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Campamento de poesía para adolescentes - Sesión de invierno

En este campamento de una semana (cuatro sesiones), leeremos, analizaremos, disfrutaremos y escribiremos poesía con temas invernales.
Mrs. Lisa Galvao, B.A. English Ed; M.A.,TESL/TEFL
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Qué está incluido

4 reuniones en vivo
3 horas 20 minutos horas presenciales
1 hora por semana. Limited homework will be assigned, primarily further working upon their own poems, polishing them up before the next day's class.

Experiencia de clase

Nivel de inglés: desconocido
Grado de EE. UU. 8 - 11
We will examine a variety of winter-themed poems and learn more about various poetic techniques and devices, such as alliteration, assonance, consonance, personification, similes, metaphors, imagery, and descriptive word choices.  We will discuss the meaning and any application for each selected poem.  Additionally, we will practice putting many of the poetry techniques and devices observed into our own poetry writing.  Learners will be encouraged to share their writings and provide constructive feedback for one another.  

Each of the first three days of our week-long camp will involve reading, analyzing, and discussing as directed by the teacher, accounting for approximately 30 minutes of the class time.  The second half of the class (approximately 20 minutes) will involve writing and critiquing.  Day four of the camp will focus heavily upon production, wrapping up any unfinished poetry writing and sharing aloud with the class one of your finished poems.  

No prior poetry experience is needed for this class, but, if you have some, that would be a great platform from which to go to the next level.  Plus, your experience and interest can be of help in sharing and encouraging other learners in the class to be bold and creative in their writing.
Metas de aprendizaje
Learners will gain a better understanding and appreciation for poetry as well as be able to identify common poetic devices employed.  Furthermore, learners will apply the use of these poetic devices in their own poetry writings and present their original work to their peers.
objetivo de aprendizaje

Otros detalles

Lista de útiles escolares
In addition to Outschool technology requirements in order to log in, attend, and participate in this camp, learners will need to have notebook paper, a pencil, and Word (or other similar word-processing program).
Recursos externos
Los estudiantes no necesitarán utilizar ninguna aplicación o sitio web más allá de las herramientas estándar de Outschool.
All poems covered are in the public domain.
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
Maestría desde Wheaton College
Licenciatura en Educación desde Judson College (now known as Judson University)
With a degree in secondary English education, I have a strong background in reading, writing, and grammar.  Poetry is an area of special interest to me and has been throughout many years.  In fact, looking back I did a senior research project on a specific poem and poet along with creating classroom lesson plans on how to teach that poem and the literary devices used in it.  I think this was foreshadowing for this course!


Clase grupal

60 US$

por 4 clases
4x por semana, 1 semana
50 min

Completado por 7 alumnos
Videoconferencias en vivo
Edades: 13-17
3-10 alumnos por clase

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