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Soy una persona social y emocionalmente desarrollada: una clase socioemocional para estudiantes de primer ciclo

En esta clase en línea de ocho semanas, a los estudiantes se les enseñarán habilidades sociales apropiadas para su edad, junto con herramientas para reconocer y regular sus emociones.
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Educador estrella

Qué está incluido

8 reuniones en vivo
4 horas presenciales
Evaluación de dominio
All work will be completed in class. However, it is suggested that learners practice the tools they are learning with their family and friends, in between classes.
No formal assessment will be made. Learner progress will be determined through discussions and activities.

Experiencia de clase

Nivel de inglés - A1
Grado de EE. UU. Preschool - 1
Nivel Beginner - Advanced
In this class, we will cover a variety of basic, age appropriate social skills, such as focusing attention, following directions, waiting our turn, being aware of and sensitive to others, getting along with and playing well with others. We will also learn about emotions: the role they play in our life, how we can recognize them in ourselves and in others, how we can calm ourselves down when we are feeling big emotions, and how we can help others who are feeling big emotions. We will also discuss how to deal with bullying. Details of what we will discuss in each class are listed below.

Session 1
Being Attentive
Following Directions

Materials Needed: Two (2) Empty Toilet Paper Rolls; Crayons or Markers; 

Session 2
Learning Patience
Waiting my Turn

Materials Needed: 10-12 Small Treats such as Fruit Snacks, Gummies, M&Ms or Skittles*

Session 3
Feelings are Okay
Recognizing Feelings
Naming Feelings

Materials: One (1) Piece of white paper (approximately 8 1/2"" x 11); One (1) piece each of red, yellow, blue, and green paper (at least 5"x5"); Glue or glue stick; child safe scissors

Session 4
Managing Strong Feelings
Flipping Your Lid
Calming Techniques

Materials Needed: 1 piece of white paper (8 1/2" x 11"); crayons or markers

Session 5
Mixed up Feelings
Sorting Through Mixed up Feelings

Materials Needed: 5 Clear Cups; Food Coloring; Water

Session 6
Recognizing Strong Feelings in Others
How to Help Others
Asking Others if You Can Join Their Play
Inviting Others to Join Your Play

Materials: Plain Piece of Paper (approximately 8 1/2" x 11"); Crayons or Markers

Session 7
Playing Well with Others
Handling Arguments

Materials Needed: Small Mirror; Stuffed Animal

Session 8

Materials Needed: Plain Paper (Approximately 8 1/2 x 11); Pencil, crayon or marker

I begin each of my classes with a greeting. During the greeting, each child will introduce themselves to the others in the class, by saying, "My name is ......" They will also be asked to share something, such as their favorite color. Then, the rest of the class will greet them, by saying "Welcome ......." This is a very important part of my classes because it immediately makes every child know that they are an important part of the class. It also sets the foundation for trust and respect within the class. We will do this each day, but with a different prompt.

After our greeting, we will jump in with a mixture of teaching, discussion, singing and hands-on activities. I incorporate a great deal of student interaction in my class and encourage sharing. I am used to learners getting off-topic, at this age. So, please don't let that bother you. I will redirect as needed.  If there is a lot of background noise, or if a child becomes too disruptive to our class discussions, I will mute and then unmute them when they want to share. I prefer physical hand-raising, since most children at this age have a hard time using the Zoom hand. 

I prefer learners keep their cameras on, due to the nature of this class. However, I also understand that there are many reasons why your child may not feel comfortable being on camera. If your child does not want to be on camera, please let know. I certainly do not want any child to not take this class because of camera issues.

No prior knowledge is necessary to take this class.
Metas de aprendizaje
Learners will gain tools for:
1. Developing attention skills.
2. Practicing Patience
3. Understanding, Recognizing & naming feelings.
4. Managing emotions.
5. Resolving conflict with others.
6. Empathy
7. Playing Well with Others
8. Bullying Safety
objetivo de aprendizaje

Programa de estudios

8 Lecciones
más de 8 semanas
Lección 1:
Being Attentive Following Directions
 Using our eyes, ears, voices and bodies in ways that we can focus on what is happening around us. This does not always mean looking people in the eyes or sitting still. I take a different approach that teaches learners how to focus in a way that works for them. All learners are unique and focus in their own unique way. 
We also learn some tricks for following directions. 
30 minutos de lección en vivo en línea
Lección 2:
Learning Patience Waiting my Turn
 What it means to have patience; why it is important to have patience; and what I can do when I am having to wait my turn. 
We learn some practical ways that we can develop patience by finding something to do while we wait. 
30 minutos de lección en vivo en línea
Lección 3:
All Feelings are Okay
 Understanding that all feelings are okay. There are no bad feelings. We will learn how to recognize feelings within our body so that we can name them. Being able to name feelings is important to being able to manage them. 
30 minutos de lección en vivo en línea
Lección 4:
Managing Strong Feelings
 We will review how we can recognize and name our feelings. Then, we will learn what happens in our brain when we have big feelings. This is called "flipping our lid". We will learn some ways that we can calm our body so that our brain can reset and we can make better choices. 
30 minutos de lección en vivo en línea

Otros detalles

Orientación para padres
In Session 3, we will be doing an activity which requires the use of scissors. Learners may need adult assistance. We will also be using glue. Adult assistance may be required with this, as well. In Session 5, we will be using food coloring. Learners may need adult assistance. In Session 7, we will be using mirrors. Adult supervision may be needed, if the mirror is made of glass. In Session 8, we will be discussing bullying. While I approach this in an age-appropriate manner, I do recommend an adult sit off-camera during this sensitive subject. That way you can address any concerns your child may have during or after class.
Lista de útiles escolares
A breakdown of when each item will be needed is provided in the Class Description portion above.
White paper (Approximately 8 1/2" x 11")
Colored Paper (Red, Yellow, Blue, Purple - at least 5"x5")
Empty Toilet Paper Rolls
Glue (Liquid or Glue Sticks)
Child Safe Scissors
Crayons or Markers
Small Mirror
5 Clear Cups
Food Coloring (Red, Blue, Yellow, and Green)
A stuffed animal
10-12 Small treats such as Food snacks, Gummies, M&Ms, Skittles or any small treat type item.* (We will use this for an activity on patience. Feel free to substitute for a non-food item. The idea is that I will ask parents to place these in front of the child and see if the child can leave them there throughout our class time, until I tell them they can have them.)
Recursos externos
Los estudiantes no necesitarán utilizar ninguna aplicación o sitio web más allá de las herramientas estándar de Outschool.
Se unió el May, 2020
Educador estrella
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
Licenciatura en Educación desde Southwest Baptist University
I have had extensive training in the area of Social Emotional Learning, Bullying, as well as Trauma Informed Care. Most of my training has come through CASEL, Second Step, Conscious Discipline, Circle of Security, Colorado Shines, Early Childhood Investigations Webinars, EdWeb, and Deeper Learning.


Clase grupal

10 US$

semanalmente o 75 US$ por 8 clases
1 x por semana, 8 semanas
30 min

Completado por 86 alumnos
Videoconferencias en vivo
Edades: 4-6
2-4 alumnos por clase

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