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Crecimiento rápido de la lectura para lectores jóvenes Nivel II

Estas clases de intervención de lectura en grupos pequeños ayudan a su hijo a mejorar rápidamente su lectura y su confianza. Aumentarán el conocimiento fonético, alcanzarán niveles más altos de lectura, mejorarán la ortografía, ampliarán el vocabulario y profundizarán la comprensión.
Tami A., Ph.D.
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Qué está incluido

2 reuniones en vivo
50 minutos horas de clase por semana
I provide informal feedback on your child's progress.

Experiencia de clase

Nivel de inglés: desconocido
Grado de EE. UU. Kindergarten - 2
Nivel Beginner
This class is designed as an intervention for young people with reading difficulties, and it's also beneficial for ESL students who wish to improve their reading skills. The class is open to all students who would like to read better, but it's particularly effective for those who are learning English as a second language.

My reading classes provide guided small-group reading instruction to young readers. The groups are kept small to ensure each learner's needs are met. More than just a learning environment, I foster a warm and caring atmosphere for children to learn and flourish, ensuring their emotional well-being. Your child's participation in this class will ensure they are fully prepared for their school reading classes.

Is This Class Right For My Child?
Level II of my improving reading classes is intended for children reading beyond kindergarten-level books. Children should know many sight words and can read books with several sentences on the page, such as many of the 'Biscuit' books. The books used in this class are on the first-grade reading level and consist of fiction and nonfiction. If your child can read this, "I know what to do.  I have a plan. First, I need a big blue pan. I get a spoon. I scoop some up.  One scoop, two scoops, drip and drop." they are ready for this class. If this is difficult for them, I suggest my Level I class. If this is too easy for them, I suggest my Level III class.

Examples Of Some Of The Books Read During The Beginning of this class include:
(Beginning with Guided Reading Levels E and F)
“National Geographic Safari”
“Biscuit Loves the Park”
“Everyone Eats”
“Big Shark Little Shark”
“Jog Frog Jog”
“Pete the Cat Too Cool for School”
“Goat in A Boat”

Examples of the Literacy Activities Engaged in During Class:
-analyzing and practicing vowels teams, CVC words & word families,
-reviewing phonics and phonemic awareness,
-reviewing spelling patterns,
-examining how words work,
-learning new vocabulary words,
-rereading a familiar text on the screen,
-reading a new text,
-practicing reading strategies,
-engaging in echo reading, choral reading, or partner reading to improve fluency,
-and answering comprehension questions during different stages of the reading process.

Students Will Improve In:
- decoding unfamiliar words 
-reading essential sight words, 
-using phonics,
-expanding their vocabulary
-deepening comprehension
-reading more fluently, 
-and gaining reading confidence.

Ongoing Classes:
This is an ongoing class. You will be charged on Sunday morning for the two classes that meet the following week. We read new books each week, so you can join us at any time. If your child needs to miss a week of classes, I make videos of the class available for absent children to watch. You can unsubscribe for any week your child cannot attend the class and resubscribe if there are spots available. 

Zoom Expectations:
Our guided reading lessons consist of constant interaction between the teacher and the students, making it essential to have their microphone and video on during class. Please ensure your child has a quiet background so they do not distract the class.
Metas de aprendizaje
Students Will Improve In:
- decoding unfamiliar words 
-reading essential sight words, 
-using phonics,
-expanding their vocabulary
-deepening comprehension
-reading more fluently, 
-and gaining reading confidence.
objetivo de aprendizaje

Otros detalles

Orientación para padres
During a portion of the class, I will be sharing my screen so that children can watch phonics videos such as those on Youtube, HeidiSongs, and PhonicsGarden. Children are briefly watching these videos on my screen and you are not required to create an account for your children to watch these videos.
Requisitos previos
Children should be able to read the popular 'Biscuit' books, know many common sight words and have some phonics knowledge to begin this class.
Lista de útiles escolares
You do not need to purchase any books for this class. Students will be reading books on screen. However, you will need to purchase magnetic letters for students to use for some of our word activities. Please see the link below the get an idea of the type of magnets you will need. https://www.amazon.com/Coogam-Uppercase-Lowercase-Educational-Classroom/dp/B08ZCTNQBL/ref=sr_1_3_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=magnetic+letters&qid=1631387099&sr=8-3-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExN0NaT0hCREtIWVdRJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMDI1OTM4MUtQMktXSTRFSzBLMCZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwNDQ1NDE3M0FEU1gwMzg1OTU5WiZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=
 1 archivo disponible al momento de la inscripción
Se unió el October, 2020
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
Virginia Certificado de Docencia
Virginia Certificado de Docencia en Educación elemental
Doctorado en Educación desde Old Dominion University
Teacher Expertise:
I hold a B.S. in Psychology, a Master's in Education, and a Ph.D. in Education. I am a licensed k-8 teacher, a licensed Reading Specialist, and a licensed ESL teacher.

I have taught children, adults, and my child throughout my life. I have worked as a tenured education professor, an elementary teacher, a reading specialist, and an ESL teacher. I love to read, and I love to work with children. I am delighted to teach on the Outschool platform and look forward to working with you and your child.


Clase grupal

34 US$

semanalmente ( 17 US$ por clase)
2x por semana
25 min

Completado por 155 alumnos
Videoconferencias en vivo
Edades: 5-8
3-5 alumnos por clase

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