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Introducción a la inmersión en francés en el jardín de infantes

En esta clase única, los estudiantes de francés principiantes aprenderán algo de vocabulario básico de francés en un aula de inmersión total.
Jordan Blamer
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Qué está incluido

1 reunión en vivo
25 minutos horas presenciales

Experiencia de clase

Students will get a feel for my teaching style, and how a full-immersion class works, in this one-time introductory French class. This class is for beginners, but it is taught entirely in French using pictures, props, repetition, and other comprehension strategies. 

We will start with greetings. Students will practice saying hello and I will guide each student to tell us their name in French by having them repeat after me. I will first have "Piggy" (my stuffed pig friend) repeat his name so that students can see a demonstration.

Then, students will complete a drawing of a rainbow. We will start by looking at different objects of a specific color, starting with red. I will repeat the color name several times and have students repeat after me, as well as talking about the different colored objects ("this is a red ball" "this is a red strawberry" etc.) Then, we will add that color strip to our rainbow. We will repeat this process until we've finished our rainbow. 

Finally, students will complete a color scavenger hunt. For each student, I will choose a color at random (showing it on the screen so they understand), and they will need to find something of that color to share with us. I will help students share by having them repeat after me.
Metas de aprendizaje
Students will be introduced to French immersion and learn colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple
objetivo de aprendizaje

Otros detalles

Orientación para padres
Immersion classes can be difficult at the beginning when students don’t know the language at all. They may need your support when they don’t understand. Students may be muted at times (due to background noise, practicing raising hands/taking turns, or the type of activity) so they will need to know how to unmute or have a nearby adult to help. During our scavenger hunt, students will be given a random color to find. They may need help finding the object or remembering to come back to class once they have it.
Lista de útiles escolares
Coloring medium
Idioma en el que se imparte la clase
Se unió el December, 2020
Educador estrella
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
I have been learning French for 7 years now, from French 1 - French 5 as well as 2 years of immersion French classes. I am conversationally fluent and at a B2 level. I have tutored French immersion from May 2020 through August 2020 when the French immersion school near us closed for quarantine, and I've been teaching French through Outschool for 1 year.

I took the French CLEP test a few years ago and got maybe 5 points away from a perfect score while testing out of and getting credit for all the French classes at my local community college.

I also continue to take French lessons with native speakers, and I am working towards my Bachelors in French, which includes classes in advanced French immersion, French literature, and French education.

I also have my certification in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language), the principles from which I apply to my French classes.


Clase única en vivo

7 US$

por clase
Se reúne una vez
25 min

Videoconferencias en vivo
Edades: 5-6
1-6 alumnos por clase

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