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Leer en francés con Ratus la rata verde – Año 2, Unidad 2

Continuemos nuestra lectura y escritura con la divertida serie Ratus y ampliémosla a otros materiales apropiados para distintas edades y grados en francés.
Victoria Haliburton
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Qué está incluido

16 reuniones en vivo
13 horas 20 minutos horas presenciales

Experiencia de clase

Nivel de inglés: desconocido
Grado de EE. UU. 1 - 4
Nivel Intermediate - Advanced
We have already completed Grade 1 and Grade 2 Unit 1 and learned to read almost anything in French. Students who have done Grade 1 and begun Grade 2  in other classes are very welcome to join.
 We will do some review and move on to more stories and books, and we will work more on writing. We use both print and cursive depending on the students' home schools. We are now writing full sentences and short paragraphs. We will work on spelling as well. We will introduce some more ideas of grammar.

This is a highly structured, teacher-directed class. It is highly interactive and communication based, in French. Students need to participate, to ask and to answer questions, to read sentences and words and paragraphs, to copy words and sentences, and to make up sentences on their own. In order to interact continuously, students must have a camera and microphone and keep them on, Since we are conversing back and forth constantly, students should finish their snacks before class.

In this unit, we will review a few more topics from Grade 1 reading, especially vowel sounds and spellings. We will read the second half of unit 7 in the Ratus text and as time permits begin Unit 8, the last in the blue book. (Continued from Grade 1) as well as reviewing material from unit 1 to 6. We will use selected  material from Les Superheros de l'Orthographe (Spelling Superheros) , Defis 100% Francais (French 100% Challenge) for grammar etc,, Je Lis (I Read) , and other appropriate material.
We will concentrate on meaning of what we read, vocabulary development, pronunciation, spelling, use of French phonics to guide pronunciation and spelling, basic ideas of grammar such as sentences, subject and verb, singular and plural, beginning conjugations of verbs, and masculine and feminine forms.

Weeks 1 and 2:
"Le perroquet malin" -- Ratus unit 7 part 5 -- sounds of er in French. Writing sentences with subjcst and verb. Work on verb conjugations, verb tenses. Passe cmpose with avoir and etre. Vocabulary.   Review syllables. Writing, Spelling of vocabulary in text and review basic phonetically regular words from Grade 1. Other reading as time permits

Weeks 3 and 4
"Un bon menu" -- Ratus unit 7 part 6  -- Syllable breaks with n and m, vowels nasalized or not.  Vocabulary from text. Spelling of text vocabulary, review, syllables to break down new words and structures. Spelling m before b and p. Writing sentences and paragraphs. Increase independent expression in both speech and writing; practice using subject-verb to structure. Other reading as time permits.

Weeks 5 and 6
"Le pistolet a peinture", "Revision 7" -- Ratus unit 7 parts 7 and 8 -- Further nasal; sounds ain, ein, oin. Pronunciation and spelling.   Vocabulary from text and other readings. Nouns and determinants; masculine feminine, and plural.  Writing. Increase independent expression in speech and writing; use verb structures we have practiced to make more varied sentences. More reading as time permits.

Weeks 7 and 8
Review and consolidation
We will finish unfinished parts of the workbooks, practice the more difficult spellings we have learned, and practice vocabulary. As time permits we will view some video clips in French for listening skills and culture.
Metas de aprendizaje
Students will move further into genuinely independent reading. By now we have covered 95% of the common phonetic patterns in French and we have built up a known vocabulary of several hundred words. Students can enjoy age/grade appropriate books from any source.
Students will express themselves better in French, will speak in complete sentences, and will write meaningful sentences. They will write full paragraphs with some support. They will recognize and use present, past, and future.
Students will extend their vocabulary. We will study vocabulary directly from pictures, learn vocabulary in context in stories we read, and develop vocabulary that students ask about.
Students will write their own simple sentences and paragraphs. They will use French phonics to spell at least 90% correctly; they will recognize and remember silent letters in common words and conjugations.
objetivo de aprendizaje

Otros detalles

Orientación para padres
We discuss wide ranging topics. As students become more able to express themselves, they will say many different things. Openness and tolerance are encouraged. Negative comments about other people are not permitted period and any student who behaves in this way will be removed to a different room. If sensitive topics come up, at this age I will always refer back to parents. We may read a few extracts from kids' Wikipedia or other resources in French. Again, all efforts will be made to keep things age and grade appropriate. Parents are asked to remind students not to give out details such as exact birthdays or addresses. We do sometimes talk about home cities/states and climates and time zones, which are interesting and necessary, but nothing that can identify a specific location or person.
Lista de útiles escolares
Please see the text list above..
Learners will also need  a notebook and pen and a comfortable chair and desk space to write. Camera and microphone are necessary for language interaction.
Idioma en el que se imparte la clase
Se unió el August, 2019
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
Fuera de EE. UU. Certificado de Docencia en Educación Secundaria
Fuera de EE. UU. Certificado de Docencia en Idioma extranjero
Maestría en Educación desde Tufts University
Licenciatura en Idioma extranjero desde Bishop's University, Canada (second copy for double major)
Licenciatura en Matemáticas desde Bishop's University, Canada
Licenciatura en Ciencia desde Massachusetts Institute of Technology
I speak French fluently and have lived in Montreal and area for a long time. I've taught and tutored a large number of students to read in French, using high-quality well-known materials that are aligned with the science of reading. 
I have a BSc, a BA in Honours Math and a double major in Languages and Linguistics, and an MA in Education. I taught in French first-language schools for four years, and have taught a number of classes in French as a second language. I also have extensive experience in teaching and tutoring reading in both English and French, and all of my reading students have succeeded in learning to read fluently.


Clase grupal

220 US$

por 16 clases
2 x por semana, 8 semanas
50 min

Completado por 2 alumnos
Videoconferencias en vivo
Edades: 7-10
1-5 alumnos por clase

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