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Club de Amistad Neurodiversa: Un Espacio Social Divertido Para Niños Con Fiesta de Baile Semanal

Este club de amistad especial es un espacio seguro y divertido para que los niños neurodiversos se reúnan y hagan amigos a través de un aprendizaje atractivo basado en el juego. Esta clase está diseñada para generar confianza y hacer crecer amistades reales. Es ideal para niños con TDAH, ansiedad, TEA, 2E y SPD.
Miss Anna
Puntuación media:
Número de reseñas:
Educador estrella

Qué está incluido

1 reunión en vivo
45 minutos horas de clase por semana

Experiencia de clase

Nivel de inglés: desconocido
Grado de EE. UU. 1 - 3
🎙 Being blessed with the gift of gab, chatting comes effortlessly to Miss Anna and it shows in this special weekly friendship club as she patiently encourages young neurodivergent learners to enjoy engaging conversations & fun games while exercising their kindness muscles and making new friends. Plus, enjoy a weekly show & tell and dance party too! 

🥰 In this special virtual friendship club Miss Anna provides a warm and welcoming space for neurodiverse leaners utilizing her unique style of play-based learning.  Children will have the chance to build their self confidence, practice being a thoughtful friend and make new friends in the best way...through play! 

🦸‍♀️ This Neurodiverse Affirming space is a wonderful club for ADHD, ADD, ASD (Autism Spectrum), SPD, and 2E kiddos to celebrate themselves and celebrate others while making some meaningful connections with new friends.

👩‍🏫 Miss Anna also uses her own unique play-based learning techniques to provide opportunities for children to practice important life skills that can help kids build the essential skills needed to be a great friend now & later in life!

Together in class they will practice essential life skills like:

✅public speaking

✅patiently waiting while taking turns 

✅being a kind friend

✅ being a thoughtful friend 

✅sharing opinions in a kind way 

And much, much more all while having a great time with friends.

🪩Plus, there is a show and tell and weekly dance party too! 

🧸 Each week every child will be encouraged to bring something special to them...like a favorite toy, art project, a beloved pet, or a stuffed animal for a fun opportunity to show off things they love and are proud of to show their special Circle Of Friends!

💬 During Miss Anna's special show and tell time, kids will have fun showing off something special to the class as she meets each kid at their level and skillfully helps them strengthen their public speaking skills while building confidence in their abilities.

🤗 The weekly dance party is a chance for kids to get enjoy one of Miss Anna’s famous dance parties EVERY week to get their extra energy out while having a blast with their new friends. Kids will have the chance to dance to fun, upbeat, kid friendly songs!


🤩 Miss Anna Keeps this special club small yet, engaging with a max of just 6 children! This Is Done To Give Every Child The Chance To Feel Seen & Heard As Much As Possible Each Week. 

Each week kids will get to enjoy: 
✅Giving & Receiving Warm Greetings

✅Show & Tell 

✅Chatting With Miss Anna

✅Play A Fun & Engaging Group Game

✅Silly Dance Party With Friends

✅Sharing Fond Farewells 


*This class will be taking a break over the summer months due to an in person commitment Miss Anna has on Tuesdays at this time of day for the months of June, July and the beginning of August.  This class will begin again on August  27th, 2024. Please feel free to join the waiting list if the class is sold out currently, things could change by the time class begins in the fall.*


🥳 Check out these honest reviews of Miss Anna's other special friendship clubs from parents on the Outschool platform:

Melissa G. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
May 17, 2023
Such a fun weekly class! Miss Anna always has something fun and interesting for the kids to do. My son loves playing I spy, Pictionary, animal charades, and chatting with classmates during the special buddy time. Miss Anna is great at teaching social skills, turn taking and building confidence through public speaking. 

Jessica C. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Dec 15, 2022
My 8 year old hugged me after this class was over, thanking me for such a fun Outschool class. That just doesn't happen everyday. Usually, we have more misses than hits. But the instructor's style just resonated with my daughter. Thank you, Miss Anna!

