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Ciencia avícola: clasificación de huevos, anatomía del pollo, disección de patas y alas de pollo (7 semanas)

Aprenda de un profesor de ciencias certificado y líder de 4-H los conceptos básicos de evaluación de aves de corral. Los estudiantes aprenderán las partes de un pollo, cómo calificar los huevos y más. Esta es una excelente clase de preparación para 4-H, una materia optativa de ciencias o una clase de laboratorio divertida.
Mrs. Collins, Certified Teacher
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Qué está incluido

Experiencia de clase

The course is perfect for students interested in a Poultry Science career, students who raise chickens, enjoy learning about farming, or have an interest in 4-H/FFA Poultry Judging. In this course Mrs. Collins will teach you everything you need about Poultry Judging. Poultry Judging is a common competition that students all over the US participate in through a 4-H or FFA program. Mrs. Collins is a certified science teacher and poultry judging 4-H/FFA coach. In this course she will teach you everything you need to know about the competition and in the end you will have a mock competition online. 

Each 4-H Poultry Judging Contest has four classes on consumer information, the grading of exterior eggshell factors, broken-out eggs, and ready-to-cook poultry. This course is helpful for all ages, in that you learn what you eat, how to see if eggs/meat are fresh, and more about the Poultry Science. 

Format: Flex format (no live classes, but assignments on the class wall)

Lessons (slides/videos/diagrams) will be uploaded each Sunday night (by 10pm EST) so the student can begin on the week's lessons every Monday. The class will last 7 weeks. 

Lesson Types:
poultry trivia
draw/diagram the parts of a chicken, egg components and more
complete labs on broken out eggs
show/tell chicken pictures
group discussions on favorite chicken breeds and more
chicken themed art projects
poster project

Here is the list of topics (the order may vary):

Week 1 What is Poultry?, Poultry Careers, Show/Tell If You Want To Share Your Farm Images 

The contest at a 4-H or FFA level allows the student to gain 500 points over four classes of information. Your child does not have to be involved in 4-H or FFA to take this class, but we will be following the common study techniques for the course as we learn the four classes. 

Week 2 Learn about Class 1 in the competition:
Class 1 – Ready-to-Cook Poultry. You will grade five ready-to-cook broilers according to USDA standards and record the grade for each bird on the scorecard. You will list the reasons for grading each carcass immediately after each grade. Each reason must include the type of factor or defect, the size or degree of the defect, and the location of the defect on the broiler. List all reasons as they appear in the Standards for Ready-to-Cook Poultry chart.
Example: If a cut less than 1½ inches in size is observed on the breast, the carcass will be classified as a B quality carcass followed by the reason: “cut on breast less than 1½ inches.”-this class is worth 100 points.

Week 3-4
Class 2 – Classifying Broken-Out Eggs. You will grade 10 broken-out eggs as AA, A, or B quality according to the USDA Egg Grading Standards. Each egg is displayed in a transparent container with a transparent cover. Touching the egg or container is not permitted because it could change the grade of the egg. Record the grade for each egg in the proper space on the score card. Total Point Value – 100 points.

Week 5:
Class 3 – Classifying Shell Factors. You will classify 10 shell eggs by shell factors. You will make two decisions on each egg. You will decide on the cleanliness of each egg and record it as Clean, B Stain, or Dirty. Then, you will determine the soundness and shape of each egg and list it as Practically Normal or Abnormal. Each egg will be displayed with a transparent cover. Touching the egg or container is not permitted. Total Point Value – 100 points.

Week 6:
Class 4 – Consumer Test. Each contestant will be given a written test with no more than 20 questions on eggs and ready-to-cook poultry. Questions will be true-false, multiple choice, or fill in the blank. You can find the answers to all of the questions in this manual.-worth 200 points

Week 7:
Review & Fun Final Exam
We will have a mock competition online at the end.
Metas de aprendizaje
Grading generally involves sorting products according to quality, size, weight, and other factors that determine its relative value. The grading of shell eggs is classifying an individual egg according to established standards. United States Standards for Quality of Individual Shell Eggs are based on interior quality factors such as the condition of the white and yolk, size of the air cell, and they are based on exterior quality factors such as cleanliness and soundness of the shell. These standards cover the entire range of edible eggs.

The yolk in a new-laid egg is round and firm. As the yolk ages, it absorbs water from the albumen, which increases its size and causes it to stretch and weaken the vitelline membrane and to assume a somewhat flattened shape on top and an “out of round” shape, generally resembling a balloon partially filled with water.
objetivo de aprendizaje

Otros detalles

Orientación para padres
We will use an online poultry judging manual, see 3rd party tools for url. We will also use YouTube, and Google Docs/Slides at times for summary and practice purposes. No acct is needed on either.
Lista de útiles escolares
spiral notebook
clear tape
10 paper plates
2 cartons of eggs
full chicken carcass (buy a rotisserie chicken cooked or uncooked from grocery store)
chicken wing and leg
paper towel cardboard roll
paper towels or napkins
permanent marker
recommended: dissection kit
coloring pencils
sticky notes
 4 archivos disponibles al momento de la inscripción
Recursos externos
Además del aula de Outschool, esta clase utiliza:
Mrs. Collins, Certified Teacher
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
Georgia Certificado de Docencia en Educación Secundaria
Maestría en Educación desde University of Georgia (UGA)
Mrs. Collins is a certified science teacher, 4-H coach, FFA coach, and has a degree in Ag Education. She has coached local and state Poultry Judging teams over her career. 


Clase grupal

79 US$

por 7 semanas
7 semanas

Completado por 2 alumnos
No hay videoconferencias en vivo
Edades: 9-14

Esta clase ya no se ofrece
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