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Círculo de lectura en chino mandarín con los 12 animales del zodíaco chino

Este curso despierta el amor por aprender chino mandarín para toda la vida a través del canto, las rimas y la escritura de caracteres simples con los 12 animales del zodíaco chino. Con un máximo de 5 alumnos, todos tienen su turno para hablar y compartir.
Ingrid Christina (she/they)
Puntuación media:
Número de reseñas:
Estrella en ascenso

Qué está incluido

13 reuniones en vivo
7 horas 35 minutos horas presenciales
Learners will have one simple worksheet to complete, taking approximately 5 minutes. These worksheets are posted to the syllabus.

Experiencia de clase

Nivel de inglés: desconocido
Nivel Beginner - Intermediate
"Play is one of the most important ways in which young children gain essential knowledge and skills." ~UNICEF, 2018

Through learning the twelve animals of the Chinese Zodiac in Mandarin Chinese, this class sets children up for a lifetime love of learning the world's most widely-spoken language. Through fun activities such as interactive songs, action rhymes, and writing Chinese characters in a way that feels like drawing pictures, learners will begin to enjoy the sights and sounds of Mandarin Chinese. I will start your child on the same joyful journey of learning Mandarin that I started as an English teacher in Taipei in 2004. Nearly twenty years of learning later, I am still growing and improving my Mandarin every day and this is the example I will set for your child.

Cultural Note: During my time living in China and Taiwan, I celebrated the Lunar New Year many times. Every year is marked by a different animal, and this important cultural practice is based on an ancient legend going back thousands of years. This class presents the legend from a secular perspective, focusing solely on what the twelve animals are, in what order they come in, and how to say each animal in Mandarin Chinese. Knowing these twelve animals increases understand of Chinese culture and is a great way to connect with Chinese people.  

The daily class schedule is carefully paced to alternately challenge and ease young minds for maximum learning receptivity. The multi-day format gives the learner the opportunity to become familiar with the songs and activities and truly master the material over time. The small group gives each child individual attention. Most importantly, they'll be having so much fun, they won't even realize how much they're learning!

Songs and rhymes are in Mandarin Chinese; language of instruction is English.
> WRITE THE CHARACTER - a handout is provided for printing ahead of time
Note on music: I strive to provide a welcoming and loving environment for all learners in my class; I research the history and origins of all the songs I use and don't use any I find to have hidden or harmful messaging, associations, or history. My own original songs are written with diversity, inclusion, and love for all children in mind.

Teaching method: You'll notice I cap all of my classes at 5 learners — this way I can see all of the learners' screens at all times and they can all see each other for maximum group engagement. I also keep the class focused on my face, voice, and physical visual aids such as flannel pieces, magnetic cutouts, and books. Studies show kids in their formative years learn best through face-to-face interaction, so I don't use slides or virtual graphics that render my screen small and make the other learners' screens disappear. Learning in my class is centered on human-to-human connection, which creates a deeper, more permanent learning experience. Come see for yourself!
Metas de aprendizaje
Learners will learn the twelve animals of the Chinese Zodiac alongside many other simple words and concepts and form a positive association with the sights and sounds of Mandarin Chinese. This class sets a foundation and desire for future learning.
objetivo de aprendizaje

Programa de estudios

13 Lecciones
más de 13 semanas
Lección 1:
First Animal
35 minutos de lección en vivo en línea
Lección 2:
Second Animal
35 minutos de lección en vivo en línea
Lección 3:
Third Animal
35 minutos de lección en vivo en línea
Lección 4:
Fourth Animal
35 minutos de lección en vivo en línea

Otros detalles

Necesidades de aprendizaje
The teacher is Autistic with ADHD and has an overall teaching style that works well with these neurotypes, e.g., participation is always optional, sitting still or sitting at all is never required, and we always occupy our hands.
Requisitos previos
There are no pre-reqs at all — jump in at any time!!!
Lista de útiles escolares
A one-page handout with the Chinese character of the day will be provided before each class. The learner can print the page or bring a blank piece of paper to write on. All 13 worksheets are also posted to the welcome message.
 1 archivo disponible al momento de la inscripción
Se unió el July, 2020
Estrella en ascenso
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
Maestría desde Monterey Institute of International Studies
Licenciatura en Idioma extranjero desde Pennsylvania State University
My native language is English—I became professionally fluent in Mandarin Chinese through more than nine years of intense study that gave me a deep appreciation for the Chinese language and culture. I will pass this appreciation on to your learner in my class! During my year of teaching English and German in Taipei, I simultaneously studied Mandarin, which activated my interest in the language. I focused on Mandarin in graduate school and have completed multiple total immersion courses in China, one of which included a language pledge to speak only Mandarin Chinese for six weeks straight! My professional work in China has taken me to many Mandarin-speaking places, including Harbin, Beijing, Hangzhou, Shanghai, Kunming, Taipei, and Hong Kong. Most importantly, from nearly twenty years of total time and experience working with China and Mandarin Chinese, I gained a lifelong love of the language and culture that I can't wait to share with your child.

Summary of Qualifications:
Worked as an English and German teacher in Taiwan for one year. 
Worked for seven years in the children's department of a public library with a focus on early literacy and multilingual programming.
Bachelor of Arts degree in INTERNATIONAL POLITICS and GERMAN.
Master of Arts degree in INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS with a language focus on MANDARIN CHINESE. 


Curso grupal en vivo

13 US$

semanalmente o 169 US$ por 13 clases
1 x por semana, 13 semanas
35 min

Videoconferencias en vivo
Edades: 5-9
3-5 alumnos por clase

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