Summer K. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Dec 6, 2021
Miss Anna is amazing!  She is patient, silly, fun and really engaged with the kids. My son loves her class and looks forward to it.

🤔 Still got questions? No problem!  Simply continue reading the description of the class below to find see frequently asked questions and find out exactly how this virtual  class works. 

If you still have questions after reading all the provided info., feel free to send Miss Anna a message with any additional questions you may have.

- How many virtual classes has Miss Anna taught?

🤩Miss Anna has taught over 1000 virtual classes to over 4000 children from around the world, and has been recognized by Outschool as an Outstanding Educator and among one of Top 100 Rated Teachers on the Outschool Platform.

🎙️Most recently, Miss Anna has been featured on the Outschool Live streaming series as a guest expert speaker to discuss the positive impacts Play-Based Learning has on all types of learners, especially neurodivergent kiddos!

⭐️Additionally, Miss Anna has recently been given the title of Star Educator here in the Outschool platform as well.

- What is the class environment like in Miss Anna’s virtual classroom? 
🥰 Miss Anna leads this class with an upbeat attitude while sending out positive vibes to encourage kids to do the same! 

👍 Miss Anna’s unique and fun social club for young kids utilizes her own structured play-based learning methods to let kids learn organically as they play together by focusing on each child  individual strengths. Sprinkling in lots opportunities for kiddos to ✨ shine ✨ and help grow their confidence.

🧒👧👦 Miss Anna's virtual classroom is very inclusive and welcomes kids of all abilities. This special friendship club is a wonderful fit for kids who have been diagnosed or are suspected to be - ADHD (Hyper Active & Distractible) 
- ADD ( Difficulty Concentrating)
- SPD (Sensory Processing Sensitivities) 
- ASD ( Autism Spectrum )
- 2E (Twice Exceptional ) 

- Has Miss Anna worked with many Neurodivergent children? 

🤗 YES! In addition to having a 2E child of her own, Miss Anna works with over 40 Neurodiverse kiddos each week including all ranges of neurodiversity.

-What should kids expect in class? 
🙋 This fun & structured club promotes raising hands and taking turns to help children learn when it is appropriate to share their thoughts in a meaningful way….rather than impulsively sharing every thought that comes to mind. 

😎 In this class children will practice and improve socialization skills each week by participating in a fun group game or activity led by Miss Anna that is meant to help them gain confidence speaking in both a virtual learning situation….. and every day life social settings while making real friends.   

🤗 Each week Miss Anna will give each kiddo a turn in the spotlight while playing a fun and engaging game where they get to practice friendship skills and life skills essential to being a good friend. 

😉She designs each game carefully to provide opportunities for Neurodivergent kiddos to shine while practicing important life skills and having fun together each week! 

👧Kiddos will enjoy a variety of engaging games like I Spy, Would You Rather, and Freeze Dance and lots more
 where Miss Anna often uses visual aids to help kids better understand the games.

- Will my child get to celebrate their birthday with friends?

🥳YES! Each kiddo is celebrated in a class during their birthday month by Miss Anna and the rest of their special friends!

- What kind of life skills will kids learn and practice?

🥰 Kids is this special Friendship Club kids will have the opportunity to practice improving a wide variety of like skills during this ongoing club including:

- Social and Emotional Intelligence
- Socialization Skills
- Public Speaking
- Speaking With Purpose
- Sharing Opinions 
- Accepting Others Opinions
- Making Confident Decisions
- Virtual Learning Etiquette
- Patiently Waiting For A Turn
- Showing Support To Others
- Showing Gratitude To Others 
- Making Meaningful Connections With New Virtual Friends and Miss Anna

- Could this class a good fit for a kid who tends to be a bit shy?

🤩 Actually, Yes! In this class kids will play games while having fun learning with one another AND from one another.  Thus, making it a great class for kiddos who enjoy being chatty…….as well as kiddos who may be need a bit of help coming out of their shell while they are still finding their voice. 

- Why does Miss Anna keep this class small? 

 🎉 Keeping this class small helps ensure every child gets as many chances to engage and share with Miss Anna and pals during class as possible.

