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Plan de estudios completo de jardín de infantes FLEX Parte 1

En este curso FLEX, los alumnos recibirán un plan de estudios completo para jardín de infantes. Este curso tiene una duración de 20 semanas seguidas de una segunda parte.
Wild and Unstructured Learning
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Qué está incluido

Learners will be encouraged to practice their new skills at home.
Assessments available upon request.

Experiencia de clase

Nivel de inglés: desconocido
Grado de EE. UU. Kindergarten
Join us in this complete curriculum class for Kindergarten students to be well on their way to learning all they need to know.  This class is part 1 of a 2 part full year complete curriculum course. In this course you can expect PE, phonics, science, and geography as well as social emotional learning, gross motor skills, fine motor skills,  mathematical concepts, problem solving, language and vocabulary, writing skills, listening skills, musical skills and more!  In this class learners will join Wild and Unstructured Learning in an adventure to grow their minds with understanding and readiness for 1st grade.  

Taking both parts of this class will equal a full year of classes.  After the full year, students are ready to move forward to 1st grade level classes.

Classes for this course are structured as follows.
Monday- Math, Phonics, Language, Vocabulary
Tuesday-PE, listening skills, Musical skills, Geography
Wednesday-Writing skills, Social emotional learning, gross motor skills
Thursday-Science, Problem solving, Mathematical concepts 

Week 1-
Monday-Read short story to help with phonics sounds. Children will find an item near them that starts with the letter we are practicing. We will practice identifying different items that start with the letter of the week. We will review the ABCs by singing.  Students can practice writing the letter A and B at the end of class.

Tuesday-We will be doing PE this day! Gentle yoga mixed with fun dance moves! We will also discuss different animals found in the continent of Asia and what moves we think they make.  Students will demonstrate how they think an elephant moves, how a tiger moves etc. We will have lots of fun acting like animals! We will discuss what a guitar is and listen to what it sounds like.

Wednesday- This day is focused all on interaction.  Students will show each other different shapes and colors.  We will talk about all of those big emotions.  Students will make videos of their own after they watch the videos for the day.

Thursday-Students will be doing milk painting today. They will form their own hypothesis of what will happen when the food coloring is added to the milk as well as what will happen when they place the dish soap into the mix.   We will count paint drops for early mathematical skills.

Week 2-
-Monday- Letter Review! We will review the letter from last week as well as have sharing time. Circle time today!  Students will bring something special for show and tell.  We will learn letters through play. 

-Tuesday–We will begin by doing a gentle warm-up. We will talk about the Continent Europe and the animals that live there. We will practice moving like those animals, followed by a dance party! We will wrap up our PE time with some gentle stretches to cool down our muscles. For music we will be discussing the Violin and listening to what it sounds like.

-Wednesday- We will be learning to write letters B and C today.  We will incorporate movement with some song and dance.  Students will know the phonics of these letters and the letters before today.

-Thursday- We will be making elephant toothpaste.  The children will create hypothesis before we experiment.  Students will problem solve how to clean up their experiment.  Parents: Please have cleaning things around but do not clean up for your child.  We will encourage them to find the best way.  Children will count how many popsicle sticks it takes for them to complete their letters of the week.

Week 3-
-Monday- Letter C and D. We will review our past 4 letters and discuss things that start with the letter C and D . Students will practice identifying objects with the letter C and D by listening to clues from their teacher. Students will have the opportunity to share an item starting with the letter C or D. Students will write, draw and smile today with circle time.

-Tuesday- We will practice some gentle stretches to warm up our muscles. We will discuss animals we can find on the Australia continent and play What’s in the Kangaroo’s pouch? Students will then have to follow teacher’s lead on counting the number of hops they do as Kangaroos! We will end the session by talking about trumpets and what they sound like while doing some gentle stretches.

-Wednesday- Children will learn to write D and E.   For motor skills this week  students will trace their hands and with a parents help write affirmations on each finger and then will decorate them how they like.  Students will share their favorite things about themselves and their favorite things about their classmates.

-Thursday- Students will be making oobleck.  They will work together to determine if oobleck is a liquid or a solid.  Their mathematical skills this week will be in measuring their ingredients for their experiment.  Students will be creating a hypothesis before we add ingredients together.

