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Redacción de ensayos de varios párrafos para escritores de nivel intermedio: persuasivos y argumentativos

Esta clase se reúne 4 veces por semana para escribir un ensayo persuasivo (argumentativo) siguiendo el proceso de 5 pasos e incluyendo algunos conceptos de escritura avanzados para completar un ensayo de más de 5 párrafos. #académico
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Educador estrella

Qué está incluido

4 reuniones en vivo
3 horas presenciales
2-4 horas por semana. -After class one, students will finish their brainstorming and outline and draft their body paragraphs. -After class two, students will draft their introductions and conclusions and self-revise their essays. -After class three, students will review and apply peer and teacher feedback to do a final revision of their essays. -After the last class, students will have a completed persuasive essay. Students should not feel stressed to complete all the writing in the class. They will be able to complete the writing after and between classes, sending me questions and parts of their writing as needed. I am very responsive to and encourage their messages. If learners do not complete the required work before the class meets, they can still attend the session and work on their essay, however, they will get guidance as the teacher is able between work with prepared students, and the results/goals of the essay class may not be satisfactory.
Class participation Completion of work Prepared for each session Final essay

Experiencia de clase

Nivel de inglés: desconocido
Grado de EE. UU. 8 - 10
Nivel Intermediate - Advanced
This 45-minute class will meet 4 times total in four weeks to work on using the 5 steps to complete an essay and include some advanced writing techniques.

To take this course, learners should already know the 5 step process (preparation, draft, revise, edit, turn in), essay parts (introduction, body, conclusion), and be able to write a basic 5 paragraph essay with little to no guidance. 

In this course, we will include more advanced skills such as:
     -academic vocabulary (moving from using words like "good" to "favorable")       
     -include 3 facts and cite them properly as necessary
     -include 3 opposing side arguments
     -use transitions words and phrases
     -use compound and complex sentence structure
    -understand and use pathos, logos, and ethos 

We will also work on the grammar point(s) of:
     -the active voice vs. the passive voice and including 1 example of passive in the essay
     -understanding and avoiding dangling modifiers
     -understanding and using phrases, clauses, and simple to complex sentence structure

Learners will be required to include each of these points in their essays.

* The first class will review the persuasive essay with a brief description, prepare each learner's brainstorming and outline documents, and go over the requirements of the essay and grammar points. Learners will be given a prepared grammar sheet for their reference during and after class. We will decide on a topic and begin working on outlines.  They will finish their outlines and draft their body paragraphs to be prepared for the next class. Whatever is not finished in class should be worked on and completed before the next class.

*For the second class, each learner should have at least 3 drafted body paragraphs. The second class will focus on checking in with each learner about their progress, ensuring they include the required elements, and drafting their introduction and conclusion. Whatever is not finished in class should be worked on and completed before the next class. 

* For the third class, each learner should have a fully drafted essay that they may have revised at least once. The third class will facilitate peer and teacher review of the drafted essays.  Learners will be given rubrics and feedback templates to help them review their peer essays.  We will check that the essays include the required elements. Learners will begin working on revising their essays. Whatever is not finished in class should be worked on and completed before the next class. 

*For the fourth class, each learner should have a fully revised essay. The fourth class will focus on final edits and check to make sure that each requirement has been fulfilled.  We will create a final copy to turn in. The students will be welcome to share their essays with the class.

Students are welcomed and encouraged to participate in class discussion-style learning and review sessions. They are prompted to ask questions and seek peer and teacher input.  Extensive feedback will be offered between classes for all learners who submit their work to the teacher on the Outschool platform. 

By the end of the course, students will have a final version of a persuasive essay that should include more advance academic vocabulary, 3 properly cited facts, 3 opposing view statements, more compound and complex sentences, 1 passive voice sentence, and phrases or clauses. 

Students should have learned the basics of multi paragraph essays before taking this class as we will not focus much on the process and parts in this course. I offer that here:

Multi-Paragraph Essay Writing for Beginners: Persuasive
Metas de aprendizaje
* Students will understand a persuasive essay as an argument of their opinion on a topic presenting all sides but favoring one and
convincing the reader to their point of view by presenting facts, logic, examples, expert opinions, and reasoning.
* Students will use more advanced academic vocabulary in their essays.
* Students will use complex and compound sentences. 
*Students will use and cite facts.
*Students will include opposing side views.
*Students will include active and passive voice examples.
*Students will use phrases and clauses in their writing with proper comma use. 
* Students will gain confidence in their ability to independently write an explanatory essay of their choice through practice and feedback.
objetivo de aprendizaje

Otros detalles

Orientación para padres
None, but this is a heavier course that will require students to write during and after classes to keep up with the pace.
Lista de útiles escolares
Paper and pencil or digital writing options such as Word or Google Docs.
Recursos externos
Además del aula de Outschool, esta clase utiliza:
Se unió el August, 2020
Educador estrella
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
Arizona Certificado de Docencia en Inglés para hablantes de otros idiomas
Licenciatura en Educación desde University of Massachusetts Amherst
Grado asociado desde Fort Hayes State University
AA in Child Development
BA in Early Language Development
TESOL Certification
Teacher Certification
20+ years in education
Love of writing and teaching writing


Clase grupal

15 US$

semanalmente o 60 US$ por 4 clases
1 x por semana, 4 semanas
45 min

Completado por 4 alumnos
Videoconferencias en vivo
Edades: 13-16
1-6 alumnos por clase

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