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Serie matemática de gráficos lineales

Este curso de autoaprendizaje de 8 semanas está diseñado para brindarles a los estudiantes conceptos básicos sobre el plano cartesiano, puntos de coordenadas, gráficos y resolución de sistemas de ecuaciones. El curso es ideal para estudiantes de Álgebra I.
Latasha Smith, Ph.D.
Puntuación media:
Número de reseñas:

Qué está incluido

8 lecciones pregrabadas
promedio 24 minutos por video
8 semanas
de apoyo docente
3 horas 14 minutos
horas totales de aprendizaje en video
1 año de acceso
al contenido
2-4 horas por semana. incluido
Assessments are used to help students monitor their progress in the course. The instructor provides feedback on all assessments completed.
Grades: Lesson 1 quiz (20 points) Lesson 2 quiz (20 points) Lesson 3 quiz (20 points) Lesson 4 quiz (20 points) Lesson 5 quiz (20 points) Lesson 6 quiz (20 points) Lesson 7 quiz (20 points) Lesson 8 quiz (20 points) Final Comprehensive Exam (100 points) Determination of Course Grades 97 – 100 % A+ 94 – 96 A 90 – 93 A- 87 – 89 B+ 84 – 86 B 80 – 83 B- 77 – 79 C+ 74 – 76 C 70 – 73 C- 67 – 69 D+ 64 – 66 D 60 – 63 D- Below 60 F Students receive a completion certificate at the end of the course including the letter grade received if at least a C- is earned in the course.

Experiencia de clase

Nivel de inglés: desconocido
Grado de EE. UU. 7 - 9
Nivel Beginner
The class structure is a self-paced course.  Students can interact with the instructor through posts.  The student will review the videos and study notes on the lesson topic.  Student progress will be measured through completion of weekly homework, quizzes, and the final exam.  Homework and quizzes will be graded with comments from the instructor to help students improve where needed.  Please note that the difficulty of the homework and quizzes can be personalized.  Students that need additional difficulty can be provided with more challenging work.  Similarly, students that need additional practice on a skill can receive additional support through assigned practice exercises via instructor-designed worksheets and Khan Academy.

Assessment format will include short answer, problem solving, and graphing.  Students are asked to print the homework, quizzes, and exams to complete.  Then upload for grading by the instructor.  Instructor feedback is one of the most important components of this course and helps to guide the student through each lesson successfully.

Students will receive a link to Google Classroom to receive grades for assignments and obtain quiz and exam answer keys.
Metas de aprendizaje
The student will learn how write, graph, and interpret linear equations.
The student will learn how to solve word problems using linear equations.
objetivo de aprendizaje

Programa de estudios

Alineado con Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
8 Lecciones
más de 8 semanas
Lección 1:
Plotting and the Coordinate System
 In this session, the student will learn how to identify the location of points on a coordinate graph and find the length of a line segment.  

Exercise - Label ordered pairs, determine distance between points, identify the location of coordinates, and plot points in different quadrants. Applications to plotting geometrical shapes will also be covered in this lesson. 
Lección 2:
Finding Slope Graphically and With Formulas
 In this session, the student define slope and learn how to calculate slope graphically and with a formula for linear equations. Students will be introduced to direct variation (k).  The student will also learn the relationship of slope (m) with the constant of proportionality (k) and how to identify the direction, magnitude of the slope (m).

Exercise - Define slope and constant of proportionality.  Calculate the slope and constant of proportionality using graphs and with formulas. 
25 minutos de lecciones en video
Lección 3:
Building Linear Equations
 In this session, the student will learn how to identify the intercepts of a linear equation.  The student will also learn how to write linear equations in the general form, slope-intercept, point-slope, and intercept forms.

Exercise - Practice activities on writing linear equations in different forms and graphing. 
39 minutos de lecciones en video
Lección 4:
Special relationships of Linear Equations
 In this session, the student will learn how to identify, write, and graph  horizontal, vertical, parallel and perpendicular lines.  

Exercise - Practice activities on graphing and writing parallel and perpendicular lines and their real-world applications. Examples using geometric shapes will be included in this assignment. 
62 minutos de lecciones en video

Otros detalles

Orientación para padres
Khan Academy is used for supplemental work as needed.
Lista de útiles escolares
The main supplies needed for this course include: CK12 Flex book, pencils, erasers, calculator, and graphing paper.
Recursos externos
Además del aula de Outschool, esta clase utiliza:
Se unió el September, 2021
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
I have a doctorate degree in Molecular Biophysics with more than 5 years as a math tutor to elementary to high school students.  I have been an online and hybrid educator for over 10 years.


Curso a su propio ritmo

23 US$

semanalmente o 180 US$ por todo el contenido
8 lecciones pregrabadas
8 semanas de apoyo docente
Elige tu fecha de inicio
1 año de acceso al contenido

Completado por 2 alumnos
Elige tu fecha de inicio
Edades: 11-16

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