Week 4-
-Monday. Students will review previous letters. We will practice our new letters of E and F. We will also have share time this day where students can share objects in their home starting with E and F.  Students will take time in our circle today to tell everyone what they have learned so far.  

-Tuesday: We will discuss animals we can find in Antarctica and how they move. We will practice moving like those animals and then move on to our guided exercise. We will do cool down and discuss drums and what they sound like!

-Wednesday- Students will practice writing letters E and F.  Students will practice their motor skills while doing movement with the Hokey Pokey. Children will use stuffed animals to show how to treat to others as friends and sharing.

-Thursday- Students will make bird feeders today out of pinecones.  They will practice problem solving and mathematical concepts throughout lesson.

Week 5-
-Monday- We will learn the letters G and H.   Our lesson will be focused on those phonics today.  We will share items that start with those letters. Students will be able to practice making G and H using play doh! We will practice identifying the letter sounds before these.

-Tuesday- We will begin by warming up with a dance party! We will practice jumping on each foot and practice balancing. We will do gentle stretching and discuss what a Flute is and what it sounds like. We will travel to South America and learn about animals that live there and how they move!

-Wednesday- Children will be practicing to write letters G and H.  We will be using motor skills while moving around with our song Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes.  Children will do a story retell together in class making it up as they go along. This will improve their ability to socialize with peers.

-Thursday- Children will make their own water cycle on a paper plate.  They will use problem solving skills to figure out how to get tiny pieces of paper without using scissors.  They will be adding up the raindrops on their cycles.  

Week 6-
-Monday- We will be covering the letters I and J.  In our circle time students will share their favorite story with the class.  Students can do show and tell and we will practice writing them on a piece of paper.  We will make our letters out of play doh on this day!

-Tuesday- Students will start off with a dance party! We will continue by doing some Yoga today! Students will discuss and learn about the piano on this day. We will discuss North America and what animals live there.

-Wednesday- Today for social emotional learning children will be telling and drawing their "owwee" stories.  They will be practicing writing their I and J.  

-Thursday- Children will be doing an experiment on different objects to see what floats and what sinks.  Children will problem solve by trying to figure out why things float and why they sink.  After experiment children will add the things that float together.  They will add the things that sink together.

Week 7-
-Monday- Letters K and L. Students will be introduced to the letter K and L. They will practice the sounds in our circle time today. 
Students can practice coloring a letter K and L on their worksheets. Students can then share their objects that start with each letter.

-Tuesday- we will start with Animal copy cat! Children will copy the movements of an animal and each student will have a turn being the leader. We will do some simple yoga and discuss what a trombone is and what it sounds like. In this class we will discuss Africa and the different animals that live there! 

-Wednesday- Children will practice writing letters K and L.  They will be playing listening games today to see what they have learned about their peers.  Children will be singing with movement today!

-Thursday- Today we will be doing an experiment to see what dissolves in water.  Problem solving with be the students guessing and testing their theory.  Students will be counting how many products we test.

Week 8-
-Monday- We will be learning letters M and N.  We will enjoy a circle time together discussing the weather.  We will review our letters.  Students can share an item starting with the letters M or N. We will practice tracing these letters.  Students will talk, tell and show their pets in class today.  Let's talk about our furry, scaly or slimy friends!

-Tuesday- We will play Simon says to get our muscles warmed up. Then we will have a dance party and stretching to cool down. I will teach the students a brief dance and we will practice it together!

-Wednesday-Students will be practicing their writing of letters M and N.  This class learners will be Shaking their Sillies Out with movement.  Learners will be painting with colors of emotion.

-Thursday- Learners will be doing rainbow candy science.  Learners will make hypothesis and problem solve throughout lesson.  Learners will add up their candy pieces.  

Week 9-
-Monday- We will be learning letters O and P. Learners will use play dough to make the letters. We will also review all the letters before O. In circle today, we will share about our favorite foods and discuss what letter our favorite food begin with while being respectful of each learner's food preferences.

