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Física de secundaria simplificada: mecánica, segunda parte

En este curso de ocho (8) días de Física, explicaré en detalle la Mecánica Parte 2, que se divide en 4 partes. 1. Momentos y palancas; 2. Movimiento en línea recta; 3. Energía, trabajo y potencia; 4. Presión y principio de Arquímedes.
Brian Birbal
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Qué está incluido

8 reuniones en vivo
8 horas presenciales
2-4 horas por semana. In order for each student to determine their own level of understanding of the High School Physics I will provide free of charge and outside of the sixty (60) minutes class questions to be answered. This of course is optional and solely based on the individual student. I would urge ALL students to answer as many questions as possible so that they would know where they need to improve, but it is optional.
Every class will have questions to be answered outside of the sixty (60) minutes class. This questions and answers will be done free of charge, as it will not be part of the sixty (60) minutes class.

Experiencia de clase

Nivel de inglés: desconocido
Grado de EE. UU. 9 - 12
Nivel Intermediate
The specific features provided by the documents used in my presentation are as follows:-

1.	It acts as a companion to the student who needs to be familiar with the content of each topic and with the skills required to master the content.
2.	It presents the material in a well-sequenced and coherent form, so that critical understandings are addressed, while developing a sound foundation.
3.	The material has aesthetic appeal through the use of color, diagrams, tables and graphic displays. This will facilitate all learning styles, especially the visual and multi-sensory learner.
4.	There is a wide range of worked examples to guide the students on how a topic is tested at the examination level. These examples vary in terms of content and difficulty level.
5.	The examples also provide model solutions, so that students are guided in how to construct proper responses questions.

This session will take eight (8) classes to complete. It will deal with the following:-
1.	Class 1 & 2 – Moments & Levers
2.	Class 3 & 4 – Motion in a Straight Line
3.	Class 5 & 6 – Energy, Work & Power
4.	Class 7 & 8 – Pressure & Archimedes Principle

I will teach each of the eight (8) classes for forty (40) minutes each and then I will open the class for any questions to be asked. If there are no questions I will continue teaching the class.

This class will be presented using a PDF document that I will share via ZOOM (Outschool). After the classes are finished I will send the pdf documents via OUTSCHOOL'S 'Email system).
Students should have a basic understanding of Physics, but it is not necessary. As an Engineer I will explain Physics in a VERY SIMPLE manner that each student will be able to learn Physics from 0% to 100%.
Metas de aprendizaje
This session will take eight (8) classes to complete. It will deal with the following:-
1.	Class 1 & 2 – Moments & Levers
2.	Class 3 & 4 – Motion in a Straight Line
3.	Class 5 & 6 – Energy, Work & Power
4.	Class 7 & 8 – Pressure & Archimedes Principle

1.	Moments & Levers
a.	state the meaning of the moment of a force about a point and defi ne it
b.	use the concept of moments to solve problems
c.	use the concept of moments to explain the action of common tools and devices
d.	use the principle of moments to determine the position of the centre of gravity (or the centre of mass) of a body in the shape of a lamina
e.	use the concept of centre of gravity or centre of mass of a body to examine whether or not that body will be stable
f.	understand and explain why certain conditions affect the stability of a body in equilibrium

2.	Motion in a Straight Line
a.	define the terms distance, displacement, speed, velocity and acceleration
b.	state Aristotle’s argument in support of his hypothesis that the speed of an object varies directly as the force acting on the object
c.	state Newton’s three laws of motion
d.	use Newton’s laws of motion to solve problems on motion in a straight line
e.	understand the difference between distance–time and displacement–time graphs
f.	understand the difference between speed–time and velocity–time graphs
g.	use displacement–time and velocity–time graphs to solve problems
h.	define linear momentum as the product of mass and linear velocity
i.	describe situations which demonstrate the laws of motion
j.	apply the laws of motion to solve problems
k.	use Newton’s laws of motion to explain the working of common dynamical systems

3.	Energy, Work & Power
a.	understand why energy is defined as the ‘ability to do work’ or the ‘capacity for doing work’
b.	define work done by and work done against a force
c.	distinguish between potential energy and kinetic energy
d.	use the formula for the change of potential energy of an object to solve problems
e.	use the formula for the kinetic energy of an object to solve problems
f.	use the principle (or law) of conservation of energy to solve problems
g.	define power and use the definition to solve problems
h.	understand the meaning and the significance of the term ‘efficiency’
i.	calculate efficiency in a given situation
j.	name some alternative sources of energy in the Caribbean and discuss the feasibility and importance of each of these sources as an alternative to conventional ones

4.	Pressure & Archimedes Principle

a.	define the pressure exerted by a solid, or a liquid on a surface
b.	apply this definition to calculate the pressure on a surface
c.	define the S.I. unit of pressure, the pascal, and convert a pressure expressed in pascals into another unit
d.	explain how pressure is produced by solids and liquids
e.	relate the pressure at a point in a fluid to its depth and the density
f.	apply your understanding of the concept of ‘pressure’ to explain some common situations in everyday life
g.	understand and apply Pascal’s principle to explain the behaviour of common hydraulic systems
h.	use the ‘law’ that pressures are the same at a given horizontal level in a liquid that is stationary and continuous
i.	use the principles of fluid pressure to deduce Archimedes’ principle
j.	use Archimedes’ principle to obtain the ‘principle of flotation’ and then predict
k.	whether a body would float or sink when placed in a given fluid perform calculations using Archimedes’ principle and the principle of flotation
objetivo de aprendizaje

Otros detalles

Orientación para padres
I will present experiments via the document that I will be teaching from and some experiments if conducted may need parental supervision. These experiments do not need to be executed and are just for knowledge. But if a student has the capability to execute then they are free to do so. These experiments are usually conducted in a lab which is a controlled environment. If a student does not have a safe environment to conduct a parent should NOT allow any student to conduct any experiments. ALL students must have a parent present when conducting experiments.
Lista de útiles escolares
Idioma en el que se imparte la clase
Se unió el May, 2020
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente


Clase grupal

15 US$

semanalmente o 120 US$ por 8 clases
1 x por semana, 8 semanas
60 min

Completado por 10 alumnos
Videoconferencias en vivo
Edades: 15-18
3-12 alumnos por clase

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