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Introducción a la redacción de una respuesta formal a la literatura

Los estudiantes siguen todo el proceso desde la lectura de una novela de su elección mientras practican el proceso de completar un organizador gráfico y luego usan esa información como evidencia textual mientras escriben el ensayo de respuesta. #académico
Mike P
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Qué está incluido

4 reuniones en vivo
3 horas 40 minutos horas presenciales
After Class 1: read 1/2 of novel while using graphic organizer. After Class 2: read 2nd 1/2 of novel while using graphic organizer After Class 3: Writing paragraphs 1 and 2 using Google.docs or some other program on computer After Class 4: complete any remaining parts of paragraphs 3 and 4 and editing and revision

Experiencia de clase

Nivel de inglés: desconocido
Grado de EE. UU. 5 - 8
Writing a response to literature with text evidence is a highly important skill to master over time.  This course involves all aspects of the process from the planning and reading of a novel while using a provided graphic organizer to editing and revising that organizer followed by writing a first draft and editing / revision of that draft to completion.

Class 1: Students are asked to bring a novel, of their choice, that they have not yet read and is appropriate for a class such as this one.  Discussion of themes, literary techniques, connection to something outside the text, and sharing your opinion appropriate in written form will be held.  All topics will require textual evidence so the graphic organizer will be introduced.  Students will begin to read and use the graphic organizer and the instructor will "make the rounds"  to continually check in with all learners.  HW- reading 1/2 the book
Class 2: Recap of note taking format and skills and sharing of graphic organizer from the stand point of 1/2 done with book. Review all terms that will be needed in written response. Continued in-class work of reading 2nd 1/2 of novel while instructor makes the rounds for help, encouragement and skill building individually.  HW=completion of book and graphic organizer.

Class 3: Recap completed notes and information with book in class.  Sharing all directions for paragraphs 1-2.  Starting formal written response using directions provided, book, and graphic organizer.  HW - complete paragraphs 1-2 first draft .

Class 4:  Checking and sharing of information and textual evidence of paragraphs 1-2. Editing and revising, as time allows, of these paragraphs.  Discussion of directions for paragraphs 3-4 and completion .  Setting up additional 1/2 hr. individual editing and revision times for approximately a week after the end of class.

All of this will occur in an atmosphere where learners will receive large amounts of feedback from the instructor every step of the way while working on a complex project one "chunk" at a time so the learners will feel much success in their skills.  My classes are always a safe and positive atmosphere where all are treated with honor and respect and it is amazing how much fun we can have at the same time.

Here is what to expect:  Please note, based on the class, alterations in instruction are sometimes needed.  Also, depending on the size of the class, there are times when an optional 30 minute extra 1 ro 1 class is needed to edit and revise. I do not charge for that extra class, if needed.
Metas de aprendizaje
Students will gain skills in the following areas:
* Taking high quality specific notes and quotes using a graphic organizer while reading a novel.
*Writing a formal essay response to literature
*Backing up all written ideas with textual evidence
*literary technique possibly including  concepts such as metaphors, alliteration, hyperbole,personification, simile , onomatopoeia, foreshadowing, cliffhanger, flashback, symbolism
*Connecting aspects / events / characters/ themes etc from the book to  areas such as real life, another text or form of media, history
* Writing an opinion of the novel while being specific and objective and sharing textual evidence to back up ideas.
*Following directions for the four paragraphs in the essay
*Choosing each word, topic sentence, sentence formation and examples so every word matters to the reader and makes a large impact.
*Process of editing and revision
objetivo de aprendizaje

Otros detalles

Lista de útiles escolares
Please bring a unread age and class appropriate novel to class to use as the basis for the entire class. Make sure the novel is not too long , based on additional classes or other events you may have going on. A pdf packet will be sent to you a few days before class. Bring it to class and don't work on it ahead. It will have everything we need for the class.
Idioma en el que se imparte la clase
Recursos externos
Los estudiantes no necesitarán utilizar ninguna aplicación o sitio web más allá de las herramientas estándar de Outschool.
Se unió el July, 2020
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
Maestría en Educación desde The College of St. Rose
Licenciatura en Psicología desde Union College
There is nothing more exciting than when you see a student think deeply, question ideas, share a new thought, or explore character’s actions/ decisions or a quote  or a purpose the author had when writing a novel and then connect the information to learner’s own story in life. Helping students reach their full potential, and beyond, in a setting that is safe, exciting, creative and funny is what teaching is all about to me. The climate has  to be one that is free from bullying, pressure, and negative interactions and, instead,  is one that students can’t wait to get to as they know the time in that class will be rewarding, creative, stimulating, and allow them to be who they really are and share what they want to share. There is nothing more exciting, as a teacher, then when that light bulb illuminates and a student feels confident to share and take an idea, quote, author’s purpose or decision from a book and see how it can affect real life or when a learner sees their full potential, in the written word they create.
We can make literature, come alive in a really fun, fast-paced active discussion filled atmosphere.

My background professionally is having taught third grade, fifth grade, and Sixth grade language arts for 33 years with a background in psychology, elementary education, school administration and an extensive background in overnight camping.My favorite teaching topics include writing poetry, creative  and nonfiction writing, and reading/sharing outstanding literature with discussions that bring critical thinking skills and life lessons to the students. I am excited to bring this teaching to an environment that is bully free with motivated students in a small group setting.I always look forward to reading my students work as I see such brilliance in people of this age.

I can be found in the upstate NY, most often being out on the lake in my  boat from  spring to fall (I love being on water!), playing guitar and singing, collecting Pez, reading , cooking and baking, volunteering in the community as often as I can to make things better for others, and spending lots of time with Derby, the wonder dog, my amazingly bright and talented  rescue dog who undoubtably will make visits into the virtual classroom. I also enjoy bike riding, yoga,  and meditation. Most importantly, I place great emphasis on finding ways, small  and big ways, that will allow my students and myself to make our mark in this world and make it a better place for others. The small ways  are most often the best ways and I believe students are brilliant people who can absolutely change the world.


Clase grupal

86 US$

por 4 clases
2 x por semana, 2 semanas
55 min

Completado por 7 alumnos
Videoconferencias en vivo
Edades: 10-14
2-6 alumnos por clase

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