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Ayuda para ensayos uno a uno

En esta sesión individual, puedo trabajar con su estudiante en un ensayo que esté escribiendo y ayudarlo a convertirlo en algo de lo que estará orgulloso.

Qué está incluido

Se reúne bajo demanda
programar reuniones según sea necesario
45 minutos
por sesión
Apoyo docente
1 hora por semana. Only homework would be to take what we have discussed and edit and fix their essay.
The student's mark on the essay from their respective teacher will be the only assessment that they will receive.

Experiencia de clase

Nivel de inglés: desconocido
Grado de EE. UU. 8 - 12
Nivel Beginner - Advanced
In the session I will be offering support and suggestions on how to craft an effective essay. I will ask that the student has an essay topic that has been assigned to them, or an essay started/finished. By given me this starting point I can work with them to shape and hone their “voice”. It is also important that I understand what the teacher of the essay wants in terms of style and format, that way I can further ensure that the final product will meet the requirements set out for them.
To meet these requirements, I will discuss the thesis structure, effective opening paragraph strategies, how to support and prove your thesis, how to use quotes, and how to wrap the writing up effectively. 
The structure of the class will be one on one discussion based and interactive as we write and revise the work one paragraph as a time. 
I want to hear them explain what they are trying to prove, as not to lose their voice in the process. Therefore, I do not want to offer a “cookie cutter” approach to the essay that many students get. I will use my resources to personalize each session to what I see that student needs at that time. That way, if they need help later, it’s not the same session, but one geared to their needs at that time in the writing process.
I feel this one-on-one Socratic method of discussion-based teaching at a more personal level better connects with the writer/student and allows them take true ownership of the work. It also allows them to feel a greater sense of accomplishment when the final product is completed.
Metas de aprendizaje
Students will take their writing, or begin the writing process, and will be assisted in crafting and revising a strong and academically sound work. We will be sure to have a strong introduction and thesis, solid body paragraphs with accurate and effective proof and supports, and a solid conclusion.
objetivo de aprendizaje

Otros detalles

Orientación para padres
There no class content that may be upsetting or scary to some learners, or that requires learners to take extra safety precautions.
Lista de útiles escolares
-Essay topic or essay. -Any textbooks, novels, references you have used or may need to use.
Recursos externos
Los estudiantes no necesitarán utilizar ninguna aplicación o sitio web más allá de las herramientas estándar de Outschool.
Se unió el September, 2023
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
I have taught English and essay writing for over 20 years and have a vast knowledge of how students write and what they need to be successful in their writing.


Lecciones 1 a 1 en vivo

50 US$

por sesión
Reuniones bajo pedido
45 min

Videoconferencias en vivo
Edades: 13-18

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