. Spelling/Sight words - breakfast, expense, friendly, healthy, heaven, helmet, intense, jealous lemon, lesson,melon, pleasant, 
                                            present, wealthy, weapon
4.  Grammar:  personal pronouns (subject pronouns: I, we, you, he, she, it, they)
5.  Reading Vocabulary: Braille/raised, stylus, system, blind, braille, cursive
                                          The Saleswoman/success, appreciate, saleswoman, guides, generous, confidence
6.  Weekly Wonder Word:  inform, information

Week of Sept 25
 1. Phonics skills: short o in first syllable and schwa sound in unstressed syllables
2. Reading skills: A Wonky Ride, A Sound Activated Friend
3. Spelling/Sight words - blossom, bottom, closet, common, Congress, constant, cotton, gossip, pollen, problem, profit, response, 
                                            robin, rotten, solid
4.  Grammar:  object pronouns: me, us, you, him, her, it, them
5.  Reading Vocabulary: A Wonky Ride/afraid, seatbelt, rollercoaster, wonky, breathe, amusement
                                         A Sound Activated Friend/dominoes, attention, invitation, wildly, dinosaur, activated
6.  Weekly Wonder Word: recommend, recommendation
Week of Oct 2
1. Phonics Sounds:  short u in first syllable and schwa sound in unstressed syllables
2. Reading Skills: Somewhere Over the Rainbow, Boys in the Band Room
3. Spelling/Sight words - button, compass, cousin, custom, disgust, dozen, hundred, husband, muffin, nugget, oven, pumpkin, 
                                            sudden, summit, trumpet
4.  Grammar: possessive pronouns: mine, ours, yours, his, hers, its, their
5.  Reading Vocabulary:    Somewhere Over the Rainbow/gold, angle, reflected, bend, prism, rainbow
                                             Boys in the Band Room/guitar, trumpet, instrument, drum, mallet, maracas
6.  Weekly Wonder Word: experiment, experimentation

More Level M Stories   

Week of Oct 9
1. Phonics Sounds:  final blends with act, ect, ict, uct, inct
2. Reading Skills: The Night Sky, The Turtle Confession
3. Spelling/Sight words - attract, collect, connect, contact, distinct, distract, effect, extinct, instinct, predict, product, protect, 
                                            subject, subtract
4.  Grammar:  Finding pronouns/identifying person or thing it represents
5.  Reading Vocabulary:    The Night Sky/heroes, millions, constellation, orbit, sideways, patterns
                                             The Turtle Confession/female, confess, breathing, turtle, guilty, giggling
6.  Weekly Wonder Word: confess, confession
Week of Oct 16
1. Phonics Sounds:  long a with open syllables
2. Reading Skills: A Dog that Talks, The Little Red Hen Goes on Strike
3. Spelling/Sight words - ailment, apron, bacon, banquet, basin, blanket, hatred, famous, mason, patron, raisin, raven, sacred, 
                                            vacant, waitress
4.  Grammar: adverbs spelled with -ly, answers "How?"
5.  Reading Vocabulary: A Dog that Talks/miniature, translator, conversation, peace, awesome, impatiently
                                         The Little Red Hen Goes on Strike/dozen, baking, grumbled, flour, strike, muffins
6.  Weekly Wonder Word:  converse, conversation

Week of Oct 23 
1. Phonics Sounds:  long a rule breakers
2. Reading Skills: Postcard from Italy, The Blanket Drive
3. Spelling/Sight words - again, against, bargain, break, captain, climate, curtain, great, palate, pirate, private, Senate, 
                                            steak,template, villain
4.  Grammar: rules for dividing words into syllables
5. Reading Vocabulary: Postcard from Italy/ocean, mailbox, envelope, Italy, address, postcard
                                        The Blanket Drive/brilliant, hurricane, interviewer, crew, blankets, television
6.  Weekly Wonder Word:  distribute, distribution

Week of Oct 30
1. Phonics Sounds: long e patterns
2. Reading Skills: The Sappy Chew, The Right Pencil
3. Spelling/Sight words - beacon, decent, decrease, disease, even, increase, procded, reason, recent, release, season, secret, 
                                            sequins, sweeten treason
4.  Grammar: order words/after, before, next, since, during, while
5.  Reading Vocabulary: The Sappy Chew/knife, flavors, powdered, sap, screen, research
                                          The Right Pencil/misspell, nervous, concentrate, pencil, misplace, mistakes
6.  Weekly Wonder Word: concentrate, concentration

Week of Nov 6
1. Phonics Sounds: long e pattern with ie
2. Reading Skills: Misty Copeland, Water's Journey
3. Spelling/Sight words - achieve, believe, brief, chief, field, fierce, grieve, thief, niece, piece, priest, relief, shield, thief, yield
4.  Grammar:  order words/first, finally, earlier, eventually, following
5.  Reading Vocabulary:  Misty Copeland/talent, journey, routines, ballet, passion, national
                                          Water's Journey/copper, disinfect, treatment, faucet, journey reservoir
6.  Weekly Wonder Word:  inspire, inspiration

Level N Stories
Week of Nov 13
1. Phonics Sounds:  long i patterns
2. Reading Skills: Margie Will Not Read, Into the Forest I Go
3. Spelling/Sight words - client, crisis, diamond, diaper, frighten, iris, iron, lion, minus, pilot, quiet, silent,siren, violent, virus
4.  Grammar: topic sentence, supporting details
5.  Reading Vocabulary:  Margie Will Not Read/imagination, dinosaur, groaned, mysterious, certified, alien
                                           Into the Forest I Go/countryside, preserve, diary, environment, national, nature
6.  Weekly Wonder Word: certify, certificate, certification

