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Estudio individual de libros: uno a uno

En este curso, los estudiantes leerán un libro de su elección mientras son guiados por un profesor experimentado para aumentar las habilidades de lectura y comprensión.
Barbara (Ms Bobbi) Wells
Puntuación media:
Número de reseñas:

Qué está incluido

1 reunión en vivo
40 minutos horas de clase por semana
1-2 horas por semana. There will be assigned readings after each class. Written or art projects will be required to help students with understanding, creativity and comprehension.
Informal assessment will be employed and evaluated through the student's completion of assignments and readings.

Experiencia de clase

Nivel de inglés: desconocido
Grado de EE. UU. 4 - 7
Nivel Beginner
In this class, the child or parent will select a children's work of fiction, or a biography, that the child wishes to read, or that will hold the child's interest. I have already completed studies on Outschool with students for the following books: A Wrinkle in Time; The Lion  The Witch and The Wardrobe; Charlotte's Web; The Boxcar Children; The Witch of Blackbird Pond; The Little Prince; and others.
As we go through the book, students will practice oral reading skills, comprehension, identification of level appropriate literary devices, vocabulary development and any additional skills as identified by parents for their child's needs. 
Each class will include oral reading of selected passages, comprehension questions regarding both oral and silent reading tasks, identification and definition of new vocabulary words, recognition and discussion of character and plot development as well as identification of various literary devices employed by the author. Throughout the course, projects and writing assignments to help students understand the story will be assigned.  
My teaching style is informal, friendly and patient. I lead the student to make their own decisions and conclusions about what they are reading to help them with formal though processes, such as drawing conclusions and making logical arguments. I offer a lot of encouragement and let children know I value their sincere efforts. 

Learner interaction is vital to the process.  As stated above, I encourage students through projects, oral reading and activities embedded in the lessons, participate and as much as possible initiate their own learning. 
Learners need to choose books at their own reading level, in order for them to have maximum success with the class. If a book is too easy, the child will not be challenged and may become bored. If it is too difficult, the child may become discouraged and feel overwhelmed. 
I am available to help choose appropriate books. I reserve the right to challenge a book choice, based on a child's skill levels and chances for maximum learning.
Metas de aprendizaje
1. Students will choose appropriate literature for themselves. 
2. Student will gain fluency in oral reading.
3. Students will increase their reading comprehension skills.
4. Students will practice analyzing literature (appropriate to their level) for meaning, style and literary devices used.
objetivo de aprendizaje

Otros detalles

Lista de útiles escolares
A copy of the book we will be reading. 
A Dictionary, or access to online dictionary. 
Writing materials and possible art materials for self selected and assigned projects.
Recursos externos
Los estudiantes no necesitarán utilizar ninguna aplicación o sitio web más allá de las herramientas estándar de Outschool.
Students are required to obtain a copy of the book they will be studying. They may purchase a personal copy, or borrow a copy from their school or local library. A good dictionary is recommended.
Se unió el January, 2019
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
Licenciatura en Educación desde Asbury College (University)
I am a retired teacher, having taught in both public and private schools. I especially enjoy teaching reading and literature. I am a lifelong reader and enjoy Young Adult and children's books. I am a mother of five who are all adult readers today! 


Clase grupal

30 US$

1x por semana
40 min

Videoconferencias en vivo
Edades: 8-13
1-3 alumnos por clase

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