- Does the camera need to be on during this unique and interactive class? 

🥰 Yes. Due to the very interactive nature of this unique friendship social club for young kids, Miss Anna asks that kids keep their camera on so she can engage with each child as much as possible to ensure they feel seen and heard.

✨ Keeping the camera on during class also helps Miss Anna gauge childrens comfort levels during each class activity so she can identify the right moments to help them shine and grow their confidence  ✨.

🙏 We understand that doesn’t make it the right fit for everyone, and thank you in advance for your understanding and respecting the classroom rules.

- Will kids need to Mute AND Unmute in this class?
🎙️ Yes. Miss Anna wants to make sure each child feels seen and heard during their time together. This means that muting will be utilized in class from time to time to give each child a chance to get Miss Anna’s full attention while participating! 
-Is parental supervision required in this class?

 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Yes! Since this is an online virtual class environment, Miss Anna will occasionally require some support from childrens parents  / guardians from time to time to help ensure all the kiddos in class are having the best virtual experience possible!

💻 Due to the young age of the kids in this club,  Miss Anna asks parents to be somewhere close by where they can hear or see their child, while remaining out of the view of the camera incase a child needs additional support during group time or buddy break out room time.  Miss Anna will be supervising rooms intermittently as she offers support to each group of kids. 

🎙️ There are several times kids will be required to Mute and Unmute during this class to ensure every child can be heard clearly while they share their thoughts. ( Miss Anna helps kids learn this skill, but parents will likely need to assist with this at first due to their young age. )

😊 Parents, please plan to stay somewhere nearby (in the same room as your child) to assist with adjusting camera angles or unmuting if needed.

✨ There should always be an adult present in your child’s home when they are taking this class incase a child needs assistance, or incase Miss Anna needs to request assistance from an adult to gently remind children to follow Outschool's Safety Policies. ✨

-What if the class time we want to join is sold out?
🤯 Miss Anna's friendship social clubs will occasionally sell out because Miss Anna keeps the class size quite small, but Miss Anna does keep a waiting list to make sure kiddos who really want to join will have the opportunity when a spot opens up.  If you find that there is no room in the class time your child would like to join, please feel free to send Miss Anna a direct message to let her know your child would like to join the waiting list for your this unique class!

* Parents / Adults-
Please also note that Outschool requires teachers to only admit students on Zoom that have the enrolled students name showing as part of the internet safety guidelines put in place to protect your child while participating in online group classes.  

*Miss Anna takes internet safety very seriously and will not permit an unknown person into the virtual classroom with other children if she has no clear indication of who the child is.

*More information on Outschool's Internet Safety Guidelines and policies can be found on the Outschool website.

🎉This class is very inclusive and warmly welcomes all kinds of learners. ESL, Neurodivergent  & 2E learners and more!

⏰Providing kiddos with a safe and welcoming space where kids truly feel seen and heard is very important to Miss Anna. For this reason, this class occasionally runs over its time by 5  minutes to ensure every kiddo gets to participate in group games and activities  before class comes to an end.

🧑‍🏫 Miss Anna is a highly engaging and experienced educator who has been recognized as one of Outschools Outstanding Educators and Top 100 Rated teachers on the platform.  She utilizes her own unique play-based learning techniques and strategies to help kids shine like a star and build confidence in their abilities. 

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to Miss Anna and expect a personal reply! Miss Anna is very responsive and will reply within 24 - 48 hours.
Metas de aprendizaje
Kids is this friendship club will have the opportunity to practice improving a wide variety of like skills during this ongoing club including:

- Social and Emotional Intelligence
- Socialization Skills
- Public Speaking
- Speaking With Purpose
- Sharing Opinions 
- Accepting Others Opinions
- Making Confident Decisions
- Virtual Learning Etiquette
- Patiently Waiting For A Turn
- Showing Support To Others
- Showing Gratitude To Others 
- Making Meaningful Connections With New Virtual Friends and Miss Anna
objetivo de aprendizaje