Week of Nov 20
1. Phonics Sounds: long o patterns
2. Reading Skills: Understanding dictionary entries
3. Spelling/Vocabulary  words:  although, approach, bonus, broken, clothes, doughnut, focus, hostess, moment, open, poem, 
                                                       rodent, slogan, thorough, token
4.  Grammar: stating Opinions/giving support for opinions
5.  Reading Vocabulary: 
     Slow and Steady Wns the Race:  underestimate, tortoise, steady, challenged, leaves, hare
     The Boy from Oz:  embarrassed, unusual, runners, Australia, bearded, dragon
6.  Weekly Wonder Word: estimate, estimation, estimator

Week of Nov 27
1. Phonics Sounds: long u patterns with open syllables
2. Reading Skills: Understanding dictionary entries
3. Spelling/Vocabulary  words:  beauty, coupon, crton, fluent, fluid, human, humid, Jewish, nougat, prudent, ruin, sewer, student, 
                                                       tulip, unit
4.  Grammar: stating fact vs. opinion
5.  Reading Vocabulary: 
     My Mom, the Architect:  drawings, building, conditioning, elevator, design, architect
     Not So Secret Place: magical, invisible, quiet, pretend, secret, climb
6.  Weekly Wonder Word: design, designer

Week of Dec 4
1. Phonics Sounds: more long u patterns
2. Reading Skills: -al, -tion
3. Spelling/Sight words: approve, compute, confuse, dilute, disprove, interview, introduce, issue, minute, pollute, preview, review, 
                                           salute, tissue, view
4.  Grammar:  Opinion based on facts
5.  Reading Vocabulary:   
House of Memories:  young, plank, photographs, attic, ladder, insulation
Money in the Bank: bank, deposit, withdrawal, loan, interest, expensive
6.  Weekly Wonder Word: insulate, insulation, insulator 

Week of Dec 11
1. Phonics Sounds: -al ending
2. Reading Skills: Finding proof for T/F or not mentioned in story
3. Spelling/Sight words:  brutal, dental, equal, fatal, final, legal, local, mammal, metal, pdeal, rival, sandal, signal, total, vital
4. Grammar: 
5. Reading Vocabulary:
    The Seed Thief:  thief, squirrel, birdfeeder, steal, circular, sspicious
     I'm OK, the Birds are OK:  curious, replenish, embarrassed, worried, neighbor, concerned
6. Weekly Wonder Word:  suspicious, suspiciously, curious, curiously

Week of Dec 18
1. Phonics Sounds: -el and -il endings
2. Reading Skills: Finding proof for T/F or not mentioned in story
3. Spelling/Sight words:  April, channel, easel, fossil, gravel, jewel, label, level, sequel, shovel, shrivel, travel, tunnel, until, vessel
4. Grammar: 
5. Reading Vocabulary:
    Grandma and the Great Shark:  shark, quicksand, documentary, limbs, stomach, application
    House Hunting in Outer Space:  space, surface, intergalactic, outer, gravity, temperature
6. Weekly Wonder Word:  intergalactic

Metas de aprendizaje

Develop a strong foundation of phonics skills and word study skills.
Learn how to respond to questions by using text based evidence.
Be able to read with fluency. 
Develop a love for reading!

Otros detalles

Orientación para padres
Canva will be used to produce Fry List flashcards and Phonics flashcards. k5learning has given permission for me to use their materials but I cannot sent parents a pdf file of the stories used in class. These stories can be accessed from their website k5learning.com without any membership fee. Parents will be sent the exact location of the stories at the time of registration. There is a small fee to download a file of 12 stories for each level. Once downloaded to the computer, parents can print them for their student to use in class and to reread the stories again with their parents for extra practice.
Lista de útiles escolares
Students should always have a wipe off board, marker and eraser.
Other materials may be needed at various times, but teacher will inform students of them in the class notes.
Recursos externos
Además del aula de Outschool, esta clase utiliza:
All of the stories from this class are used with permission from: K5Learning Teacher made materials

Conoce al profesor

Se unió el June, 2020
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
Licenciatura en Educación desde Bowling Green State University/ Ohio
 I am Teacher Colleen and am a retired teacher with Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education and Deaf Education.  I was certified to teach in the states of Ohio and Florida. During my 40 years in education I had the opportunity to teach in public and private schools, homeschool some of my own children as well as teach American Sign Language at the college leveI.  Most recently, I taught ESL through an online platform and worked as an intervention tutor at our local elementary school. My experience in the classroom and with my own children has taught me that all children learn differently.  I will provide a classroom where all children can learn in a safe, friendly environment.  You  will find my classrooms to be very hands-on and child oriented.  It is rewarding to see a child's face light up as they understand something new or see them glow with pride when they realize that they CAN do something that they didn't think they could do. I will be offering classes in Phonics/Reading for Levels 1-3, Math for Levels 1-3, Cursive writing, Science camps, Writing workshops, Math Facts Practice and ASL. I do offer a limited number of 1-1 tutoring slots, but try to focus on students that really need intervention to bring them up to grade level.   I am the mom of 7 children and 8 wonderful grandchildren (with the 9th one arriving in March!).  When I am not in the classroom you will find me spending time with my family and my German shepherd, Ellie. 


A los padres también les gusta
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Estrategias de comprensión lectora
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Comprensión lectora de 5.º y 6.º grado
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Maddie Alvendia, B.A., E.d.M.
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