-Tuesday- Students will start off with some Yoga today! Then we will play the "Get Up & Move Dice Game". We will do cool down and discuss the clarinet and what it sounds like!

-Wednesday- Students will be practicing their writing of letters O and P. Children will be singing with movement today! We will also be painting our favorite foods today.

-Thursday- We will be using our five senses today to complete a Cracker Lab. We will add some math in this activity by counting our crackers and subtracting some while we eat them. 

Week 10-
-Monday- We will be learning letter Q and R. Learners will use pipe cleaners to make the letters. In circle today, we will share about our favorite games and tell each other all about them. 

-Tuesday- We will begin with running in place to get ready for "Indoor Basketball", which will be played with a paper ball and a basket/container. Learners will practice counting and measuring distances with nonstandard units during this activity. We will cool off with some gentle stretching while we discuss the cello and what it sounds like!

-Wednesday- Students will be practicing their writing of letters Q and R. We will also draw an illustration of a time we played with friends. Each learner will tell their story that goes along with their illustration. 

-Thursday- We will continue our investigation with our five senses and have a smell challenge! Then we will use our smelly objects to practice counting and addition.

Week 11- 
-Monday- We will be learning letters S and T. Learners will use gross motor activities to discuss the shapes of these letters. Then they will go on a hunt around their house to find objects that begin with S and T. In circle, we will share the objects we found. We will also sing a song together. 

-Tuesday- Learners will practice their balance skills by walking and doing tricks on their "balance beams" (tape on the floor). Then we will pretend to be different animals as we get our wiggles out. We will cool off with some gentle yoga while we discuss the harp and what it sounds like!

-Wednesday- Students will be practicing their writing of letters S and T. We will draw illustrations of a time with our families and share our stories that go along with. 

-Thursday- Our exploration into our five senses continues with a taste test with strawberries. We will discover which part of the strawberry is the sweetest? Which is the most sour? We will practice graphing skills by putting our findings into a bar graph. We will also discuss what other foods are sweet and which are sour. 

Week 12- 
-Monday- We will be learning letters U and V. Learners will use play dough to explore these letters. In circle time, we will discuss weather and appropriate clothing for different types of weather. 

-Tuesday- We will play Simon says to get our muscles warmed up. Then we will have a dance party and stretching to cool down. We will discuss the saxophone and what it sounds like!

-Wednesday- Students will be practicing their writing of letters U and V. We will paint pictures of make-believe creatures and create an oral story to go along with it. Each student will share their story. 

-Thursday- We will continue our investigation into our five senses with a sensory stations. We will create stations with objects of different textures. Then we will use a blindfold and describe what we are feeling using only our sense of touch. Learners will create a graph about what textures are liked the most and least by our peers.

Week 13-
-Monday- We will be learning letters W and X. Learners will use pipe cleaners to explore these letters. In circle, we will discuss responsibilities and privileges.

-Tuesday- We will begin with yoga and then we will play "The Floor is Lava". We will discuss safe ways to control our body when we are excited. Then we will stretch to cool off and discuss the piccolo and what it sounds like!

-Wednesday- Students will be practicing their writing of letters W and X. We will paint illustrations of our pets (or pets we would like) and create an oral story to go along with our illustrations. Each learner will share their story.

-Thursday- This week we will be exploring sound. We will play a sound guessing game and try to guess what object is making each sound. Then we will practice addition by adding groups of objects together.

Week 14-
-Monday- We will be learning letters Y and Z. We will use gross motor activities to explore these letters. In circle, we will review all the letters of the alphabet and sing the ABC song together.

-Tuesday- This week we will get our bodies moving by doing a bean bag toss. Then we will practice balancing on one leg while keeping our bean bags on our head. Learners will also get some wiggles out by pretending to move like different animals. We will cool off with some gentle yoga and discuss the triangle and what it sounds like!

-Wednesday- Students will be practicing their writing of letters Y and Z. We will draw illustrations of an exciting time in our lives. Then we will tell our stories to our peers.

-Thursday- We will learn about hibernation, why some animals hibernate during the winter months, and where these animals can be found in the world. Learners will pretend to be squirrels collecting food for long winter months in a science experiment. We will count and add together the food we collect. 