Otros detalles

Necesidades de aprendizaje
This class was created to support learners who have or display ADHD, ASD, SPD, or Anxiety symptoms in order to support their unique learning needs in a kind & caring environment where they will be met with kindness and patience among peers.
Orientación para padres
✨Miss Anna’s Class Policies✨ * Parents Miss Anna asks that you plan to stay nearby ( somewhere in the same room) with your child, while remaining out of view of your child camera in case your child need your support. This will be helpful incase you child needs help with any of these things mentioned above, and help ensure they get the most out of their experience while chatting and dancing together! * Children will occasionally be placed on mute during this class to ensure that each child gets to truly feel seen and heard! This means kiddos may need help pressing the unmute button, adjusting the camera, muting / unmuting, or finding a quiet space with enough room to dance safely. To ensure we can see and HEAR your child please select Join With Internet Audio option when joining class so they can tell us about their special toys and things they want to share! *Kiddos should make sure to wear proper footwear, both shirts and bottoms ( pants, shorts, or leggings ) and have a safe space to dance, and may also enjoy having a water close by incase they want to grab a sip of water too! *Please note in this class kids must wear both a top and bottom to attend class. If a child attempts to remove their tops of bottom during class, Miss Anna will need to turn off the students camera which will limit the child’s interaction in the show and tell and dance party. *Miss Anna will permit skirts to be worn in class only if they have shorts or leggings underneath them to protect ALL childrens privacy and comfort as well, as well as the teachers. * Please note this class is designed to have between movement time, including Dancing, Dance Games and Fun and Creative Dancing where they all create their own fun and silly dance moves!
Lista de útiles escolares
Each week kids will be asked to  bring:
-🧸A toy or stuffed animal to show to class while practicing our public speaking and conversation skills together.

- 💦 A bottle of water incase they get thirsty during the fun dancing during our weekly dance party 

(Miss Anna wants to make sure each child feels seen and heard. This means that muting will be utilized in class to give each child a chance to get Miss Anna’s full attention while participating!)
Se unió el November, 2020
Educador estrella
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
🥰 Miss Anna is an Ace Certified Educator who has been offering a large variety of Play-Based Learning Classes and Social & Emotional Learning classes on Outschool over the last 3 years. She is a seasoned professional educator with over 10 years of  teaching and mentorship experience.

🧑‍🏫 Miss Anna is a highly engaging and experienced educator who has been recognized as one of Outschools Outstanding Educators and Top 100 Rated teachers on the platform.  She utilizes her own unique play-based learning techniques and strategies to help kids shine like a star and build confidence in their abilities. 

📝 A Note From Miss Anna:
“Hi! I am thrilled you are getting ready to join my very unique friendship social club where kids get the opportunity to become more happy, confident, and thoughtful friends as they learn in the best way...through play! Including care chosen weekly games and the chance to hang out with a friend 1 on 1 to build real connections!

I am a proud momma to a Neurodivergent kiddo with ADHD & SPD who loves to learn, laugh, and play! Many of my unique teaching techniques were developed by teaching my own child and children like him how to successfully navigate social situations so they can build meaningful relationships with others while being their most authentic selves.

I have utilized my 10+ years of experience teaching a variety of play-based fitness, literacy, and enrichment classes to create some fun filled educational play-based classes for your kiddos to enjoy.  

I have found the transition from teaching in a traditional classroom setting to a virtual setting to be a wonderful experience for both me and my students as we fill our days with fun learning, meaningful moments, and lots of laughter. I have currently taught over 1000 virtual classes here on Outschool to nearly 4000 children around the world and plan to teach many, many more!

This weekly social club is meant to do so much more than entertain kids, it’s meant to give kids the chance to celebrate themselves and others just the way they are while practicing public speaking and kindly sharing opinions to help create meaningful connections with other kids while having fun!

All of my classes on Outschool are structured in a way that encourage kind conversations while having fun! 
Can’t wait to see your fun and awesome kiddo in a class real soon!”

Miss Anna 🥰


Clase grupal

20 US$

1x por semana
45 min

Completado por 15 alumnos
Videoconferencias en vivo
Edades: 6-8
2-6 alumnos por clase

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