Week 15-
-Monday- We will be reviewing the letters of the alphabet and the sounds they make. We will sing the ABC song together and move our bodies. In circle, we will discuss chores that we can help our families with around the house.

-Tuesday- We will begin by stretching our muscles and discussing the importance of getting our bodies ready for physical activity. Then we will have a dance party together!  After we will discuss the importance of calming our bodies down for learning. We will discuss the xylophone and what it sounds like! 

-Wednesday- We will review how to write the letters of the alphabet. Learners will do a hibernation art project and create a story about their animal. We will share our stories. 

-Thursday- This week we will learn about migration, why some animals migrate during the winter months, and where in the world animals migrate to. We will practice addition by counting groups of birds to find the totals. 

Week 16- 
-Monday- We will review the letters of the alphabet and discuss vowels and consonants. In circle, we will discuss the importance of listening to others and what our bodies look and sound like when we are listening. We will each bring something special to share in class.

-Tuesday- We will start with Animal copy cat! Children will copy the movements of an animal and each student will have a turn being the leader. We will do some simple yoga to cool down. Then we will discuss the cymbals and what they sound like!

-Wednesday- We will practice writing our names. We will draw a self-portrait and talk about what we like about each other. 

-Thursday- This week we will learn about arctic animals and how they adapt to their environment. We will learn where we find arctic animals in the world. Learners will make collage penguins by ripping pieces of paper.

Week 17-
-Monday- We will review vowels and consonants in the alphabet. We will use an alphabet chart to review the sounds for each letter. We will each share about something that we are excited about. 

-Tuesday- We will begin with some gentle yoga and then we will do some basic exercises to get our bodies moving. After that we will investigate maps. What are they? What do we do with them? What is on them?

-Wednesday- We will learn about the short and long vowel sounds of the letter a. We will do a picture sort and then practice writing basic CVC, CVCe, and CVVC words with the vowel a. 

-Thursday- This week we will learn about the animal adaptations and camouflaging. How do animal adaptations help animals? Why do they adapt? What does it mean to camouflage? Then we will camouflage paper chameleons into our environments. We will also try to find camouflaged circles and experience how camouflaging makes it harder to find them.

Week 18-
-Monday- We will practice counting to 20 using a number line. Then we will practice counting groups of objects up to 20. Then we will share about something that makes us happy. 

-Tuesday- Students will start off with some Yoga today! Then we will play the "Get Up & Move Dice Game". Then we will look at different types of maps. How are they different? What are they used for?

-Wednesday- We will learn about the short and long vowel sounds of the letter e. We will do a picture sort and then practice writing basic CVC, CVCe, and CVVC words with the vowel e. 

-Thursday- This week we will learn about habitats. What is a habitat? What are the different habitats on Earth? Then we will sort animals based on which habitat they live in. 

Week 19-
-Monday- We will practice writing the numbers 1 and 2 today. Then we will think of things that only come in 1 and things that come in pairs. After we will share about something that surprised us.

-Tuesday- We will begin with running in place to get ready for "Indoor Basketball", which will be played with a paper ball and a basket/container. Learners will practice counting and measuring distances with nonstandard units during this activity. Then we will listen to music by a string orchestra while we relax and calm our bodies down. What instruments do we recognize? How does the music make us feel?

-Wednesday- We will learn about the short and long vowel sounds of the letter i. We will do a picture sort and then practice writing basic CVC, CVCe, and CVVC words with the vowel i. 

-Thursday- This week we will explore force and motion by creating different types of ramps for our toy vehicles to travel on. We will also practice measuring distances and simple subtraction with our vehicles. 

Week 20- 
-Monday- We will practice writing the numbers 3 and 4 today. Then we will think of things that only come in groups of 3 and things that come in groups of 4. Students will take time in our circle today to tell everyone what they have learned so far.  

-Tuesday- Learners will practice their balance skills by walking and doing tricks on their "balance beams" (tape on the floor). Then we will pretend to be different animals as we get our wiggles out. We will cool off with some gentle yoga while listening to a classical orchestra. What instruments do we recognize? How does the music make us feel?

-Wednesday- We will learn about the short and long vowel sounds of the letter o. We will do a picture sort and then practice writing basic CVC, CVCe, and CVVC words with the vowel o. 

-Thursday- This week we will discuss how non-living things change. We will learn about physical changes by making a trail mix and we will learn about chemical changes by making slime. 

Join us for part 2.
Metas de aprendizaje
Students will have 20 weeks of Kindergarten Curricullum
objetivo de aprendizaje

Otros detalles

Orientación para padres
Students this age are not yet independent in their learning. They will need parent's close by. Some activities require play-doh which may have allergies. Students may need to use scissors and need parent supervision for that.
Lista de útiles escolares
Supplies are listed in the classroom the week before class.
Recursos externos
Los estudiantes no necesitarán utilizar ninguna aplicación o sitio web más allá de las herramientas estándar de Outschool.
Se unió el October, 2020
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
Alabama Certificado de Docencia en Educación elemental
Ambria Parrish
Michigan Certificado de Docencia en Educación elemental
Melaney Kosarek
Massachusetts Certificado de Docencia en Educación elemental
Ms. Kristen
Massachusetts Certificado de Docencia en Inglés para hablantes de otros idiomas
Ms. Kristen
Kentucky Certificado de Docencia en Educación elemental
Barbara (Ms Bobbi) Wells
Kansas Certificado de Docencia en Educación elemental
Barbara (Ms Bobbi) Wells
Fuera de EE. UU. Certificado de Docencia en Inglés para hablantes de otros idiomas
Fuera de EE. UU. Certificado de Docencia en Educación elemental
Virginia Certificado de Docencia en Educación elemental
Molly Thomas
Texas Certificado de Docencia en Inglés para hablantes de otros idiomas
Patricia Trevino
Texas Certificado de Docencia en Artes del lenguaje inglés
Patricia Trevino
Texas Certificado de Docencia en Artes del lenguaje inglés
Patricia Trevino
Texas Certificado de Docencia
Andrea Snow
Oklahoma Certificado de Docencia en Artes del lenguaje inglés
Andrea Snow
Texas Certificado de Docencia
Lara Chomout
Fuera de EE. UU. Certificado de Docencia en Artes del lenguaje inglés
Yinghui S McClellan
Maestría en Educación desde University of West Alabama
Ambria Parrish
Maestría en Educación desde Saginaw Valley State University
Melaney Kosarek
Maestría en Educación desde American International College
Ms. Kristen
Maestría desde Duke University
Ms. Jo Anna
Maestría en Educación desde University of Houston Clear Lake
Patricia Trevino
Maestría en Educación desde Lesley University
Andrea Snow
Maestría en Lingüística desde Nagoya Gakuin University (Japan)
Maestría en Música o Teatro o Artes desde University of Houston-Clear Lake
Diane Sullivan
Maestría en Ingeniería civil desde University of Ottawa
Ankur Mishra
Maestría en Educación especial desde Moreland University
Robbie Cox-Chatman
Licenciatura en Educación desde University of Montevallo
Ambria Parrish
Licenciatura en Educación desde Mount Holyoke College
Ms. Kristen
Licenciatura en Educación desde Asbury College
Barbara (Ms Bobbi) Wells
Licenciatura en Inglés desde Nagoya Gakuin University (Japan)
Licenciatura en Psicología desde Furman University
Ms. Jo Anna
Licenciatura en Educación desde Longwood University
Molly Thomas
Licenciatura en Inglés desde University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Diane Sullivan
Licenciatura en Educación desde University of Houston Clear Lake
Patricia Trevino
Licenciatura en Educación elemental desde Whitworth University
Andrea Snow
Licenciatura en Idioma extranjero desde Angelo State University
Lara Chomout
Licenciatura desde Angelo State University
Lara Chomout
Licenciatura en Lengua Inglesa y Literatura desde Bohai University, China
Yinghui S McClellan
Licenciatura en Marketing desde University of Missouri
Robbie Cox-Chatman
Here is a link to a document with all of Wild and Unstructured Learning's teachers. They are listed alphabetically in the document.



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360 US$

por 20 semanas
20 semanas

Completado por 3 alumnos
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Edades: 4-6

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